People being shot at and killed

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People being shot at and killed

Post by Verise »

I had this dream a few weeks ago, where I was in what looked like a business office and poeple were being shot at and killed. I was underneath the office table. After the man was done shoting people (I felt as thought there was a woman with her but I didnt see her) he came to me and said I was next. He he went to the room next to the office to continue shoting and killing people. I deep fear came over me, so I got up from underneather the table and ran like my life depended on it. I grabed on vine ropes that where hanging from the sky(heavens) and was pulling myself up. The higher I went I felt as though I was safer.

At one point of the dream I asked him who he was, he said moon good or crescent moon.

I dont remember the end of the dream too much because, I felt as though something stopped me from going higher. I woke up with what seemed like fear in the room and my heart was pounding against my chest.

IDK if this is an attack by the enemy on me personally, or if its something bigger. This past week I've been praying like crazy because there were 2 people whom I know of where shot by guns. One committed sucide. and anther man was shot outside my couins window as well.
My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9

Post by Elle »

Hi Verise,
I asked him who he was, he said moon good or crescent moon
I believe this is the god who the Muslims worship (they don't realise it's not the God of the universe). It's actually the God that Abraham worshipped before he had an encounter with God. From some of the spiritual stories I've heard Muslims tell, it's a particularly nasty thing.

One element of it is a religious spirit and feeds off/creates fear.

I'm inclined to think this dream's symbolic of the spiritual atmosphere around you.
I grabed on vine ropes that where hanging from the sky(heavens) and was pulling myself up. The higher I went I felt as though I was safer.
The antidote to the fear it creates is to believe in the true God and know His LOVE for you. Because perfect love casts out fear.

Just as a side note, many people rely too much on whether they love God, but the stability comes when you know how much God loves you. He loved us first. Us loving Him is the natural progression of that.

Be blessed.
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Post by Verise »

Thanks Elle, your right about it being the atmosphere I've been around lately. I had to leave where I was staying and its been a battle of sorts. However I move out in less than 2 weeks.

You also right about His love for me not vise versa. I'll ask Him to reveal that to my heart! :D
My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9
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People being shot at and killed

Post by pastorloretta »

Dear Verise this dream sound like it has to do with the business your in or your rep. Someone is spreading rumors and killing the spirit of those with you are in the buisness with or your rep. Whether it's a job working in an office or whatever business you are doing. The lady that you saw was the person responisible for spreading the rumors (shooting off at the mouth) she dont serve the Lord Jesus she serve another God like muslim, buddist ect. When you seen the people being shot they were actually being talked about so it killed them spiritually. The person trying to destroy your business or representation couldn't get to you because no weapon formed against us shall prosper. You said the higher you went the more safe you were, continue to go higher in Christ and dont worry about the rumors. God has his hands on you, also dont allow fear to come in because it cuts off your blessing and thats what this rumor is meant to do. I hope this helps God Bless.