Laboratory classroom & strangers praying

Archives for 2011

Laboratory classroom & strangers praying

Post by Elle »

I just had a nap. I had 2 dreams. This was the first.

I visited my old church today. There were two guys I didn't recognise. I was later told they'd been walking past the church and someone just invited them in. So they came in. I hadn't taken much notice of them.


I'm in a classroom. There are laboratory tables in there. There were only a few people in the classroom - all adults, including these two guys.

Then the guys start praying for someone. They say their names in the dream, but I don't recall them. I'm sort of surprised they say their names - they don't seem to want total anonymity.

But as they're praying, they start making strange sounds.

I walk into the classroom next door and the supervisor of the classroom next door is by herself. There's no-one in her room. I ask her to come and check these guys out, because I'm not sure about them.

She comes into 'my' classroom, takes a seat near me. I'm aware that my bag hasn't been stolen and is still sitting on the floor. One of the guys was sitting next to me.

Nothing untoward is happening, so the supervisor (from next door) leaves.

I don't know if the nationalities of the people mean anything in this dream. The supervisor of the second room is Asian, but I'm thinking she may be mixed race - asian/caucasion - or asian but maybe second generation local.

The boys looked like they did IRL - islander/chinese.