Man Sharing Foods on an Unstable Table

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Man Sharing Foods on an Unstable Table

Post by servant »


In the dream a man had made a bunch of different foods and was showing me each item and we would eat a little. I remember the pumpkin bread was good (irl I have been craving this). But the table was just a top and was balanced on our laps and a couple of other things. The table became unstable and I asked a couple of Japanese (?) women standing nearby to help us with it so the food wouldn't spill. They set it on the ground a little ways away. Then some animals tried to get the food and I saw at least one fly on the table. The man shooed the animals away, etc. He then got upset with some people nearby about all the pumpkin bread being gone and I told him that I had eaten the last piece since it was so good and he was ok with that.

Does this have something to do with the teaching that is being done at the congregation we are attending? I can't wait for my husband to get a job so we can move, but we must endure until then (we live in the parsonage and it wouldn't be good to attend elsewhere). Also, my husband taught a class on Acts last night that was really good.

Thanks for anything you feel led to share.
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Post by MJ »


Your dream spoke more to me of the job seeking your husband is doing than anything else.

Is it possible this dream represents different job offers, like the different types of food? Then the man wanted what you had eaten---it seems like you will take a job that someone had set their heart on (but then he is alright with you taking it). Asking for help in your dream may indicate your posting on here ---the Japanese women who you didn't know are the people who are trying to help you on this site.

That is what I received. Hope it is helpful.


"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by servant »

Thank you for the response, MJ. I can see what you are suggesting, and since this dream occurred on the same night as a couple of other dreams involving the job search, you are probably right. I will have to consider this closer.

We started fasting yesterday and I had an interesting dream last night. I need to spend some time bringing the thoughts together and praying about it.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me.

Much blessings,
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Post by jackiebauerle »

Your dream speak mostly of the support system of the serving of the food.

Example: the 1st time....table top stable the food was spoiled due to spilling, Yet...note: some were fed even though food was spoiled.

2nd choose a culture that is know to eat on the floor. You cannot spill when on the floor...less of a risk, the support appears solid and balanced. Yet, food was spoiled by snatchers...animals invading and a fly.

The message is some food will be spoiled different ways.

Note: He made many DIFFERENT foods. You had a craving for one specific food. The dream ended with the cook being ok with you eating all of the one you liked.

Perhaps this is guidance on choices you have to make? Look at how it is served and choose/focus on the one you like the most.

Lord, open the doors and understanding to your will. Order the step of this family in Jesus Name...Amen!
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Post by servant »

Thank you so much, jackiebauerle. You bring some very good things to mind and I will pray and consider them. Perhaps it is a choice for us like you said.

Thank you for the prayer as well.

Bless you,
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Post by sigmon2 »

I got to feel on shaky ground/the table.....there is one person in charge/the cook......there are choices/the foods.....there are different people to help/ the other women......there is problems,possible attacks/animals......hunger for one outcome/the pumpkin bread.......
to me you need to be grounded to make your choice which you are already hungry for and is meant for you to have and not any one were ok to taste test and to even get other opinions but in the end it was the main man that was the main opinion that was important cause he has the power to shoo the bad things away............I am not trying to answer what you are deciding I am only saying that I think the man might be the Lord....and you might have the answer already you just need to eliminate all the clutter around the answer............
sorry if this is not helpful...........
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry