Mental Health Disorders Due to Warfare

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Mental Health Disorders Due to Warfare

Post by Warrior Princess »

I think this is a warfare strategy dream...but I'm not sure about the who or what situation, etc.

As I was turning into the high school, a dark red minivan pulled in front of me and morphed into a truck. Woke up, fell asleep again and then dreamt this...

I had discovered meat/human remains, it took some time to work up the strength to look at it and collect the pieces. Apparently someone had been cut up and burned, I put the pieces into a pan (I noticed the slab of ribs and an ear especially, can't remember the other) and was carrying them around, it was full of BBQ sauce. I was going to dispose of them and was walking down the hall but then someone called out and said that a woman was looking for me. I dried to dodge them but I guess I must have realized they had information about the victim/killer so I went searching for her but missed her. Then, I was in the sanctuary and saw a girl with short hair who had changed her clothes, black t-shirt and jeans, she looked cute in the rock n roll look.

Then, outside on the street, a man came up to me who had been accused of the murder and he handed me a pair of goggles which he said were the victim's, apparently he was wearing them when he was captured, etc. On the band that held them together there was an orange stripe of dots which were actually letters...I made out a phone number first I think...the guy said he wasn't interested in that...and discarded them in the street. I was horrified, I ran to pick them up out of the dust. I think a mail vehicle had made a U-turn because us and a vehicle were blocking the street. Then, I looked at the goggles again and was able to make out "MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS DUE TO WARFARE.NET" and there was a name and the phone number that I had seen before. The victim apparently knew that the murderer might be someone who was a soldier/veteran and having mental health issues because of it, and he probably knew who killed (his daughter maybe?) and the murderer realized he was onto him and killed him before he could do anything about it.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."

Post by Elle »

Hi WP,

Well, I felt I should respond to this dream seeing as half an hour ago I was standing in my kitchen thinking about the number of Christians I have come across over the years who have developed mental illness due to getting wrapped up in spiritual warfare and other things in church.

What I've seen is people doing things which they believe they should do because somehow they get the idea it's 'christian'. Yet it's not scriptural warfare.

Just thought I'd put this out there to see if this sits with you.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

When I woke up, I felt a strong urge to pray for someone I know who has mental health issues. The Lord has confirmed twice before this that he wants to deliver and heal this person. I've been praying for a while for understanding on what is at the root of it, so I believe this dream contains some insight on that.

Part of what I do involves deliverance ministry...what is it that you think is not scriptural about it?
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

I think that Elle was saying that there are certain actions or practices that are being done in the name of deliverance that are not biblically based.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8

Post by Elle »

I think that Elle was saying that there are certain actions or practices that are being done in the name of deliverance that are not biblically based.
Thanks A Warriors Heart.
Part of what I do involves deliverance ministry...what is it that you think is not scriptural about it?
I didn't say anything about you or deliverance ministry!
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Post by GaAngel »


Point 1 - Living in the Flesh
It seems that this person's "flesh" was destroyed because of the "veteran." In a way, that can be good to be dead to the flesh because then you can live for Him.

Point 2 - Mental Health
However, the mental health issue relates to the spirit. In a way, that's the realm of the spirit. Those in the psychology field and some of the more "advanced" practices like forms of hypnosis, are really "scientification" of the occult/ spirit realm whether anyone admits it or not.

Point 3 - Deliverance
"Things" can be passed in church and I've witnessed this fact first-hand;. The "veterans" might truly believe they're helping. However, I've found that many so-called Christians are ignorant of the enemy's devices, naive about the enemy and spiritual warfare, and come across as too arrogant. For these reasons, they get too deep in things they don't fully understand and are not prepared for. What's worse, "things" can transfer either way during prayer when 2 or more people come togther, during laying on of hands, as wells as deliverance. Jesus prepared his apostles fully before he let them tend to the flock. Some churches might not be preparing their warrior for war nowadays. Really, I don't think many understand or respect the full magnitude of church and prayer.

So, I'd say that perhaps you're being warned of what can happen if someone is ill-prepared for warfare ministry. Or, really the tragedy that can happen by letting others pray for you or with you. Those seeking help will get "burned" and those in the pulpit are likened to criminals.

Hope this helps...

Many blessings...
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Elle, I didn't think you were talking about me. LOL I was just curious about what you said here...
Elle wrote:Well, I felt I should respond to this dream seeing as half an hour ago I was standing in my kitchen thinking about the number of Christians I have come across over the years who have developed mental illness due to getting wrapped up in spiritual warfare and other things in church.

