Wonder BREAD and 246

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Wonder BREAD and 246

Post by Mona »

I had another group of visions last night and today

I saw a white concrete building that had the sign posted on it WONDER BREAD. I also saw the various colors of circles above the sign just like it is on the actual Wonder Bread packaging.

Then immediately after this, I then saw a Convenient store Window with something posted in the window. It reminded me of a sea shell and sun combined together. On the ray part of this sign, I saw a written Word DAY and then in the center or core part of the shell or sun, I saw numbers 246.

Then today, my husband stopped at the shell gas station. When I looked up I immediately noticed the pump numbers that were in my view. pump 2 pump 4 pump 6...How ironic...All the other pump numbers were not in view except for these. I had that HOLY SPIRIT moment to say what is going LORD and what is this. So right afterwards I had to drop my husband off at work but then had to wait for him to bring something from his work out to me. As I waited, I fell into another vision and then this is what I saw.

I saw a blanket of a sheer gold rustled together which looked like many folds and looked like a shell of some sort almost like an oyster shell or clam shell. In the middle of this sheer gold blanket lied two wrapped presents. Both presents were a boxed rectangular shape and one was a deep red with gold ribbon and the other box was gold glitter wrap.

I believe all these visions correlate. The red and gold is also the color scheme of the shell gas station and then I realized my dining room and living room are those very same colors. Then the Shell Gas Station and the numbers????????? Talk about Wonder Bread ? I am certainly wondering for sure... Hidden wisdom maybe as gems are found in oysters and sometimes clams. Pearls of Wisdom maybe you can help me out here, LOL!!
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Post by spiritledd »

I believe one of the things the Lord may be trying to speak to you about is keeping the sabbath holy?
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Post by eyes.enlightened »


There are so many symbols in your visions. We know that Jesus is the bread of life. It come to me from Isaiah 9: 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful.

The convenient store brings to my mind, the scripture from Isaiah 55:1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Number 246:

Number 2: Two - THE NUMBER OF DIVISION. The Son who has two natures: human and divine. There are 2 Testaments: the Old and New. Man is Male and Female. Rom. 9 speaks of two vessels: one for honorable use and the other for dishonorable use. Two types of people: Sheep and Goats. There are two ages, this age and the age to come: Matt. 12:32; 13:39,40,49; Mark 10:30. Two is unity plus another, thus we have a difference or a contrast between the one and the other. Two is the first number by which we can divide another, in all of its uses this fundamental idea of division or difference shows through. The first time that the word two is used in the bible is in relation to this theme of division. The sun and the moon were to mark out the division between the day and the night. Thus the first use of two in the Bible was to make a division.

Number 4: Four - THE NUMBER OF CREATION - North, South, East, West; 4 Seasons. The 4th commandment is the first that refers to the earth. The 4th clause of the Lord's Prayer is the first that mentions the earth. The materials of the tabernacle were four and so were the coverings and the ornamentations. We have seen that three represents divine perfection, with special reference to the triune Godhead. The father, one in sovereignty, the Son the second person who was made incarnate and the Spirit the third person of the Godhead. Four is three plus one, and it denotes therefore that which follows the revelation of the three in one God, namely His creative works. God is known by the things which he created.

Number 6: Six - THE NUMBER OF MAN: Man was created on the 6th day. Man labors 6 days only. The Serpent was created on the 6th day. The 6th commandment is "Thou shalt not murder." Six words are used for man: Adam, ish, Enosh, gehver, anthropos, anar. Also, 6 x 6 = 36. 36 + 35 + 34 + 33 + 32 . . . 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 666. 666 is the number of the antichrist. This means that the name of the antichrist in Greek adds up to 666. This is a mockery of the Trinity. Six is clearly stamped in the bible as the number of man. It was on the sixth day of creation that God created people. Six could be seen as being four - the creation or mankind's world, plus two - division or mankind's separation from God. Alternatively six could be five - the grace of God, plus one leading to the grace of God being made of no effect by mankind's addition to it. Finally six might also be viewed as seven - spiritual perfection minus one, i.e. mankind's coming short of spiritual perfection.

