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Post by Nuachrest »


You wrote a post about the symbol of a loo/toilet. Do you have any more info? Also any info on the number 2 in a dream? (forgive the pun!)

The toilet in the dream was clean, inside and out, white porcelain. I was not in this public bathroom to use the loo, yet the brown stuff came out of it and got onto me.

I was calm and took no blame for this. A woman and child came in and thought I had done this and she said I was disgusting, which I knew I wasn't.

I did not offer a defence, as what would be the point? People who are quick to judge are not interested in the truth.

Then a HASMAT team arrived. An old lady believer I knew from my past. (a prayer warrior) Dressed in the white gear with another.

She investigated the toilet with her co-labourer and reported to me that the blockage was 'round the bend' and 'could not be seen, it had been there from a long time ago'

I then saw it in my mind's eye like a Lichen that grows on a tree , it was inside the workings of the toilet. It would cause waste to be pushed out onto anyone who would use that toilet.

All was white and clean in the large room, there was only one toilet, no cubicle.

The brown waste that got onto me, contained seeds and nuts.

As for the number 2, it was presented in last night's dreaming again. (recurring theme) In another dream.

Thanks for your help
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Post by Taps »

When I read this I had some thoughts come to mind. I'll share them and perhaps it may add to the Stone Soup you're making here... and you might end up with something that you can enjoy and that will serve many. Or you may have to add more ingredients for more flavour and substance.

When people decide to 'rid' or 'purge' themselves of spiritual unrighteousness, Whether on their own part or as an Intercessory role, they often are dealing with the urge to do so. It's a natural function of conviction or burden. Often they feel they are done once the urgency has passed.
They don't feel responsible for a thorough cleaning or inspection of the area of repentance and as they are often only dealing with what they feel needs to be taken care of immediately. This may be the cause of some things being overlooked regarding the hidden 'lichen' under the rim.

Seems that just by association you were judged.
So we walk into the vicinity of where people habitually respond to an urgency to confess and repent and this area becomes a breeding zone for gossip and justification. We step into that environment and because we are covered in excrement of another, it is assumed that it's our crap we're dealing with and we're judged for it.

I had this happen to me a number of times in a different way many years ago. With me it was a baseball game. And it seemed that all the fouls balls found their way to me and hit me on the head or the body somewhere. Didn't matter who was up to bat or where I was standing or sitting.
The area of the prophetic that I walked in was The Game and anything that was bad about it seemed to land on me. It always came back to me, and these foul accusations hit me even tho I may not have done anything wrong. I was a key prophetic voice at the time so it seems I was also the focal point when the topic of the prophetic came up. This was about ooooo 15 years ago... It was a new experience for many believers in our area... as it was around the time of the beginning of the Toronto Blessing. Many people in our area were suspicious of the prophetic because of their lack of experience with it.

So... I see that you, ending up with excrement all over you, is others judging you in a similar way. Seems things done in any public forum run the risk of experiencing some kind of soiling through no fault of our own.

Cheers... Taps
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Post by Nuachrest »


Thank you...

Even from the little I've posted about the loo dream, you are on form.

Interesting to note about what happened to you 15 yrs ago. When you stood out and received the flak for it.

I sat on a vision for 15 years before I released it to the body, because God told me to. When He said release it, I did.

The crud will be thrown at you in the prophetic, but I have learned about where and WHEN to cast the pearls.

Sometimes, I have merely stood, alone, aching to speak out what I had been shown. But the gentle voice of my Commander says "No"

In that standing He sets our foreheads like flint. Not in pride, rebellion, stubborness, or I know more than you kinda way. When you come out you are really tried and tested. So I can appreciate when you stood in what you said, how the messenger took the hits. Hit if you do, and hit if you don't kinda thing.

Now don't laugh! Have you ever said "Why?" to God and received the response.."to build your character"

Have you ever shook your fist at Heaven and yelled at God, "I don't WANT any more flipping character!!!"

Of course not! lol!

Well I confess, this prophet in training has...I bent my poor Father's ear with my whining, grizzling and complaining. Yup!

Boy am I glad, He paid no heed, 'cos He knew what He was doing!

And the times, when I in all sincerity I 'messed up'... boy did He lovingly correct me.
The toilet in the dream was clean, inside and out, white porcelain. I was not in this public bathroom to use the loo, yet the brown stuff came out of it and got onto me.

I was calm and took no blame for this. A woman and child came in and thought I had done this and she said I was disgusting, which I knew I wasn't.

I did not offer a defence, as what would be the point? People who are quick to judge are not interested in the truth.

Then a HASMAT team arrived. An old lady believer I knew from my past. (a prayer warrior) Dressed in the white gear with another.

She investigated the toilet with her co-labourer and reported to me that the blockage was 'round the bend' and 'could not be seen, it had been there from a long time ago'

I then saw it in my mind's eye like a Lichen that grows on a tree , it was inside the workings of the toilet. It would cause waste to be pushed out onto anyone who would use that toilet
Prophets who walk in Spirit and truth cannot offer a defence. They speak the truth of God. The flak comes from those who are not interested in the truth of God, but upholding their own positions first. [Idolatry?]

Prophets pray, for those who persecute them. Comes with the territory, and not those 'God strike 'em down kind of prayers' either! lol!

The unseen blockage, from around the bend, has been there from a long time ago. Yup, can see that too in the Bible. Same opposing spirits behind the move against the prophet of God. Nothing new under the sun....or the rim? lol!

I never wanted to be like the weeping prophet Jeremiah, He got chucked into an underground cistern!

So any volunteers for wanting the office of a TRUE prophet out there?...flushing things out and getting dirty in the process.?

Do you know, I specifically prayed to God in my early years, that He would NOT make me prophetic in ANY way!!!

Some Humour Lord!
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Post by Taps »

I hear ya... .

I remember when I was sent to Scotland to minister for almost a year to 5 churches who were gathering ecumenically for the first time .
I didn't know this before I got there but when I found this out I understood why Father asked me to go. It was an amazing time.

Anyway during their time of Lent I was asked by the Lord to prepare a banquet table... pull out all the stops and make sure there was lots to eat. Wow... That's the way we are.. tradition! Over Presence. He sets a Banquet table... we say we're fasting.
I had individual messages for each of the leaders based on their liturgy (and it was a similar message to all because Father said the message He wanted to give them was this... "Preach to them the words of their own mouths." How can you argue with that eh? I thought that was very clever on His part) and I had a corporate word. I even had questions that the Lord said they would ask answered ahead of time.

Anyway... afterwards... one of the leaders who was leaving with me said.. "So.. how do you think that went? I thought it went well."
I just shook my head inside... and sighed. The Lord started to laugh at me... and He said.. "Taps.. you provoke the spirits...did you think it would be any different for you than it was for me?" I answered a resounding "YES!"

He does have quite a sense of humour our Lord and Father. I should have kept track by writing down all the funny things Father and Jesus have spoken over the years.

Another time I said to Him... "How long is this going to take? When is this going to be done... over.?" To which Father replied... "Taps... you measure things by time.. I measure them by My purposes." and I knew we would be done when His purpose for it was fulfilled and He wouldn't give in to my impatience. Might as well not have begun if it couldn't have been followed through to completion, right.

Blessing Nuachrest
affectionately... Taps