Brooklyn Bridge

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Brooklyn Bridge

Post by godseeker »

so i had a dream,.and i and many others were living under water,.thriving and enjoying it,.like fish,.we just swam under water a lot,.we were even breathing,.and then i noticed that the brooklyn bridge started to crumble and fall into the sea,.as this was happening,.it began to cut off the oxygen supply that we had below water,.all of sudden as the pieces of the bridge would fall into the water it would taint the water and we were not able to live under the water like before,.some were starting to drown now,

strangely,.we were not even able to swim right anymore,.i remember someones father standing up on the shore,.and i remember yelling and getting angry at him,.because some of his kids were in the water and he would not help

this could be nothing,.haven't had a nothing dream in a minute,.but i really did not get this one
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Just a thought

Post by Gold »

You you have stocks.. as in the stock exchange that youve done well with them up to this point (breathing ok) but maybe due to the economy that your stocks are not doing so well and your oxygen (life) is not as good as it use to be or maybe the place you work at is somehow connected to NY.
Ecc 10:19... Money is the answer to everything.

Mk 11:24 I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer BELIEVE that you HAVE received it,and it will be yours.
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Post by ditte3 »

I'm going to pray about it.
"lives like fish in the water" is a saying that means someone lives well,he has everything.
Mabe something happens that changes this.
I'm not sure if it's meant in general or if it's church related or both.
These are my first thoughts.Please pray about it.Listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
God bless you.
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Post by bjcollin »

Interesting dream. The Brooklyn bridge crosses the east river and connects Brooklyn with Manhattan. To me as a symbol, living under water like you described has two different meanings... one can mean we are living and seeing what is under the surface ie prophetic seeing, but another meaning I have seen is that when we are under the seas it means we are living in the world as well. To me this dream shows that there might be another financial breakdown coming to America in the future that will cut off our ability to breathe (or live comfortably in the world) as yall seem to have described it in the previous posts. We shall see on this dream. Hope this sorta helps.

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Post by Linda »


I feel this may be an end-time dream and I seem to feel what Brian's interpretation says.

Also a sea can represent a "sea of people" which I can see in this dream meaning living in the midst of worldly people but we are not of them. We move and breathe and have our being in Jesus.

I am a pre-trib person; but that doesn't mean that we won't experience rough times. I also feel that very soon very hard times are about to explode on this world and especially this country. Change is coming and prophecy will be fulfilled.

We already are seeing things looming upon this country that are horrible. Main thought here :

The massive Slaughter of the Innocents taking place in this country in abortion clinics and hospitals; I believe has a lot to do with our downward spiral. (Our country was founded on religious freedom to worship the Lord not buddah or anyone else--but those precious babies are not given any choice as they are ripped from limb to limb and thrown in the garbage or used for research projects! as I typed that I wonder if it may have to do with these little darlings. they are in fluid like little fish (even resemble them at first; and have a life line or bridge connected to the women whom they are living within. The line of course gets torn and they can not survive.

So I think this dream could have a number of levels.

One more what caught my eye was the Brooklyn Bridge the time of year this is (Thanksgiving) and a conversation with my son just yesterday; who suffered head trauma years ago. He is very attracted to bright sparkly things which reminded me of the Native Americans who sold off their Manhattan for 15 dollars and a few cheap shiny beads! (This could also go along with the abortions-- for a few moments of pleasure and "love" to satisfy desires some people are destroying what should be the most precious thing in the world to them! (I just heard earlier: 8000 lovely sweethearts a day!)

As you can tell I Am Not "Pro Abortion". I hate it. I do pray for those who have had it done and those that are considering it. I know the Lord wants them saved too!

Pitch what doesn't fit!

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Brooklyn Bridge

Post by jumpinjon »

I did not read the replies to this dream you had because I did not want to be influenced by them, but I will read them after I have posted my reply.

In this dream you mention a bridge. A bridge connects things like land masses across water or over a river. The key word here is CONNECT. Bridges make it easier to CONNECT, but in this dream the bridge came falling down into the water which it made it harder for you and the other fish to swim. This is interesting because you probably know the saying, "Don't Burn Your Bridges." In relationships if we "Burn Our Bridges" it makes it that much harder to communicate. I would pray and ask God what caused this bridge to fall, it could be a good thing or evil only God knows. Hope this helped and as usual if you don't agree throw it out.
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Post by o2grace »

I have had finances on the brain lately so please disregard if it doesn't fit....

People being underwater could represent being in debt (having negative net worth) but still being able to function and have a good life. To still feel like everything is okay.

The structure above crumbles and this ability is lost.

I am not from New York and my knowledge is limited. But loosing this bridge could also represent a widening gap between rich and poor. Manhattan rich / business and Brooklyn more poor.
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Post by MJ »


I felt you had an end-time type of dream. What I got from it was that we are slowly, and maybe at other times, quickly, losing oxygen---our physical lives, and our spiritual lives. Things collapsing and falling in on us and it causes pollution and decay. Drowning people and people not caring---sounds like the times we live in today and what we see in society.

God bless you.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by godseeker »

thanks everyone..certainly gonna continue to pray about it,.thanks for all the insight will take it all into consideration,.really feeling the financial insight