Trash Men Take Our Men Away

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Trash Men Take Our Men Away

Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Greetings everyone,

Nothing in this dream bears any resemblance to my real life. Here goes:

I was at home with my husband (nirl) in our large house. We walked into the front family room, and I told my husband that I’d had a dream that men would come and we would be taken away. Then it was night and dark outside and several trash men came to pick up the trash; we heard them out front. Just as they finished picking up the garbage a knock came at the door. We looked at each other, not knowing what to think because the trash men did not ever knock at the door. We decided not to answer it. Then several of them knocked louder and louder. Finally one spoke into a megaphone saying something like, “We’ve come to get you,” and, “Open your door.” :shock:

I told my husband, “It’s just like my dream!” We dropped to the floor so our shadows wouldn’t be seen through the curtains over the windows. I crawled across the room and lay on the floor in front of the sofa. My husband went back to the door to turn off the room light and then dropped to the floor. The room was still brightly lit, so he turned off a second switch, and then a third. Finally the room was less bright, but not dark. My husband crawled over beside me and we scooted under the sofa to hide. I knew they knew we were home because the lights were on. I thought that perhaps the trash men would go look into the brightly lit kitchen through the uncovered windows, but I knew no one was in that room. I wondered if we would be safe and thought that we should just “lay low,” waiting and hoping they would leave. :(

Next: It was morning and my husband and I were in the dining room waiting for our large family (guessing 10 to 12 children of every age) to come for breakfast. A little girl and boy came first, then 2 middle-school aged girls. I went to each of the children as they arrived and touched them on their back and said quietly, “Please pray. Pray for us.” They didn’t respond. Then I said to them all, “I’m serious. Pray for us all to be safe.” Finally they took me seriously. The little boy put his hands together and bowed his head and began to pray.

Next: All the men from our neighborhood (or town) had been taken. :shock: :!: I saw a view at a bit of a distance of several of them walking, including our youngest little boy and my husband. They were walking on sheets of ice several feet wide and across, beside a frigid sea. The ice would tilt a bit to one side then the other, and icy waves splashed up onto the edges, as the men stepped onto and walked across the sheets of ice (or ice-platforms). The men had to choose their steps very carefully. My husband lifted our young son onto his shoulders. I knew he would have to carry him the whole way, and that it would be a long journey. :cry:

Next: I was in our house and walked into the dining room. I was heading upstairs to tell a couple of our older-teenaged, or young-adult girls who hadn’t come down earlier what had happened. I saw 2 older women in outdated clothing who seemed like ‘distant’ relatives, standing at the end of two long rows of very-dark (nearly black) kitchen cabinets. The youngest of the two wanted a cut-glass drinking glass and the other was helping her find it. I asked if I could help and walked up beside them and motioned to the upper cabinet (left side) opposite the one they had looked in. I don’t know if I opened the cabinet or the older woman did, but it revealed the cut-glass cups (not fancy, plain glass) inside, and the older of the 2 women gave one to the other woman. :?


Thanks for your comments, thoughts or revelation on this. :wink:

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Post by WaitingforHim »

wow...Lily...I really feel the Lord speaking to you in this dream...I don't have the interp. but I will be praying...I do know that this is a dream from the Lord...And I felt like maybe a warning for the men in your church or city...hmmm...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »


Tx lots for the reply. I'm wondering if this might be a warning to the men in our denomination or ??? Usually if it's about my church specifically my pastor shows up somewhere in the dream, but I didn't personally know any of the men/children in this dream, so I'm left wondering.....

Tx again, and tx for the prayers!

"...All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23b