are these universal symbols?

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are these universal symbols?

Post by Nuachrest »

Lately I dream a lot about Troop ships full of Angels on assignment. (these Angels are dressed for combat) they wait for us to give them orders. One spoke to me to call in and dock a troop ship and I knew He was the Captain of the Host. I told Him I couldn't speak German. (which in awake life I can) He was unmoved and insistent, so I just spoke in tongues and the ship came in! We were in a landing craft with Angels in formation.

Also I have seen huge boats that can carry whole cities. Another common theme is where I also dream of oceans.

Does anyone know what dreaming of oceans and troop ships means?
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Post by discerning »

Ship: Large, complicated, flowing ministry or church. (1 Kings 9: 26-28; Ez. 30: 9; Acts 27: 1-2; Ps. 48: 7; Matt. 8: 23-27; 24: 38; Luke 5: 4; Psalms 74: 13-14; Prov. 31: 14; Ps. 18: 10)

Battleship: Warfare in the Spirit.

Sea: People; false-hearted teachers of the Word of God; nations of the world; gentiles; obstacle; unsettled multitude of humanity; the through faith; fast progress; right standing with God; the Gospel being increased and sent forth. (Is. 11: 9; 48: 18; 60: 5; Ps. 68: 22; Jude 13; James 3: 11-12; Rev. 4: 6; 15: 2)


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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Wow Nuachrest, :shock: :!: :D

Awesome dreams of angles on assignment!!! Lately a similar thought has been on my mind - that of Christ followers recognizing and using the authority we've been given. Your dreams take it to a whole new level.

I saw a dream of angel troopers on assignment not too long ago - one of the most amazing dreams I've ever had. They were the most awesomely georgous "people" I've ever seen.

Thanks so much for sharing. I'd love to read the details of some of your dreams. Have you posted any of them?

Blessings & thanks again,
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Angels hearken unto the voice of the word

Post by Nuachrest »

Wow Nuachrest,

Awesome dreams of angles on assignment!!! Lately a similar thought has been on my mind - that of Christ followers recognizing and using the authority we've been given. Your dreams take it to a whole new level.

I saw a dream of angel troopers on assignment not too long ago - one of the most amazing dreams I've ever had. They were the most awesomely georgous "people" I've ever seen.
Hi Lily,

I know what you mean. Somewhere there is a scripture about Angels looking into and being amazed at what we humans in the 'earth suits' are doing. If I can find it, I will post it. It blows away the religious mindsets!

I have not posted any of the Angel dreams here yet. Didn't really feel led to. I posted 3 dreams on Sunday just gone though. The one about leaping on lions has a preamble to it that may be of interest, prayerwise.

About Angels. In my dreams they teach me stuff. [which I ask Father to do for me as I sleep and dream] See the post mentioned above...

One dream last week, they taught me how to bungey jump in the Spirit. (I know, that sounds crazy) But they were preparing me for warfare. Long story. The point is, I got what I was being taught straight out of the Spirit and apply it not only within my dreams, but to my daily life along with the scriptures that come with it.

I never really take much notice of Angels as in how they look, more of what they are there for. What must I learn, do etc? As I want to be a keen study, and also effective. By reason of use, exercising my senses. When my Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit appear to me or speak, I listen up. I love being with them, so much and being aware of it! Now that, I am addicted to!

When Angels speak to me, it is never nicey, nicey, or flowery language. They EXPECT me to do right and not wimp out. I don't know how to word that properly. But like the Captain of the Host on the landing craft who told me to call the big boat in. He expected me to command.

Other times Angels will do fun things, but there is a hierarchy that I am aware of. Got it! Got the words! They guard me as Guardians! And they take that role very seriously, yet, I am not treated like a child, more like royalty in training. That's what it feels like! They are bodyguards who look out for me, but expect me to put into practice what I have learned in the Spirit. I have respect for them, but it is I, who have the Authority through Jesus which they are constantly aware of. Even though I am learning to function in both realms.

I am definitely what you would call a word and Spirit girlie, first and foremost. When I have heard people say they wanna see Angels, in my heart I've prayed. "I'd rather see You Jesus, but I am more blessed because I haven't". Angels are what they are, ministering spirits. It is good when they are around, asleep or awake.

A couple of nights ago, I learned to use an internal 'zoom' mechanism at will in my sleep. I asked a question in the dream and deliberately scrutinized something and it got bigger and I was able to examine it in detail, whilst at the same time speaking out loud the description of it, so that I would remember it when I woke up. I found that pleasing. I understood it to be merely a part of the prophetic 'faculty' we possess. A tool.

As for authority in dreams or otherwise, the authority of the believer is in the earth and Heavenly realms both at the same time. What we decree lawful in the earth is lawful in Heaven, and what we bind is bound. That is why we can raise the dead in Jesus' name. 2 realm function. Kingdom dynamics. Jesus sits in Heaven ruling and reigning, and we are on earth ruling in His name. Cool!

In an Angel dream I learned that I had this authority and God literally had my back as I stared demons down. It was effortless. But this was based on my covenant that Jesus' blood ratifies. I could literally 'feel' the backing of Almighty God flowing through me.

This dream I have kept to myself, as I am sure some people would call that arrogance on my part. I do as Mary did, and keep it in my heart, and dream diary! lol!

Hope some of this helps.
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Post by Taps »

Nuachrest... Karen

Delighted to read your heart as I read your post.
Charming conversation... well informed.
Even though I am learning to function in both realms.
Here is a tip that I am discovering over the last couple years. There is only one realm... erase the lines (the boundaries that exist in your mind) and it will be easier to function seamlessly.

Going to go visit your other posts now. You're like reading a good book.
Cheers... Taps 8)
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Post by Nuachrest »

Hi Lily,

I know what you mean. Somewhere there is a scripture about Angels looking into and being amazed at what we humans in the 'earth suits' are doing. If I can find it, I will post it. It blows away the religious mindsets!

Its been bugging me for a week now, that I haven't posted that scripture ref mentioned above. Must be the right/ripe time now.

Ephesians 3:9-11 (New International Version)
9and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 3:9-11 (Amplified Bible)
9Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan [regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men] of the mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in [the mind of] God Who created all things by Christ Jesus.

10[The purpose is] that through the church the [a]complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere.

11This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in [the person of] Christ Jesus our Lord,

God hides things, His MYSTERIA/plans not FROM us, but FOR us. Angels long to look into what we are doing and see Gods manifold wisdom MANIFEST through us.
His plans are hidden within cool is that!!!?

It is quite awesome when you meditate on it.
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Post by bjcollin »

I have had many dreams of angels on assignment before, I believe that we only need ask for them in prayer to our Heavenly Father to be posted on our behalf and they are. I do also believe that we need not cross a line and think we have any power to command angels to do anything. They are God's angels and they take orders from Him alone, all we can do is work with them to accomplish the Lord's will and ask that God position them on our behalf.

in Christ,