What I've seen is people doing things which they believe they should do because somehow they get the idea it's 'christian'. Yet it's not scriptural warfare.
How do people develop mental illness by getting involved in spiritual warfare? And what things do you see people doing that you don't believe is scriptural warfare?
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

The more I think about this, the more I think it was just a military person, a soldier of some kind. When I first wrote this dream down it was still "developing." This person hasn't been subjected to any kind of deliverance ministry so the "veteran" thing wouldn't really make sense anyway.
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »


I can see how the symbols in your dream would be representative of military individuals. They are faced with alot especially after having to come home from fighting on various battlegrounds and experiencing all that they did while fighting. Their reality is much different then the average joe living a normal life at home. I have a family member who is in the military and I can say that it certainly does take a toll on one's mind and body. I believe it's a call to pray for these individuals. Many of them battle Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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Post by GaAngel »


Mental health -- or the mind-- is the realm of the soul. We're warned to fight thoughts and vain imaginations because this is where many spiritual battle are fought; where the forces of darkness gain entry into people's lives

Evil spirits can transfer in many different ways. If you read my earlier entry, Point #3 details how it can be done through deliverance. Traumatic events can also invoke the forces of evil that attach themselves to that person. Also, what we believe to be psychosis is really someone dealing with that invisible realm. Much of the work of Jesus dealt with this sort of thing (e.g., the legion being cast out of the man, etc.).

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Post by Warrior Princess »

I'm not in contact with anyone who's actually in the military though, so that doesn't make sense either.

And I haven't prayed with anyone for deliverance in quite a while...

The goggles I think might have something to do with how we can see things incorrectly because we're seeing through the eyes of a wound.

Last night, I felt like someone was doing that charismatic witchcraft thing and praying curses against me or something...I wonder if that's related. Interestingly, as I was praying against that last night, I felt something lift from the top of my head...and just now as I was praying it again I felt it again. Which brings up another dream I had where I was telling my ex that every time I try to get into the pantry (we were in our old house) these birds attack my hair/head.
Last edited by Warrior Princess on Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Elle »

John Paul Jackson has a book called Needless Casualties of War which probably addresses my comment better than I ever could. Interesting stuff from a Pastor's point of view.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Oh! I just realized...a friend of mine recently told me that he stopped calling me because "I didn't want to listen." I think maybe that might be the guy with the phone number on the goggles that he discarded in the dust, DUST = CURSE. Which fits with what I was getting last night and yesterday same guy was saying he was praying for me (he has a problem with some things I believe) and I got like 3 words from the Lord along the lines of charismatic witchcraft/prayer curses. That has to be what the "mental health disorders" thing is about...he's told me things he's prayed for other people that reeked of this stuff before too...

Wow, so that explains a lot...
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Ok...this is what it's about right here...this all bears witness with me...the body parts in the pan is the body of Christ... Trying to connect this to the dream and figure out what it means...

Victoria Boyson: Yielded to Christ: In Every Trial There is a Blessing
by Victoria Boyson
Nov 30, 2011

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

There are these two principles found in Scripture – these are what we call Charismatic Witchcraft, but in the Word it comes out like this (see below). There are people who are sick today for not rightly "discerning the Body" which is what Paul says (see 1 Corinthians 11:27-32), PLUS:

Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. 1 John 3:15, NIV

But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of Hell fire. Matthew 5:22, KJV

Victoria Boyson: There is an unclean spirit whose sole purpose is to convince us that he is God. He comes sounding very much like God and plays on our weaknesses and on our sinful thoughts and desires. It is sent to deceive those who have a strong gift of intercession, and it seeks to gain access to our hearts and minds to use our prayers to bring harm to the Body of Christ. One of its goals is to cause our mouths to come into agreement with the realms of darkness.

This demon may present himself as a gift of discernment or even a prophetic revelation. It may begin by flattering you and try and convince you that you are one of the few who really hear God's voice and speak for Him. It seeks to elevate your opinion of yourself to raise you above those who would be your teachers, thereby making you unteachable. These are only a few of the ways this spirit operates.

This demon is known as the religious spirit.

But don't let his name fool you – he is subtle, but destructive. He wants to gain access to your mouth to release Hell's destructive powers on the earth. And he seeks to gain access to your heart through any areas of your heart and mind that are not yet yielded to Christ, or any part of your heart that has been hardened by the presence of cold love.

I have seen this spirit deceive many sincere, godly people and use them to divide and destroy the Church. They feel they have been given a "message from God" that others in the Body of Christ are not right spiritually or have "secret sins."

They may have had a disagreement with a church or an individual, but instead of walking in true forgiveness, they become resentful toward them. Instead of praying for them, they begin to pray against them, asking God to bring judgment on them. They may even feel that they "know" what God's judgment against them will be, and pray according to what they feel it should be.

Believing that they are warring against principalities, they war against their brother or sister in the Lord. But in actuality, they are fighting against Christ Himself.

I have heard people say to me that "God" has told them that He is going to destroy such and such a church, ministry or person. But instead of them being genuinely terrified of that happening and praying against it, I have gotten the sense that they would love nothing better than to see that organization or individual destroyed.

