visit from friend that passed on

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visit from friend that passed on

Post by colm777 »

i have repeated dreams of a friend who has passed on, she states its okay she is in heaven and has 3 jobs in heaven. She also explained what occured in the vehicle before she was broadsided and killed. Not sure if she was a christian or not but have been told she didnt belong to a church.

Is this possible? will God send people passed on back to let us know how they are doing?
mary collins

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Post by bjcollin »

Sister Mary,

This happened once with me. A friend at work had a couple of dreams about a friend who was deceased and the message in the dream was that he was fine. I told her that since she had been the girlfriend, I felt that she needed to take the message of the dream to the parents of the guy who had been deceased and comfort them with it. Everything turned out great and a great comfort was brought to the mother about her son. God can use even these types of dreams to His glory and bring healing to people that need to hear from Him.

in Christ,
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Post by Charys »

I don`t disagree with BJ, but my experience was completely different -and I knew this dream was not from God.

After my best friend died from cancer I dreamed she came to my house. She waited patiently for me to finish teaching, as she often did. Then I turned and said `So what`s it like to be dead.` She answered and told me some things about Jesus in a kind of jealous bitter tone. She didn`t look joyful at all. Then she warned me that on a specific date there would be an attempt on my life and that I should get out of town that day.

Dare I say this was one upsetting dream. After a lot of prayer I realized that my mistake was in trying to talk to a dead person, which the scripture warns us not to do. I confessed that and asked for forgiveness. There was also something about her jealous tone that clued me into the spirit behind this. In real life she loved the Lord and looked forward to being with him. This was before I learned to pray about a dream and test the spirits. I rejected this dream, stayed in town that day -without fear- and all was fine.

It is wise to test the spirits according to 1 John 4. 1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
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Post by discerning »

Is this possible? will God send people passed on back to let us know how they are doing?
Mary, the answer to your very specifc question is a resounding 'No'.

Just clarifying here for the beneift of any/all who may be gleaning. Like BJ, I have had similar experiences. Such dreams bring great comfort in times of loss...blessed assurance to loved ones in their time of mournng. Point being, such dreams are from The Comforter, the Lord God Himself....not from someone who has passed on. The Word is very clear on this subject.

If you truly sense this dream is from *the person who has passed on* rather than Himself, know that it is a ploy of the enemy to lead you into deception and rebuke him.

be blessed,

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Post by peggyo »

I had a "closure dream" when my father passed, that is what I call them (not what Charys is speaking of, but a dream on the up and up). In my dream I just hugged my father and told him I appreciated him more than anyone. It was something I didn't have the chance to say when he was still here and I'm not sure I would have had the wherewithall to say anything that meaningful even if he had been coherent. But honestly the dream was right on target with how I truly felt, so it may have been my subconscious making closure for me at his passing.

Yours is a really interesting dream, especially since it is repeated, but I have read dreams before along the lines of closure dreams. It's hard to know why you would be given information like this and what purpose it would have for you, as dreams generally have a message for the dreamer.

I personally don't look at these dreams as the "person being sent back." Just because someone appears in a dream doesn't mean that person themselves is being sent to you but are symbolic. Dreams can have messages for us. I think the message that she is okay and she is in heaven is certainly credible, considering you are uncertain of her believing status. The 3 jobs and what she was doing in the vehicle before the accident I might take as proof that the information could be valid.

I certainly had no conscious thoughts along the lines of the statement I had made to dad in my dream about him. That I had appreciated him more than anyone hit me as news! It was probably true but not anything I had put together in my own daytime thinking.

Interesting my father dreamed of his death before he passed and when I went to see him the week before I asked him how he was doing and he said "I dreamed I died and went to my funeral." I just took it all a sign that he was soon to pass and this was his preparation. Did he really go to his own funeral before his passing--I never took it to mean that, but that he was having a prophetic dream, foretelling and preparing him (and me!) for what was to come.

I would take the dream more valid if you had actually prayed about your friend after her passing asking God if she made it to heaven. I have done this before for a gentleman I was witnessing to before he suicided. God never did give confirmation of what happened to this old gent after his passing, but I did have a precursor dream before his passing where I saw looking out my front door squad cars all up and down his driveway and the information that the FBI had come to investigate him was part of the dream. I did share this dream with this neighbor because I couldn't figure it out and thought he would find it funny, which he did and we laughed about it! I could not fathom the dream's meaning at the time, but then the evening after his suicide I looked out my front door and again saw the police cars lined up in his driveway cause they had come to investigate the suicide as his son had been outside when it happened and they needed to make sure it was not an assisted suicide.

Very common type dreams I believe.

Prayers you receive the understanding you need!
PEggy O.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Yes, I believe it is possible for God to reassure us of where our loved ones are after they have died, of their whereabouts, etc.

This has happened to me, after my brother died. It was a very interesting but also very personal dream. I have not shared it with anyone.

Also had a vision where I saw him in Heaven, surrounded by others. He did not see me but I wasnt "there"; I was just being shown a snapshot into Heaven where he was/is, and I saw he was very, very happy and joyful and very excited. So caught up in whatever they were doing there that earth was hardly a passing thought at all.

They do not forget their lives lived on the earth but it is not their focus. How do I know? God spoke to me about this.

Of course we are not to seek to "contact the dead" as that is clearly a vlolation of Scripture and God cannot and will not EVER violate His Word.
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