In a new house with a store attached.

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In a new house with a store attached.

Post by steadyone »

Hi and blessings


I went to go look at my new house I was going to rent. This man took me to see it cause an older lady was living there. When we arrived the lady said go ahead and have a look while I shower. I saw the house and it was what I wanted. I go to move in and I was told that the furniture in there has to stay it is the owners. I had my own furniture so I put the owners furniture in a room and stored it there. My friends came to visit and see my new house and what was interesting was that my house had more to it. As I began to show my friends there was this long long hallway and so we walked down it as we are walking down it, my friends see all this fabric and they ask me if they can have it. I said, "sure it is mine now." So we keep walking and we end up in a huge store and I realized it was the stores fabric so I paid for the fabric. I said to myself, "I had no idea my house had a store attached to it.? :hmm:

Any conformation would be great thanks.
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Post by spiritledd »

That's funny... i had a dream about a store attached to a house too. And it was also about fabric. But in my dream the fabric were scarfs.
The post was titled "bimini/mate"

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Post by piano »

Hi steadyone,

For your prayerful discernment,
Discard what does not rest.

I am rephrasing the dream posted from your words.
I may ask questions to check things out along the way.

A man takes you into a woman's home you want to rent.

Who do you believe the man represents?

The woman gives you freedom to look.
She is clean.

No evidence of agreement with this woman, but someone tells you her furniture must stay.

Who is the person?

You store the woman‘s furniture, but it is still present.
She is the owner of the property.

You move in, and call it your home.

What happened to the owner of the home in your dream?

Fabric found in a very long hallway by friends, leads to a store-house.

At first you believed this fabric was yours, and give it away to your friends, but then realize, it is not yours, and end up paying for what is taken.

How and to whom did you pay for the fabric?

Does this fit in with any current situation, spiritual or otherwise?
Certainly there is personal significance to your dream, but I can see benefit to all here.

I believe there is a theme of division with renting another’s property in a dream.

This has to do with the payment made for occupying the territory, and also whether it is a benefit to the owner in some way, or, a detriment.

Definitions for rent:

To obtain occupancy or use of (another's property) in return for regular payments.

An opening made by rending; a rip.

A breach of relations between persons or groups; a rift.

Fabric in the hallway:
A glimpse of inheritance/history/heirloom comes to mind.
The fabric of ones life.
People often hang their family photos/memories in the hallways of their home.
This hallway is very long, perhaps denoting a lot of history.
The fabric is good enough to be sold, but is it for sale.
Can its value be given a price?

We all make decisions, good and bad.
We reap what we sow according to our choices.
God is merciful, may we be merciful and obtain mercy.
Gods justice is perfect, always, unlike our own.
He prefers mercy over judgement.

As we rent our garments and hearts in mourning, He is abounding in Mercy and ready to heal/forgive.

These are the areas of reading I was lead to regarding this dream.

James Chapter 3 - 2 Timothy Chapter 2.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by steadyone »

Hi and blessings Piano.

First of all the women in the dream was a renter as well. The man in the dream was just like one who helps the owner to rent out the property. I do not know what he represents I do not know Him. I was told by the man in the dream that the furniture belongs to the owner so do I do not know who the owner was.

The fabric in the dream I thought was left behind from the women who rented the place so I thought it was mine.

I hope this helps.
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Post by piano »

Thanks Steadyone,

That does help me very much. I think it is obvious that there is an importance in checking things out, something I am sometimes slow to learn.

Why rightly dividing the truth of The Word came to mind I am curious of..(The two areas of scripture)
I believe this has to do with teaching through Him and gaining wisdom, then passing it along.

I do understand that if God owns everything, and He rents out a storehouse to work from, when there is a harvest He is to receive a percentage of revenue from the parcel. (Luke 20)

So this shows that as a good steward of the vineyard, you return this revenue, in understanding of His Grace.

Last edited by piano on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by keilani »

Just some thoughts:


house--renting...makes me think you'll be taking over a work in an established place.

The fabric being in the house, the house connected to a store--meaning that that as you rent the house, what's in "store" the fabric (possibly mantle) and everything else associated with it is part of the package.

Paying for the fabric--the price to pay (responsibilities) as you take over the house.

Friends--wondering if these are symbolic of those who will help you carry this....

May HE grant you insight and wisdoM!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by peggyo »

Hello again!

This dream reminds me somewhat of a former dream of yours about an old chair that was gifted to you by a woman. It also involved an envelope. I believe the interpretation given was along the lines of a caution against hasty judgments.

I really appreciate Piano's insights, especially regarding the woman showering--being clean. I think the showering lady and soon to be moving on renter is graduating from this house. She has acquired what you desire to move into. She is giving you freedom to look, possibly meaning this lady is now passing along to you the freedom she has learned to see with.

Appreciate too the thoughts about renting, as I had not considered those.

I am believing the owner's furniture that you store away in a room possibly to be one in the same as the storehouse of fabric that your friends help you find later. Indeed, some things are not seen at first, but later recognized. Seems that others will be assisting you in this. Noting too that the previous renter made use of the furniture you have stored away (hope I am not making a wrong assumption here, if so apologies...!)

Furniture can represent our attitudes towards others and ourselves. Wondering if your dream takes place in the living room or some other specific room of the house. I have found the living room often is a place of revelation of some kind in my own dreams.

At first there is a question of ownership with regard to the storehouse or incomplete understanding. But eventually you realize the appropriate transaction (changes) that needs to take place. Yes, the storehouse is there for you to give to others, but first there is a price to be paid, and you do that.

I was also thinking of "the fabric of our lives" as Piano mentions regarding the fabric. Thinking too of the interweaving that is necessary to make the fabric, referring to the interweaving that occurs between us and the lives of those around us. Fabric is typically used to create something--pieces of it cut and sewn together, or used to cover something.

Overall the dream brings to thought a verse in Philippians 2, exhorting us to esteem others as better than ourselves. A great truth, but sometimes hard to keep sight of in the practical application of life--cause who wouldn't prefer the comfort of their own carefully chosen furnishings to that of rental furniture?

Like always sister, take this all to Jesus in prayer. Bless you!
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."