Bennie Hinn Attacks Me with Lightening Bolts!!

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Bennie Hinn Attacks Me with Lightening Bolts!!

Post by servant »

I was in a room with Bennie Hinn and he seemed mad at me or something. I knew he was going to attack me, so I put up my hand and began praying out loud in tongues as a bolt of satanic lightening flew out of his finger and straight at me. But it could not pass my hand and I kept speaking and by God's power he couldn't harm me. Then I was just calling on Jesus and put my hand down and he still couldn't harm me. I turned a little away from him and when I turned back he had disappeared, but the door never opened, he was just gone.

I may have felt a little fear at the beginning, but I know at the end I had no fear because he could not harm me.

I am wondering if this is showing me that I HAD gone through a trial and made it through, or if I am GOING TO GO through a trial? You may want to read my post in the PRAYER page regarding difficulties recently.

Thanks for any help understanding, of course, I know I will always have trials, etc. I guess they never end.

Grace and Peace,
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Post by clare777 »

When I read your post, the first question that came to mind was, "Why would an anointed man of God, who has a healing ministry, try to hurt you"?
Lightening represents holy ghost power and healing...and also judgement and destruction.

I would ask that you would pray about this dream, I do believe that the Lord wants to do some healing in your life.
The HOly spirit is a gentleman and He will not force Himself on anyone.
I also do beleive that this drream coincides with your other dream..concerning your legs being bare and naked (the flesh)...and you are trying to find a "skirt". We are to put on the full armour of God and we need to be completely covered and walking in the Holy Spirit. Its not my might, not by my power, but by the Holy Spirit.
I would also add that your hubby is your spiritual covering, but I encourage you both to find some "spiritual " coverning who can hold you both accountable, love you both, speak life, and bring you to your next level .
Blessings in Christ,

Now I passed by you again and looked upon you; behold, you were maturing and at the time for love, and I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I plighted My troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord, and you became Mine.
Ezekiel 16:7-9
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I believe this dream may be more about Benny Hinn than you. Benny Hinn is going through a lot right now in his personal life which effects his ministry.

Benny Hinn needs the people who have been blessed by his ministry over the years to intercede for me right now.

BH really needs the people of God to lift him up prayer.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Remember saten likes to masquerade as a angel of light... it maybe the enemy attacking u in th dream but MASKING himself as Benny Hinn.
Its true Benny is going through much personal crisis right now... and is need of all our prayers... The body of Christ in part may have begun top see him in a negative light because of the bad publicity . Even i have had to cast down imaginations and i have loved Benny before he was a nationality y known ministry on the scale he is on now... going back to the early 80s. Maybe ..just maybe this dream could show how some in the body have begun to perceive him?
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Post by discerning »

"Why would an anointed man of God, who has a healing ministry, try to hurt you"?
He wouldn't. The question here is rather
"Who does Benny represent in this dream?"

Hmm....most often in my own dreams, BH represents healing. In this case, it seems to me BH represents the Body, more specifically your current congregation. The very place through which you would expect to receive healing. And yet, the opposite is happening is it not?

For your prayerful consideration..

This is both a warning dream and a dream of encouragement/preparation. Be prepared for the lack of understanding from the local body as you step out in faith. And do not be moved by it! We must not be moved by circumstances BUT only by Himself. Your dreams makes it plain that any stinging words/accusations will not harm you, praise God. Glory!

Keep your focus on Him alone and *know* that HE is the Healer. Keep your eyes & ears open as you continue to move forward, just as you have been. He has great plans for you!



I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by servant »

You have all been so helpful and I appreciate your efforts.

I have prayed for BH and I will continue, I didn't know he was having trouble...I don't keep up with him.

discerning: I believe you hit it right on the head. And we are also concerned that we might be going into the "lion's den" as we go back to Texas. The religious group we grew up around (various congregations who are friendly with one another from the same group) are all very caustic and similar to the group we are leaving. So I am going to add that this group could be included in what you said. This is the main thing we are concerned about with moving back. We will have to go through some type of distancing or have them "cut us off" so to speak or "disfellowship" us.

Oh well, we will have a difficult time for a while, but God is good and I can't wait for the freedom we will have in the end.

Thanks again! This makes much sense. I am so excited to see what God has for us in SA. I had a dream yesterday that the streets were flooded and both of my teen aged kids were soaked!! Praise the Lord!

Blessings on you all!

(edited for a type-o)