Red Serpents & Red Hawks

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Poetic Seer
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Red Serpents & Red Hawks

Post by Poetic Seer »

Grace & Peace:

I've recently had this dream & any insight will be a blessing. I greatly appreciate it.

Dream: (In this dream, I was watching myself as the dream unfold)

------All I saw was red. The entire scene was red. I was walking naked in this forest. I could only see the back parts of my body & I was at the exit of this path that was exiting this forest. I had just walked pass/or came through a path filled with hawks & serpents. I saw so many hawks & serpents on the ground resting (alert but not moving). Some were on logs & tree branches. They did not bother me when I went passed them. It was like I had them tame where they could not move. (like you tell a dog to "stay") The scene was split in half & on the other side was the entrance of the forest but it was not in the color red (it was regular colors). I saw men walking towards the entrance of the forest & the trees peeled back to open up revealing a path. My self that was looking at the scene felt as though I was trying to get their attention to warn them, but I could not because I was not really there & they did not notice me.

Dream Ended.

Thank you so much for your insight.

God Bless.
Poetic Seer
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Post by charlie »

The sense I have here is that you have moved into a higher level of discernment under the covering of the blood and that you carry now a burden to warn others of dangers you perceive more clearly but which have been overcome.

Are you involved in a teaching ministry?

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Poetic Seer
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Post by Poetic Seer »

Grace & Peace:

You have great perception & insight Charlie. Thanks.

In learning about my giftings, the Holy Spirit has been teaching me & sharing revelations of God's Holy Word to me so that I could teach others. As a seer/prophet, my life has become the training tool.

Recently, I was able to obtain employment. The Spirit of God revealed that it was 3 1/2 years to the date that I was unemployed. This time of unemployment was for me to commune with God. (Uhm--3 1/2 yrs is familiar, right). Jesus ministry on earth lasted 3 1/2 yrs & there are other instances in the Bible that references 3.5 yrs. The disciples were with Jesus (one on one) for 3.5 years before they began their ministry. Guess what's next. 40 days of fasting/tarrying before the Lord so to receive power from on high for ministry.

Keep me in prayer. (I trying to prep myself for these 40 days/nights)

Thanks again. God Bless
Poetic Seer