2nd dream/2 nights/more anger & frustration/whats going

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2nd dream/2 nights/more anger & frustration/whats going

Post by thewritingmommy »

just woke from 2nd dream (first posted earlier)

Dream 2: begins at a child's bday party i think- there were many children, pretty, smart, well behaved and well dressed, laughing and smiling. then, sort of away from those children were others- unkempt, sort of dirty and neglected, obviously not cared for, less attractive and less smart, looking and seemingly feeling out of place. The adults seem nice but i know they are fake and arrogant.sort of "showy".one child was dropped off by someone at the door. she was ushered in with a runny nose, green stuff coming out, and i was told to care for her i think so i wiped her nose and washed her face. i asked why , meaning she and the other children and was told that hteir parents had so neglected and abused them that they were given to others to care for part of the day or part of the time(?? memory foggy here)
The next thing i know the dream changes places:
i am with my husband and we are police officers chasing a suspect. there has been some sort of flood and everyone seems to be looking for a place to live as the water rises. we pass a man who has built temporary shelters from hay stacks or wheat stalks and the water seems to divert around this shelter.
suddenly, my husband and i are at a crowded beach and there is another woman with us, also a police officer, and somehow i know he is having an affair with her. the dream ended with my telling him he could just have her then and storming out and i woke SO ANGRY and CONFUSED and FRUSTRATED.

i sort of get from the dream that the children are maybe things we Christians are supposed to have done or are supposed to be doing but we have neglected. i think the arrogant adults were the people who were doing the jobs that others neglected and were being showy about it instead of just serving God (hmmm, i am ghostwriting a book - could this be me? i haven't intended to be showy or arrogant if i have. gosh i just don't know what to think about these dreams)
i can't imagine what the police and the other woman could mean. my husband and i have a solid and loving marriage. we do "police" our children (and they are adopted) but they are teenagers and going through a rebellious stage so they sort of need it right now.

any thoughts? the othe rdream i posted earlier may be connected??? i just don't know but i do know God woke me to share this on here. i htink - i wanted to go back to sleep but the need to know what this dream meant kept me awake so here i am.
anything? anybody?

Post by Elle »

In my own dream symbolism, police ALWAYS represent a religious spirit. In my dreams, they're usually trying to shoot me or pin a crime on me that I haven't committed, or fine me for something that's not my fault.

It's about trying to be good, or trying to keep the law. As opposed to grace.

It would depend on your own symbolism. But, as I said, I usually dream about police when I slip into legalism and don't realise it. Pain and confusion always comes with it.
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Thank you Elle

Post by thewritingmommy »

Thank you for your response. The actually does bear witness with my spirit as i struggle with "works" and trying to be "good enough" and since i hold myself to such high standards, i have a tendancy to hold others there too, which isn't fair on either account. perhaps i'm falling back into old patterns? i hadn't noticed but will be watchful and prayerful about it. thank you again, andora
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Post by Newbie »

Hello again Andorra, I do not have an interpretation but some thoughts. What caught my eye or spoke to me was this portion:
suddenly, my husband and i are at a crowded beach and there is another woman with us, also a police officer, and somehow i know he is having an affair with her. the dream ended with my telling him he could just have her then and storming out and i woke SO ANGRY and CONFUSED and FRUSTRATED.
Your husband maybe symbolic of Christ and the police could be symbolic of authority. With that in mind, it is like Jesus is saying "Why are you giving up on me? Why are you giving up your authority? I believe this aspect is about your book. I am not sure and I do not want to cross any lines, so forgive me in advance, if I do. With your book are you being led by the Spirit or you simply taking advice from others or incorporating man made ideas? I believe that the police woman may signify this aspect. Kind of sorta like giving up your control or your authority through Christ. Does this make sense? Toss if it does not.[/quote]