More Cats & A Man Named Vincent

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More Cats & A Man Named Vincent

Post by zadokpriest »

Ok this is a very alarming dream:

In this dream my mom and I are at my house.

The back door was left open and once again cats (black and gray) are getting into my house.

Again I'm trying to gather these cats and get them out my house - then I noticed not only was the door left open but there is a whole on the side of my house allow these cats to come in freely.

In the dream my mom and I leave the house looking to see if I can get something to fix the hole.

In the dream we are in a mall and a man name Vincent comes up to us (he looks like the guy from a movie where he is famous star and another man is paid to watch him - a comedy movie don't know the name)

This man wants to kill me! :shock:

LITERALLY! :shock:

He begins to shoot at me and my mom.

Somehow my mom and I get seperated and he is in this big truck shoot nails/thumb tacks at my mom

My mom is running and scared - I'm a little apprehensive as I know he wants to kill me - my mom falls into something like an open ceiler and then this man begins to get a garbage truck and tries to dump the garbage on her. I run in between the truck and my mom to protect her and to keep him from trying to barry her alive.

I succeed but he is now focused on me and wants to kill me.

He gets a machine gun and begins to shoot at me.

I am running in the parking lot of the mall away from this man.

He gets a huge missle like gun and shoots at me.

Again I'm running in the parking lot mall trying to escape the bullets.

I am terrified in this dream.

He is also trying to find a woman who is virgin for him to rape - then he also tries to rape me.

I hidding running in different stores trying to escape it would seem that I can't hide from this man.

It's like I can't outrun him.

Everywhere I go he finds me and is trying to kill me.

I'm in the mall and I try to tell people but noone listen's to me.

I run into an old ministry friend of mine name Bobby and I tell him

He ponders this and begins to ask himself if it was his wife he would help - BUT he does nothing to help.

I'm running all over the mall trying to find a place to hind trying to get help terrified.

Finally I run into a small conveinent clothing store.

I try to find somewhere to hide there.

I look for maybe a hidden bathroom - no luck.

I then try to hind in one of the dressing rooms.

I found another person a woman and i told her to what was going on and asked her to please help. I told her prayers as I didn't know what to do.

Then the woman comes to me - I'm still afraid.

Ushers me outside and shows me that the copes have came.

She takes me over to the cops.

The officer said, "The moment you put your faith out there help came. He was instantly captured. Then he nicely and gently put me in the cop car to take me home.

I look and I see my mom. She is alright.

I run to her and she comes over.

She has a shawl over her to cover up to bruises and marks from the shooting.

I take the shawl off to show the officers what this man had done.

And then the officers have both me and my mom get into the car and was going to take us home.

End of Dream.

Zadok :?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Zadok, I do not have an interpretation but a thought and I pray that you get a Spirit led interpretation on this. I want to say that when I first came to this site several months, I recalled reading one of your dreams that entailed a reocurring dream motif of yours:CATS. Based on my dream language, the 1st thought that comes to mind in regards to cats is witchcraft or bewitchment (very manipulative). I believe that this dream and your previous dream involving the shoes and someone attempting to get you to leave your church.The back door brings to mind "backdoored" (being sneaky or sabotaging). Their colors of black and gray brings to mind omnious and deceptive (like gray area/unclear)
The man in the dream speaks as someone with an evil agenda; perhaps to spread lies (the use of weapontry) about you and your mother (which maybe symbolic of your church). "Vincent"represents someone or something who goal is to conquer; hence the meaning of the name. As stated this are thoughts for your consideration, toss if miss the mark. God bless
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Post by zadokpriest »

Thanks Newbie I believe what you share is correct. I just really had thought or hoped I had past this thing of witchcraft, manipulation, lies/deception - as it seems to be a reoccurring thing in my life. As I mentioned in the other dream with regards to cats an ET I've already discern in the spirit that something has come in and just can't ascertain where it is coming from and how it got in! :shock: I need God to show me who, where, how and why. I got the what - witchcraft, manipulations, lies/deception, etc. Now I need to know the sorce - backdoor also can be symbolic of backstabbing. I just don't have a clue as to who this could be. For the last two years I have really been keeping a low profile. I attend church but am not active - I don't have any real close friends. I have one Pastor friend that i speak to on a regular basis and one young lady that I mentor - but for the most part I really keep to myself. In fact I have decided to take this season and just shut down somethings. I do FB frequently but have pulled back from that - the goal is to seek God and get refocused.

Interesting is that lately there has been an attack and I can penpoint when it took place - Nov. 30th is when I felt the shift in the atmospher and the attacks in the spiritual realm. Then I had the dreams afterwards.

I need to know if this Vicent is a person that is being used by a demonic spirit or a Prince that has bee assigned to try (and I say try because NO weapon formed against me shall prosper) bring distruction in my life.

It would seem the moment I think I have gained some ground or break through in a particular are - I find myself fighting again and each time th fight seems to only intensify.

I ask God last night exactly what is it and then I had this dream and then another dream (I will post soon).

So thank you for sharing - it is very insightful and extremely helpful!

Thank you!

Zadok :D
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Post by Newbie »

Hello ZD, glad to be used by Him and somewhat of a help. In the dream both you and your mother are attack. I am not sure if mother is symbolic of the church, because in my dreams my mother is usually this. If mother is the church, the key is drawing parallels between yourself and your church. Also, this thought came to me as well. In the ET dream, your son bought home ET, correct? What does your son symbolize? This may help as well. You stated you are mentoring a young woman, correct? I want to put this out there to you as well, sometimes in dreams and from my culture, you may have switch the gender. Meaning whomever is male is female and vice versa. Perhaps, your son in the dream is symbolic of this young woman. I had perused your dream the other day, but nothing really stuck out accept Et and Et being a robot. So please forgive me, if I mispoke in some of my comments b/c I m going off I recall at the moment.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Hi Newbie

I usually dream straight - in the dream with ET and my it was my son that God was referring to and ET had to do with the program he is currently involved in as well as the buddy they have assigned to him. So that was rather clear-cut.

