Scooter ride Louise Big accident

Archives for 2011

Scooter ride Louise Big accident

Post by Elle »

Whenever I visit my old church, I start picking things up acutely. This happened again today. I came home and had a rest, and woke up with a start after this aweful dream ...

I was a pillion passenger on my own moped or scooter (motorbike). I was at the front handlebars, with my back to them. I'm facing the person who's riding the bike properly and my back is towards the traffic (this is not possible IRL).

It's my scooter, but someone else is controlling it. She has long brown hair. I don't know who she is IRL. We're stopped because of the traffic. I don't know why, but I recall that when we're stopped, I put my foot on the ground to steady us, as well as the driver doing that. I take notice of my right foot.

While we're stopped in the traffic, a group of girls walks through the traffic to the other side of the road. I recognise Louise, who's just come back from a weekened away with the girls. She's a nurse. I say hi.

Next, the motorbike takes off with the traffic. We're going up a slight incline in the road. I realise it's Louise controlling the scooter now. Because I have my back to the traffic ahead (as the pillion passenger) I can't see what's going on up there.

Louise's eyes get big and she starts to slow down. She says 'oh no ... (I feel a bit panicked because I can't see what's happening) ... people are being killed in that accident up there'. I say 'get the bike and come down here' meaning to get off the road and run to safety down a small side road that runs parallel to the road.

It's only as I suggest we get off the road that I start to feel safe (I still can't see what's going on) because up until then, I wasn't sure if a car or a truck was about to plough into the back of my head.

I wake up feeling sick (a bit of terror there).
Last edited by Elle on Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, just some thoughts, I believe this dream is in relation to a personal goal of yours that you attempting to accomplish or it could be your means of sending or transmitting something. Instead of you being in control, someone or something is taken over. Here is where it is a bit perplexing to me. The person driving is driving the bike properly or correctly; however, you are travelling backwards. To me, it seems like whatever you are trying to accomplish, you are doing the right thing; however, you are going about it the wrong way or doing it backwards. I am not sure if you used your right foot, but right symbolize doing something in your own strength).
I am uncertain what Louise may mean to you, so forgive me if I miss the mark on this. (Louise means “famous warrior” or “fame and war”. Not sure if her name is symbolic). However, whatever, she symbolizes, she is now taken over, or trying to take over and you are still traveling blinded in a sense. Louise sees trouble ahead and slows down. I am not sure of this but perhaps, the road you are traveling on is symbolic of a path you have been taken for a minute now; however, it is time get off and take another path. To continue on this path could lead to an ending of your goal or whatever you are trying to accomplish (the traffic accident). To continue your task at hand you decided to take another path that is safer. Toss out, if I miss the mark and if I have offended in anyway, please forgive me because that was not my intent. Take care and God bless!!!

Post by Elle »

Hi Newbie,

Thanks SO MUCH! No you haven't offended at all.

Spiritual direction, including dream interpretation, are so important. I prefer stuff to be straight down the line, otherwise it's too easy to misinterpret, and sometimes just plain dangerous.

From reading your response, I'm pretty sure I know what this is about, and it's the direction I've been seeking for a while now. And totally NOT what I expected it to be about.

The more I think about it, the more the symbolism is just jumping out all over the place.

It's to do with the type of work I've been doing, I believe.. I've been in a few large organisations which usually end up in the news while I'm working there (fame & war) - I'd seen a pattern forming. But I haven't enjoyed working in those large places (main road). I recently sat down and thought about what I really want to do, and realised I need to go back to working in small organisations (small side road). And when you're working in large organisations, including government, someone else is always is control of your life (someone else driving the scooter, me sitting backwards - not being able to see where I'm going).