Disarming lawlessness...please pray

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Disarming lawlessness...please pray

Post by charlie »

HI folks...I know this is a dream which is probably needing prayer perhaps more than interpretation but insights/revelations also welcome! If you feel able and led to pray I would appreciate it.

I was with a group of people...say 5 or so...not a big group. We were walking together in an urban area but it was not clear where...all I was aware of was the concrete feel of the environment but nothing else...it was very bland and uninspiring basically.

Then some men-about 5, began to emerge (from where?) and I began aware that they were focusing on us in rather a threatening manner...they clearly had us in their sights. I began to encourage the group I was with to move rapidly away and immediately long knives and machetes emerged and they ran towards us.

My feelings were of sickening concern for the group...it seemed that they were a bit clueless and I knew they relied on me to negotiate difficulties...I felt overwhelmed and unable to protect them although the ratio of the men to our group was actually about the same...5 on 5 I would guess, we obviously did not have any weapons.

I tried to think of a way to survive this attack but it felt like a hopeless situation...then one of the guys began to move in on us with his large knife and I decided that I had to disarm him by a surprise move as he wouldn't be expecting that.

I literally ran at him and grabbed the handle of the knife and we wrestled and struggled (all the while I was acutely conscious of keeping the blade away from me) but I was quite sure I had the strength to get it off him and I succeeded.

However, once I had the knife in my hand I knew there was no question of me using it against another human being and I felt sickened, knowing that the rest of the men still had their knives and although I had disarmed the leader I did not want to use his weapon against him or anyone...I also did not want to drop it as they would pick it up and use it against us so I felt the only thing I could do was run with it (I had in mind to throw it somewhere).

As I was running, I was aware that the man soon gave up chase but I also realised that I had left the group...who seemed so powerless and vulnerable.... I knew I had to get help but there seemed to be no one around, no buildings... shops etc....Then I realised I had a mobile phone in my pocket so I rang 999 (this is UK guys!) but in my stomach I felt heavy and sure that it was too late for the rest of the group...and my own escape from danger was meaningless to me. Here the dream ended.

I don't know who the group were...I have the feeling they were all adults but there was not one who i know from real life.

Thanks folks!

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Post by HisBlood »

Here is the Hebrew for 999

Strong's H999 - biynah (Aramaic)
biynah (Aramaic)
bē·nä' (Key)

Part of Speech
feminine noun
Root Word (Etymology)
Corresponding to בִּינָה (H998)
TWOT Reference
Outline of Biblical Usage
1) understanding, discernment

Authorized Version (KJV) Translation Count — Total: 1
AV — understanding 1

I believe you discerned the situation and made a decision based on that!

There is a strong message about lawlessness right now! Miles Munro has been teaching on it, as well as others!

My first thought to this is that you moved out in your authority and used it. Disarming the leader! The others weren't doing the same and that seems to be many in the body, they do not walk or move in their God-given authority! They do not have that revelation of what Jesus accomplished for us on the Cross! We all have to come to that realization of who we are in Christ and the authority that HE has given us to overcome.

Rev 12:11 - "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
You knew how to overcome and also that you wrestle not against flesh and blood (you didn't use the sword to fight)
Eph 6:12 -For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Blessings and Love
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

I am thinking this is a spiritual dream, not literal (did that make sense?). That the men with weapons represented principalities and powers of the demonic realm and reminder here that we war not against flesh and blood, etc (Eph 6) -- as HisBlood also mentioned.

And the Scripture about first binding the strongman before robbing his house, came to mind.

Also, that lack of unity with you and your companions -- you had to flee/become separated from them -- and that was harmful or more harmful, to and for them (not that u did anything wrong in the dream).

Additionally, you saw these men and hid from them. I am not sure but perhaps u were to confront them at the onset? (Pls pray about that).
That you were on the defensive rather than the offensive also comes to mind.

(I am sorry this is so rambly, this post, pls forgive me. I am tired today).

That noone else was fighting, just you, is another point of significance IMO. In a war/battle, there is a unified attack and front. It seems u were left on ur own with these "clueless" other who did not know how to war/fight for themselves. They were overly dependent upon you instead of having their own wisdom, knowledge, weapons and strategy. This strikes me as the Church today (serious lack of knowledge when it comes to intense spiritual warfare).

All this is just what came to me. Please disregard what does not fit.

I pray God grants u further insight and revelation.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT unto your own understanding -- Proverbs 3:5
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Post by MJ »


Your dream reminded me of difficult decisions I have had to make because, just like you said, "...they relied on me to negotiate difficulties...".

Often, when we are thrust into a difficult situation the outcome of whatever we decide to do may "appear" to have been the wrong choice. In some ways it's like we really don't have a choice...the Hand of God moves the hearts of kings for His purposes it says in Prov. 21:1

The running away in the last part of your dream seems like what we are apt to do when we don't see a way out and feel danger all around us. The Bible talks about how strategy is used by the angels while warring demonic forces...like when Daniel was praying for an answer from the Lord and the messenger was delayed because of the angelic battle. Then the answer came (I believe) three weeks later. This was explained to Daniel.