In this dream my mom is my mom - I do not believe it is symbolic of my church as lately my mom and I have been communicating more. God always uses dreams to speak to me regarding the people around me or regarding the spirits or attacks I may be encounter at that times.

Because I am not an active member of my church - I onl attend on Saturdays - I really do not believe this is about my church as they are not in my spirit and I have not really connect to them in that manner not yet anyway.

Thank you for your input it has been extremely helpful! :D

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Post by zadokpriest »

And thank you for taking the time to help me sort throught this! I greatly appreciate!

Zadok :D
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Post by Newbie »

Hello ZP, this thought came to me as I was praying earlier. But maybe the key in the identity of this person(s) may lie in the name of your area or the locations within the dream. For example, a while ago I had suspect someone was a witch or was bewitching, I ask the Father to confirm if this person was a witch or if it was me being paranoid. Sure enough He gave me a dream that was located in my hometown, BTW which doubled as the last name of the person. Hopes this helps. God bless!!!

Post by Elle »

Hi ZP,

Because your mom was in the dream (and getting attacked too), I thought the witchcraft may be coming through the family line - i.e. that's where the door is.

I used to get these sorts of attacks all the time, had heaps of prayer, still they came. Couldn't work out where they were allowed to come in. I just got to the point where I thought one of my ancestors must have been a witch, then the next day someone prayed and said, no one of your ancestors had had some kind of witchcraft curse put on them. Once that was dealt with, all of the attacks on me stopped.
he is in this big truck shoot nails/thumb tacks at my mom
Seems the nature of the attack by Vincent (conqueror) is to nail you or dump garbage on your mum. I see this as verbal attacks.

On you though, it's bullets and rape. A heavier attack to try to take you out. But you are safe. The bullets do some superficial damage but can't take you out.
The officer said, "The moment you put your faith out there help came. He was instantly captured
I believe this is saying put your faith and trust in God to deliver you - He promises to do that. He'll send you the right person at the right time to deal with this stuff.

Don't rely on your own ways to protect yourself. Let God lead and guide you about who you should be friends with, who you should go to for help. Bobby means bright fame (pastors are seen as that in the church) but it doesn't necessarily mean they're the one to help you.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Thanks Elle,

I believe that is the issue - many have prayed and said witchcrat and it was always linked to my mother.

Interesting you made the comment about Bobby as in real live he was minister and was once a mentor of mine.

Thanks for you input - I greatly appreciate!

Much Love!

Zadok :D
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Post by bjcollin »

Let me summarize this dream in a few words ... this is how I see the dream in a big picture sort of way...

Enemy attacks, Fear
Seeking help
Finding proper Authority
Activation of your Faith captures fear and the enemy
Prayer Coverings
Everything will be ok and all is safe when you are under the proper authority
Wounded, now Healing needs to come

This is how I see your dream in a broad sense. Hope this helps you more than a piece by piece detailing of the dream.

in Christ,
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Post by zadokpriest »

bjcollin wrote:Let me summarize this dream in a few words ... this is how I see the dream in a big picture sort of way...

Finding proper Authority
Everything will be ok and all is safe when you are under the proper authority
in Christ,
Thanks BJ - can you please explain this section. Not sure I see anything in the dream that would relate to me being out of authority or not even walking under authority? :?

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Post by bjcollin »

The way I see it is that there is authority in the natural or in the church that we are submitted to (ie we are submitted to our pastors or to apostles or other leaders etc), but if that is ok in your life... this then seems to me to be more about true spiritual authority that we carry in Christ. ie you need to find that authority that Jesus had that a single word or prayer can send the enemy to flight and the key to this is activating your faith. Does this make more sense?

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Post by zadokpriest »

Yes it does BJ I am having no problems in my church what soever. In fact this is the first church that I have been to that I actually truly enjoy and I really love my Pastor. This is also the first church that I have been in where I am not actively involved due to my work schedule and the fact that my church is 90 minutes away from my house! So it is an unusual sitiation for me as I have always taken an active role in ministry. I just have done so in this one. For obvious reason. So I do not believe the issue of authority rest with me and my church. HOWEVER, I do believe there is an issue of authority with regards to me as a believer. Not that I don't believe in the authority invested in me by Christ. But one can go through battle after battle without any real light at the end as a result they begin to loose hope and without hope there can be no faith (which in the dream I forgot to mention the police officer the word hope). I hope that makes sense. For me personally, I'm just tired of fighting the same thing (especially with my son) and not see any real breakthrough. I've fasted, prayed, sowed my seed, partner with others, confessed, trained my son, repented of any known sins, etc. and still now light. That will cause a person to lose hope and ultimately doubt their authority in Christ - if I can't deliver my own son. If Christ is not bring breakthrough regarding my son. Well....for me it just being battle weary and very, very tired. Scripture says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" my hope has been deferred so many times that I begin to wonder if I even heard from God at all. So I believe that is where the fear comes in at - I'm tired of finding myself in situations where I am constantly negative words and even fighting spirits that I have NO ideal how they got in! It's like OK God where is this coming from - I'm clean, my heart is clean, my lips have been pure so where is this coming from.

Thanks for sharing and making it clear - I do understand and agree.

Be Blessed!
