dreamt of spiders where the fridge should be

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dreamt of spiders where the fridge should be

Post by Jen »

I dreamt AGAIN, that we were living back at our old house in the country. We still had our house over here and I had mixed feelings about living in our house in the country. I was trying to get things cleaned up and put into place from the move. It was coming close to Christmas. The place in the kitchen where the fridge went was empty, there were boxxes stack there haphazardly. I went to start moving the boxxes and then somelarge black spiders started jumping out of the boxxes. (you know the kind that jump and are hairy, but small IRL) I was totally freaked out about this and upset.

I woke up.

Thank-you in advance for any input! It is appreciated.
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Are you having some apprehension or not sure about being called back to minister to the Gentile/Greek church, people who are deceived by pagan false doctrine? The woman is in labor, it's "delivery" time. ;)
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Jen »

Hi WP, well that is something I hadn't considered, but I am not going to throw it out either.. it is speaking to me on a level.. thank-you so much for sharing that. I truly appreciate it!
Sometimes it takes someone else to come along and give you a whole different perspective, one that you hadn't "thought" of.
Shalom to you!
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Just what I was seeing. I know you will pray and toss it if it doesn't fit. :)

I was thinking where the fridge is supposed to be, would be where people are supposed to get fed (church), but when you try to move the boxes (teach the people who put God in a box), they respond by reciting the false doctrine they've been taught. So if you're called to go back and do that, I can see that it would be a bit scary. LOL

I am frequently too close to things to be able to see what he's trying to tell me in a dream about it, so frustrating! I'm so glad there are other people to bounce things off of.

Shalom. :)
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Jen »

very interesting indeed, there is something I have been struggling with, that has presented itself, it is "against" what I was raised to believe, yet I don't sense I can turn my back.
Thank-you! and you are very right about being too close. That is so true!
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Ohhh...I am kind of going through that myself right now, kinda scary.

Lord, give us your truth and your truth alone and the grace to be obedient to your will. We just want YOU! In the name of Yeshua, Amen.
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Re: dreamt of spiders where the fridge should be

Post by Realisticdreamz »

Jen wrote:I dreamt AGAIN, that we were living back at our old house in the country. We still had our house over here and I had mixed feelings about living in our house in the country. I was trying to get things cleaned up and put into place from the move. It was coming close to Christmas. The place in the kitchen where the fridge went was empty, there were boxxes stack there haphazardly. I went to start moving the boxxes and then somelarge black spiders started jumping out of the boxxes. (you know the kind that jump and are hairy, but small IRL) I was totally freaked out about this and upset.
Hi Jen,

What definitely comes to mind is dealing with something [things packed up] from the past [where you used to reside or a position you stood in life].

This process of dealing with this situation is similar to the expression of opening [unpacking something packed up] a can of worms [spiders]. It is an unpleasant situation that was left unresolved, packed away so-to-speak.

It seems that in order to preserve spiritual sustenance [faith, food, the Word - where the food is preserved], you will have to deal with the spiders.

However, the dream is a good dream and though it seems unpleasant [situation / spiders jumping out at you] in having to deal to deal with this; the dream prepares you so that you are not surprised and can deal with it with grace and strength, rather than so much dread.

When we are properly prepared and lean on His understanding rather than our own; these situations always work out for good and it is good to deal with it once and for all. :)

I hope this helps... of course toss what doesn't fit. May He continue to lead and guide you and your family to bring honor and glory to Him and bless all in the process.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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