Puzzling Dream,

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Puzzling Dream,

Post by RevK »


I was in Jerusalem, staying at this beautiful hotel. Strange thing about this place was that everytime I walked out of my room, I would come back to see the furniture rearranged. I felt no evil in all that.

In one part of the dream I was walking on this most luxurious, white silky sand.

While I was there a Jewish man came up to me and sat in my lap. He kept kissing my face and head, saying he loved me and needed me? Nothing dirty. People were looking and smiling. Why would a man come sit in my lap?

There were all kinds of hot water saunas available, all different sizes, but for one reason or another, I could never get into any. They seem to always be crowded.

At the end of the dream I saw my large tallit and it was soiled, that saddened me. I treasure my tallit.

Please would someone prayerfully and prophetically tell me what this dream means.
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Post by GaAngel »


I don't get all of it, but it seems like heaven. Here's my $.02:

Jersalem can represent the church in a dream. Hotels can also represent a place of worship.

There's the silky, white sand beach. Sand that pure must be "pure" and hallowed grounds.

The man could represent Christ, especially that everyone seem to marvel at the experience.

The hot tubs could mean people coming for spiritual cleansing and baptisms.

It almost sounds like a really holy place of worship. This all might represent your place of worship. If it does, you're blessed to find such a place.

Also, your tallit was soiled. This could mean that you or other use it so much during prayer that it's impossible to stay clean. A lot of prayer activity is nothing to be sad about. If it were clean, then that's something to be sad about.

Many blessings...