Wierd Shopping Dream

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Wierd Shopping Dream

Post by Newbie »

Can’t quite remember the entire dream. I had forgotten about it but it came back to me today—I had this dream 3 or 4 days ago.
The dream entails me shopping and I am at the counter. But what is weird is that I had bought all this stuff (I think it was clothes) and paid for it at one store. I guess since the store was busy, another store next to it allowed the customers to come in and pay for items. The weird part is, although I had paid and could have left, I decided to get a refund and go to the next store. My reason in the dream is that I did not wanted to be accused of stealing. I had sensed that people thought why didn’t I just leave with my purchase and simply show the receipt as proof. I recalled also, I hope that the money was credited back to my account for my return. I noticed some people was paying attention to how much I had spent. It was a little over $300's, do not recall the exact amount. Two female soldiers walked in the store while I was walking out. They went under the rail to enter instead of walking through the door. The best way to explain this, is think of Toy's R Us entryway, with the rails/barricade at the entrance.
Then the dream switch I am attempting to walk on a military base with my purchases. I had lived on the base and all my bags were heavy. I recalled the reason why I did not drove is because my husband had our gray truck. I think he had needed at that moment and leaving me stranded. I recalled thinking that I could not walk or would be allowed to walk on base. There were gate guards there checking military ids. I do not recall much else about this scene. I almost forgot to add that it was cold and it looked like it had snowed—there were snow banks.
The last portion entails walking in a shopping area that was all cobblestone to include the buildings. The buildings look like big boulders. I recalled seeing teens dress in lettermen jackets and people walking around shopping. A big icy pond was the center of this area. I was shopping or looking for things to buy. EOD.