
Archives for 2011
Diamond Member
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Post by Ruth »

I had this crazy dream last night. I saw this tiger walk by it looked just like the one of the Cincinnati Bengals. I got on the phone to call 911 and the man laughed. I said he may hurt somebody. I looked down the street where he had gone then 3 little kids were playing in the yard. By this time he was walking on two legs and was waving and went behind this house.

Ok don't know if this has a meaning...

Gold Member
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Joined: Sat May 07, 2011 5:54 pm

Post by janmar »


This sounds like it's warning of what's about to occur in the Ohio region regarding the judgment of God. You making the call to 911, and were laughed at, may represent God's people that have been warning of things to come but no one will listen...they mock what they hear (Isa. 66:3-4). The children playing in the streets remind me of this Scripture, Jer. 6:10-30. When you saw the tiger stand and wave as it stood upright, is the 'wave' coming...and these judgments represent God's righteousness (Ps. 119:75). God's judgments are for good and if people recognize them as His way of reaching out to them so that they may experience His mercy and humble themselves before Him, He can heal them.

Things are about to change very drastically everywhere soon. I myself have been feeling it a lot these few days of what's about to it's necessary for Him to do. Pray as the Lord leads you for those that need to come to Him and recognize that God has done this and allowed it, but for good's so that those that have not known Him will truly know Him and revere Him. Cry out for repentance and mercy on those in the line of fire, and that they would see the Truth in the midst of it all because it is coming soon.