Gold: Glory or wisdom: Truth; something precious; righteous; glory of God; self glorification. 2 Chron. 16:2a, Col. 2:3, James 2:2-4

Rectangular: To see a rectangular in your dream represents permanence, materialism and stability. It also refers to God's creation. This has also been used when describing the vastness of space.

Red: Passion: Emotion; anger; hatred; lust; sin; enthusiasm; zeal. James 4:1; Revelation 6:4; Isaiah 1:18

I agree with you, it could have something to do with hidden wisdom or even hidden treasures. Seek and you shall find...Matt. 7:7; Jeremiah 29:13. And when you mentioned pearls, I think about the scripture that says, Matthew 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: 46Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

I pray this will help you. I know what it feels like to seek to understand my visions and dreams from the LORD. I have so many dreams, just this year I have journaled over 200 or so dreams, not to mention the visions. I love dreaming, it is an adventure, but sometimes it takes time to find out what God is saying to me. I keep meditating and praying until I get that "ah, huh" moment.
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Post by bjcollin »


Wonderful dream/visions! Of course this first dream is not talking about actual wonder bread or about the shell oil company gas station, so I feel that it is more symbolic in nature. Although it is always neat to hear about physical conformations when we see things in the natural that line up with what God is speaking to us. Wonder Bread to me speaks to the Word of God and to Signs and Wonders occurring. These signs and wonders occurring are to be a sign to you (ref Hebrews 2:4). Then you saw a sign at the real shell station with the pumps 2,4,6 that made you wonder what God was up to.

As you elude to at the end of your post, the middle vision is the key in this. I feel that in the vision the Lord is showing you His manifold glory. I am not sure on this part, but it seems that wrapped up in this glory are either two different gifts from Him that he is making available to you or two different gifts that you must choose from. One of the gifts to me is gold and glittery ie it looks real good on the outside, and the other gift is wrapped in red with a gold bow which seems to represent Godly wisdom and power with His bow wrapped around it. I do not know what the fullness of either of these two gifts are yet but I think you are about to step out into more of His fullness and find more of these gifts working through your life. Sounds exciting, hope this helps.

in Christ,
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Post by Mona »

Thank you all for the insight and symbolism!! I agree BJ that I will be coming into the fullness of such a presents or PRESENCE of God's fullness of some giftings. What has been in my spirit, I must share. I believe the Wonder Bread is representation of the LOGOs or written word of God. However the bread must be partnered with the wine for we do not live by bread alone but by every word that is spoken from the Father's mouth. So with that I believe we need the wine. Sometime ago I came into a revelation that the LOGOs word is the like the bread and the Rhema Word is like the wine. Yellow and Red is the main colors of these visions. Bread is actually yellowish gold when baked with natural and unbleached flours and of course the red as the wine. So what I am understanding is that the LOGO's and RHEMA word operate together as do the BREAD AND WINE!! It is a particular type of communion and fellowship among the breathern.

The Lord has also showed me several things just through this understanding. So many Christian only take the bread without the wine and vise versa. Christians can also take the wine without the bread. In either case, neither come into the fullness of the LORD's communion. We can only come into the fullness of the LORD when we take the bread and wine together.

Still more seeking the LORD in all of what HE is trying to express through these visions and experience. PRAYING AND STILL SEEKING and I know with the Lord it may be a process he is taking me through to bring the fullness of HIS understanding.

Thanks again for the thoughtful considerations and insight my dear brothers and sister. I always look forward to all of your inspiring and edifing words.

Psalm 96:1
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Post by Mona »

almost a double post
Psalm 96:1
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Post by will »

This seems to fit.

Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

Also the daily bread eaten in the wilderness was called manna? Wonder what manna means? It means; What is it?

I think that God is saying that he has mysteries to reveal to you. We find hidden wisdom when we wonder and say; What is it?. Often fresh revelation is obscured by commonly held ideas or pre-suppositions. We are preparing for the Day when we know as we are known. Here is a link to the history behind Wonder bread. I think it is pretty interesting.


Great dream,
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Post by Mona »

Thank You Will

Love that verse!!!
Psalm 96:1
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.