My camera not working.

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My camera not working.

Post by steadyone »


I was in Africa with Heidi's ministry. I wanted to take pictures but my camera would not work. I tried to fix it but it still will not work. A group of us went to the store and I am still trying to get my camera to work so I can take a picture. I knew my camera worked but for some reason it was like it would not work on purpose. I put it on a thing that control that works at night and II gather the group in the store to take a picture and it still did not work. I said out loud, "Great now I have no proof I was here."

Any insight would be great!

Camera not working

Post by Kbrown »

This immediately jumped off the page at me so I had to respond.

Luke 8:17 for there is nothing that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come out into the open.

A camera takes pictures and a picture is worth 1000 words. If we look at pictures we can learn so much about a person, situation, event etc. Is there something in your life that God is trying to talk to you about? Or are you attempting something on your own without God's help or assistance? Perhaps the reason the camera wouldn't work. Perhaps there is you are trying to hide or has been hidden covered up in your life?

I could be way off here so take what fits and throw away the rest.

I will pray for you.

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Post by steadyone »


No I honestly have nothing hidden at all. I have been very ill. Humm I have had encounters I have thought of lately that no one would believe if I told them.

So no none of that fits.

Thanks though

Post by Kbrown »


Thanks for letting me know. I think it's important as we reach out and try to help others to know when we connect and when we don't. I just had the same experience, where nothing fit in a response I received.

You have blessed me by helping to see not everything someone posts is a fit or necessarily what God has spoken. Funny, I wanted to bless you, but you blessed me. Thank you again!

I will pray for your health. Perhaps God is healing you in a way that no one would believe!!


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Post by steadyone »

Thanks so much precious one I could use all the prayers I can get so can my family right now. My cousin had a baby girl that is now on life support.


Post by Kbrown »

Absolutely, I am a prayer warrior! Keep me posted.

Your sister in Christ,