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Post by Nuachrest »


Just skip down to THE DREAM below if you don't want to read this progress report of how my dreams are changing my walk with God...

So much is changing in real life since attempting to interpret dreams for myself.
So far I have been able to 'hear' and interpret for myself, which is really cool! As I develop, I would like, God willing to be a help to others.

I have found that praying specifically before I sleep, a BIG help. I pray simple things like; asking God to seal up His instruction within me as I sleep, so that I may act on it when I am awake.
I pray that I may KNOW and DO the right thing in my dreams. I ask for instruction and intervention from the Father.
I ask for greater understanding and discernment WITHIN my dreams of His will, and for Angels to be with me and help, as well as watch over my body when I am asleep.

In real life, I then deliberately practice. I would describe it as a kind of 'active listening' when I am awake. I ask the Holy Spirit to give me the interpretations to things I don't understand from the dreams, and He does! Obviously I ask Him about things in the awake life. That's a given.
I ask for scripture references too. This is a gr8 help. Also I am learning about new ways to wrap myself up and 'soak' in God's presence as a continual action. [abiding] It is making life so much better for me now to receive.

I am more sensitive to receiving revelation, and more confident as the answers come, backed up with the word. Sometimes I ask for the answer to be linked to more than one scripture for greater illustration. I am now able to apply this to everyday situations. I would have thought that this kind of living would take up more time, but it doesn't. Listening to God is easier, and I don't watch as much TV. I find that living this way makes me more hungry for the things of God.

If an answer does not come immediately on praying, I simply 'wait' for it to drop into my spirit, and it does! My sleeping life has made my awake life have a greater abundance of peace. (something I prayed for specifically)
Of course all of this is coupled with my usual Bible studies and walk with Jesus. I seem to be getting more done in the same time span, giving me an economy of time. I am keeping a journal as things are changing. I also notice what 'kills' the abiding in His presence and stop doing them.

An example? The other day I worked for too long without drawing aside in my thoughts. His presence lifted and I overstayed with what I was doing for an hour before I realised I was 'labouring' in my own strength. It felt dry and difficult, like, self-effort.
On the bus home, I asked God about it and He explained all this to me. I am learning! So I won't be making the mistake of doing that again, as His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I need to recognise this.

Also, instead of praying for some things, I just 'think' them and they manifest. At the moment I am practising on 'little things', but they really are manifesting, and it is fun!
It feels like I am being built up in faith, as the Holy Spirit brings to rememberance what has happened in the past and makes sense of it for me. Like the difference between RELIGION vs LIVING FAITH.

A couple of days ago I had a short dream. I was very high up, above the clouds on a ledge in mid-air. Towards me came two lions. God the Father spoke up on the 'inside' of me and said, "Land on them" So, in obedience, I grabbed the lions and leapt off of the ledge! (I think by the necks?) We tumbled, falling, falling through the blue sky. They kept trying to move out of my grip and they were so muscular. The ground was fast approaching which my mind knew. I knew that the lions should cushion my fall, but oh my, they were not beneath me as they struggled. At one point I could see the blue sky between me and them through the gap between us! (at one point I was aware of little white clouds, but we fell below the clouds) Then the thought came that my feet would hit the ground before them, (the lions) and that 'naturally' I would be smashed!

Then as the ground rushed, I thought I had missed it as they still were NOT beneath me. For a split second, I wondered where God was? Then SUPERNATURALLY they STACKED. One on top of the other, BENEATH me!
I didn't do that...I knew it was God.
I don't remember the landing. I wasn't hurt.

Then I woke up. HAPPY!!!! So very happy, I knew I had the victory in something, but what?Also I knew that I am far far above all dominion and principality with Jesus. I know this authority [exhousia] that He has given me in my 'Knower'.

For me the additional milestone in this dream was HOW Father spoke to me. Always in my dreams, it is AUDIBLY or sometimes written form, and He will get me to read the scripture. This time, He spoke INSIDE of me, like He does when I am awake and I discern His voice. Yeehah! I was so pleased to hear Him so intimately in my sleep like this for the very FIRST TIME!. In this new way!

In real life of course I asked in prayer about the lions, "What were they?" "What did they represent?" etc etc...
As I was getting ready for work, I was impressed that the lions were significant of something important and I hadn't gotten what it was.
Then the Holy Spirit dropped into my spirit, "JOBS". Oh, so they symbolise work? Okay?

I then went to Psalm 91, as I was impressed to in my quiet time, and BAM! Psalm 91:13 'You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.' I prayed and thanked God.

Then He drew my attention again to the lions, this time, "What did they look like Karen?". I said "Lord, they looked like Lionesses, female because they didn't have big manes." Then I realised, their manes were not like big males, because they were YOUNG LIONS!

Then came this scripture bubbling up in my spirit LOUD and CLEAR...

Psalm 34:10
The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing!

Oh wow! Boy did I have a great day, just on that communication alone! Let alone the rest God spoke to me about through the day.

Does anyone have anymore thoughts? Have I missed anything? I posted this dream and the additional info above it as an encouragement, as I believe God speaks to us in dreams to help us.

On the job front, I want what God wants for me, not what looks good in the natural. So in peace I will choose His will on earth, as it is in Heaven.
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Post by TamaraLynne »



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Post by GaAngel »


Lions often represent being under spiritual attack. People often think of "the enemy" as being "the devil" only. There are other types of evil spirits -- oh yeah--- and don't forget the evil people. The fact that you were in the heavenlies, confirms that something is going on that could affect you in some negative way. God told you what to do to defeat the enemy affecting you. Praise be to God that you listened and obeyed. Even though it might not seem as though you've defeated your enemies in real life, they are defeated and you will soon see it; they will be defeated before you in real life when you least expect it.

You are correct about spiritual vs. religious. Too many people hear the word, but are defeated in so many areas of their life. They make excuses for not taking action. Some go as far as saying something negative that's happening to them is a lesson from God! Anything that's not like God can't be from God. Jesus came so we can have life and have it more abundantly. He didn't come for us to be sickly and be more sickly, be poor and poorer, etc. Those perils are not from God.

But not you. It seems that you will experience many victories in your life because you not only crave a closer walk with God, but you actually do what He needs you to do. Many people fail to realize, that in order for God to act in our lives, we must also take some type of action on our part.

Many blessings to you as you move from victory to victory!
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Post by charlie »

Nuachrest wrote:Towards me came two lions. God the Father spoke up on the 'inside' of me and said, "Land on them" ... I knew that the lions should cushion my fall...

...so...the two lions were to li-on and re-ly on :mrgreen:

Great testimony...hope you will continue to share.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by OverSeers »

GaAngel wrote...
People often think of "the enemy" as being "the devil" only. There are other types of evil spirits -- oh yeah--- and don't forget the evil people.
So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27

Take care not to make the grievous error of failing to separate the person from the spirit in operation.

Satan is the source of all evil.
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How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head....
~Psalm 133