alsatian jumping fences in my garden!

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alsatian jumping fences in my garden!

Post by leila78 »


I would be grateful for your thoughts/interpretations on this dream.

I was in my dinning room which had been turned into an office, there were other people that I was working with but I couldn't see their faces. The office comprised of a long desk area with individual compartments, places to put files, area to house
Computers etc. so that each person had their own organised desk area. This was made of beautiful rosewood which was very rich in colour. It was new and as I was checking the area, suddenly, someone who I used to have feelings for appeared and wanted to speak with me even though my focus was on ensuring everything was clean and working well.
In the next scene I went to the kitchen and looked in the store room which had a side window which faced street, people were walking up and down the street. I walked over to the kitchen door, opened it and saw the garden all green, with the grass neatly trimmed. There was a dog (an alsatian) that had jumped from the next door neighbours fence into the garden, ran down to the back of the garden and jumped and stood on the back fence. I wondered where this dog could have come from. In the next scene I opened the front door of the house and there were many workers with roles of lawn, laying new soil in the front garden - I realised that the dog coul have been theirs. It was a bright sunny day.


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Post by MJ »


I thought your dream spoke of enjoy things being orderly and neat, or you desire to have them so. Are you at a place in the spirit where things are flowing nicely? It seems the order is about your heart, thus the garden and the work being done on it.

The desk spoke to me of knowledge---more head knowledge than heart knowledge. It appeared beautiful to you since you were admiring the desk and the type of wood. Knowledge does take time and hard work to develop, just like the desk in your dream.

The thing that was perplexing to me and might indicate an area for you to pray about was the fact that the dining room was converted into an office area. The dining room speaks of service, serving people, but now it seems knowledge is more important in the house. In the trade off, a type of temptation takes place through the man in your dream. He comes as a form of distraction because you are more focused on the office now than your past, and what might have been.

Help arrives in your dream to lay new lawn. Back to working on heart issues---the dog is more like an observer in your dream, almost like a form of an angel (not talking about animals taking the form of angels, it's just a dream). Since the dog comes with the people it seems he/she attracts your attention to you can be drawn back to what is really taking place on your lawn---maybe emotional issues that need to be dealt with.

Please pray about this---I felt the Lord was speaking to you regarding important issues in your life. I trust this has been somewhat helpful.


"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by leila78 »

Thank you Mj.

The book case in my actual dinning room is rampacked with books (knowledge) and the shelves are made of the beautiful rosewood that I had in my dream. There are a number of things that I desire to have order with in my life at the moment which is necessary. There is actually work that needs to take place in both gardens but it made me think why I looked in the kitchen store room only to look through outside on the street. It may be an indicator that instead of getting spiritual food - I,ve been more concerned with things going on around me rather than looking side myself,

Thank you for your input MJ,