Maybe this dream is encouraging us not to lose heart when everything around us is falling apart. It seems like the Lord is telling you that you are stronger than you think you are---you know when to call upon Him (999).

Hope that helps, if not, God bless you with the right word.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by charlie »

Friends...you've all given me succour here and much to think and pray through.

HisBlood...999 is our emergency services number...wisdom and discernment is a great meaning! Thanks for those great verses...

MW...thanks for your offering...not rambly at all! U may have misread as I did not hide from the attackers at any point. Yes i was concerned re leaving the group to get rid of the long knife but on reflection it was as if each had to make their own stand and disarm their counterpart...I couldn't do it for them, nevertheless I felt a burden for them.

MJ...thank you for that verse in Proverbs! A timely reminder...hubs and I have been in place of working hard from a place of conviction for a season now and we could do with a little more sovereign movement in the hearts of kings just now. I know Abba is on the case... just wriggling a little and a bit anxious I guess.

Yes, not to lose heart...thanks for that encouragement!

grace and blessings all round

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Post by piano »

Hi charlie,

A few thoughts for discernment, prayer.

The area you described urban, and yet uninspiring seems to tell of a place of apathy. I at first thought complacency, but being apathetic fits better.

You are in the 1 in 5 ratio of this apathy.
1 in 5 believers today are willing to stand against this state and not be content in it.

You are in the place of service and fellowship with Our Lord.
You love the saints, and that is part of this service.
Your relationship with Him keeps you safe from the assailing attacks of the enemies that are unseen until the blades of war are seen.
He helps you to know how to disarm them.
(I see this as your instruction in this dream. This would be a concentrated area of prayer IMO)
You are in a position to have His revelation imparted, and taking down the head.

Without Him it is a battle that cannot be won.

The end result for this sleepy state is left up to the Lord in the case of those who you are with, those who take no action.

We can warn, protect, and advise others about the state of the church, the foes that surround us...but we cannot make anyone care to do anything about it.

Jeremiah, Isaiah...they had these same issues.

There comes a time when each person must stand on their own and explain what happened to the oil in their lamp, why they did not refill in Him when the times were getting dark.
I have added a little below and some edit...**
I see 999 as divine judgement.
God will judge the unjust (Holy Justice)
He will bring those to account who oppress and lie in wait to attack those without cause, with their carnal weapons.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

He will also chastise those He loves.
Praise God for His rod and staff, Amen. Psalm 23.
May we all praise that we may be lead back to the flock.

His chastisement is not because many prayers for mercy and revelation of truth havent reached the heavens, not because the love for the Saints has grown cold, but because of a refusal to listen, to hear.
There is a time in every season that He decides its time to act, that we might come back to fear Him....once again having understanding.
It is then the apathy may be lit unto a blazing heart of fire for Him once again.

The heaviness is real. Those who love the saints wish not to see them perish at the hands of the enemy.
It is a sigh of relief to know that you have done everything in your own power, and that the outcome is up to The Lord and He decides on who He will have mercy and compassion.

When it all comes down I make every attempt to remind myself that He will bring us back and heal ALL of our infirmities.

Psalm 130

A song of ascents

Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD;
Lord, hear my voice!
Let Your ears be attentive
To the voice of my supplications.

If You, LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with You,
That You may be feared.

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than those who watch for the morning—
Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.

O Israel, hope in the LORD;
For with the LORD there is mercy,
And with Him is abundant redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel
From all his iniquities.

There are 5 men with blades of their own design.
They have natural strength, (carnal) but the battle is spiritual.
You are given the understanding through Him to break the strong hold (grip) of the enemys head.
Their truth will be discarded..thrown down.
You will run and not be weary.

In the number 5, His Grace is still available.

This song (shortened by removing many chorus) lights up the Holy Spirit within me. It is His work that brings such joy.

God of This City

You're God of this city, you're the King of these people, you're the Lord of this nation, you are...

You're the Light in this darkness, you're the Hope to the hopeless, you're the Peace to the restless, you are...

For there is none like our God, there is none like You, God!

Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city!
Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done here.

You're the Lord of creation, The creator of all things you're the King above all kings, you are...

You're the Strength in the weakness, You are Love to the broken, You're the Joy in the sadness, you are...

For there is none like our God, there is none like you, God!

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
As Piano pointed out, no weapon formed against you will prosper.

I am going to pray against the weapons forming against you at all.

possibly a dream given to you in advance so we can pray against it

(before it happens)

and also to pray for wisdom and discernment on behalf of the helpless in the group.

How will they know unless someone preaches to them?

How will they hear the truth unless someone tells them or they read it for themselves?

I am burdened with this same heaviness regarding the church.

As Christians, we have to step out and take every opportunity to share what we know with others so they can fight against the enemy too!

we HAVE to let people know. snatch some from the fires before it's too late. don't worry about what people think!

New International Version (©1984)
Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by charlie »

Paino...reborn...I am humbled and blessed by your input...not got time now to reply at length, but thank you for sharing your insights...I do need to take time out to pray...I confess I have been in activist mode in recent times...but the warrior needs to return to Abba's lap for strengthening and refocus...if you feel led please pray that I will be able to get back to the intimate place...I think that is what the 999 is symbolising...HELP...I need to make contact Abba on the run...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3