Black smoke from car engine

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Black smoke from car engine

Post by antoinette »

Last night I had a dream that i was driving my minivan and all of a sudden dark black smoke came out of the engine. The smoke was very thick and came shooting out of the front of my engine. I got out to see what was wrong and i saw the entire engine on the if the bolts were all unscrewed and it just dropped out of the car.

There were pieces of the engine laying around like the starter and radiator etc. There was a man wandering around and he looked like a vagrant. He went up to touch or take one of my engine pieces but i told him to drop it and back away. Even though i knew my engine had fallen apart, i still wanted all the pieces there. I started to call my mechanic. End of dream.

If anyone has some feedback that would be a great help. Thanks :)

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Post by Demon_Buster »

Dear Antoinette
Great dream, yes it was a good idea in the dream to get all the peaces, and in the end call the mancanic..,Jesus, the dream engen is the drives us in our to seek and maintain our walk with the Lord, it seems to need an infusion of the spirit from the Lord or a trusted brother and sister in ministry someone coming up to get a pice of the engin shows me if you stay like this the enemy will come and take it all
Please pray on this
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Post by MJ »


I thought instantly that the engine in your dream represents your heart...have you recently experienced a devastating circumstance within your life, which just came out of the blue?

The man walking around your heart seems to indicate that even though you are tender and hurting at the moment you are still careful in guarding your heart with all diligence and watching over it---Prov 4:23.

I think Jesus is the mechanic in your dream. You know who to call when things have fallen apart---something of great value will be restored in your life...things that look outwardly beyond help or repair will be touched by the Master.

Be blessed...I believe this dream is speaking of complete restoration, and soon.
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by antoinette »

Thank you both so much for the input. I think youre right MJ i did have something like that happen recently! For months God has been showing and providing for me to take my daughters to London in August. He provided for me to go last year and i felt to led that he wanted to do the same for my girls.

Its been such a lesson on faith and my daughters definitely know God is moving and making a way and providing extra work for me. The "out of the blue" thing was my ex husband (divorce resulting from his abuse) lost his job so my child support is on hold until he is employed again.

I had to make a decision to still pursue the trip because God knew this was gonna was a shock to me,not him! So i have been asking God to provide to make up for the difference...and both me and my oldest daughter have been getting more hours at work. God has been stretching my faith in so many ways so im not giving up:)

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Post by antoinette »

I wanted to post an update to this because its so fantastic. The trip to London didnt have to be cancelled, i booked the flights a few days ago. A good friend knew of my situation and wanted to help. I was able to book the flights and now working on last minute details for the trip.

Ive been getting so much work that i cant keep up. My daughter is also and she was even able to get my other daughter hired at the same place. They work at a ballroom serving for banquets and parties.

I also was able to get the flights for $150 less each than i budgeted. I had problems booking online so i called the airline. I found out that my 12 year olds ticket was even cheaper. $100 less than our lowest fare when booked over the phone instead of online, and they waved any booking fees. My ex husband offered to help with part of the expenses and also recently got another job.

God provided me with so much work that i was able to pay my bills with my income, and provided work for my daughters to pay for the expenses of the trip. If i would have given up, i would have never seen God work like this. I would have had discouragement instead of joy and excitement. If God is telling you something that he is planning, dont give up no matter how bad it looks or improbable. We miss so many amazing experience when we give up. DONT GIVE UP!!! :)