Without realizing it, these people have come into agreement with the powers of darkness. Instead of standing in the gap for their brother or sister, they view them as being out of God's reach. They have unconsciously put them in the category of the "unredeemable." They may even feel that these people are standing in God's way of really displaying His power in the Church, and in an attempt to "help" God, they pray for their removal.

Instead of believing for God's mercy to prevail in their brother's life, they feel that he is not as "spiritual" as he should be, so they determine in their heart that God must want to wipe him out. THIS IS NOT THE HEART OF GOD!

Soulish Prayers

Prayers that are prayed outside of God's will and in accordance with the selfish desires of our own hearts are called soulish prayers. And when we pray against others, we cause the powers of darkness to be released on them. This can cause horrific warfare for them. This is witchcraft, and if we dabble in it, we open up our own lives for these destructive spirits to come back on us and wreak havoc in our own lives.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

"...For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

It is very dangerous to assume that we know God's will for others and then pray for that to happen. We may find ourselves fighting against the will of God for their lives. We should always confirm what we feel we have heard in the spirit with the peace of God. If we do not have peace about the word we have received, if it does not come from a heart full of genuine love for our brother, then we should disregard it.

The Religious Spirit

The religious spirit is the same spirit that drove Paul to persecute the first Church. As he harassed a small group called the Nazarenes, he honestly felt that he was working for God. He killed and imprisoned hundreds of the followers of Christ and felt right in doing so. He was convinced in his heart that he was fulfilling the will of God.

Paul was positive that he knew what was right and that these Christians were evil. Furthermore, he believed they must be destroyed and felt commissioned by God to do so.

But when the Lord revealed Himself to Paul on the road to Damascus, He showed Paul that he was not fighting for truth, but for the realms of darkness.

What agony Paul must have experienced when he learned the truth of his actions. He did so much want to fight for God, and yet he found himself fighting against Him. How he must have agonized over his sin; his grief must have been immeasurable. However, Paul repented and turned from being the greatest persecutor of the early Church to being its greatest defender.

We too can turn away from praying for God's punishment to come on those we do not approve of, and start praying for God's will and mercy to be evident in their lives. We can be led by the Spirit of Truth found in God's Word that says, "The wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness" (James 3:17-18).

It is essential that we all seek to guard our hearts with the love of God because "love covers over a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). The Lord has warned us in Matthew 24:12 that the love of many will grow cold because of the increase of lawlessness, "but he who stands firm to the end will be saved" (v. 13). The only way of guarding our hearts is for our hearts to be bound to the Lord. Any places in our hearts that are not yielded to the Lord are areas of vulnerability to the enemy.

We must not pray for others out of a sense of frustration or anger. The greatest and safest prayer we can pray for ourselves and others is "THY will be done!" Not their will or our will, but pray earnestly for God's will to be accomplished in their life.

God Will Bless You

If you feel you have been the victim of soulish prayers or witchcraft you may at times feel a heaviness or an ominous sense of failure. You may have an increase of strife in your relationships, experience confusion or an overwhelming feeling of self-loathing. But take heart, half the battle is knowing what is attacking you.

Like it or not, you will need to pray for those who have prayed against you. Pray that their words against you will be powerless and that they will stop praying out of the will of God. Ask God to bless them with His peace, love and mercy.

Above all else, we must forgive them because they really do not realize what they are doing. They are victims of this unclean spirit as much as we are. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood" (Ephesians 6:12), meaning: We do not fight each other, but we "wrestle" satan and his demons. The enemy is our enemy. And we do not wrestle in the natural but in the supernatural realm.

Repent of any unforgiveness you may be harboring against them or others and ask God to give you His unconditional love for them. And, if possible, be an encouragement to them – it will be very difficult for them to continue to hate you if you respond to them in love. Note: It may take time for the spiritual atmosphere around you to be cleared of all their prayers, so continue to cover yourself in prayer often.

Finally, be sure to watch how God will bless you through this, because in every trial we face, there is a blessing in it for us if we yield to God. If the enemy has targeted you, be encouraged by it because he must know of something very powerful in your future or he wouldn't bother harassing you.

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Hmmm...thinking more about this and what you said Angel.

I believe this dream is about a friend of mine who came to visit me and my fellowship. So now that I know that, what is the Lord trying to tell me...trying to connect the dots...

So the body parts is discernment of the body...bbq says roasted/fire, the ear and the ribs say a word that wounds to me. Could this be improper discernment...or maybe someone has improperly discerned me or the fellowship? Or maybe me or the fellowship has improperly discerned him? Or maybe it's a true word that cuts to the heart?

While we were at fellowship, one of the leaders said there was a spirit hindering our worship that we needed to deal with before we moved on. I've been having other dreams about wrapping up the past in order to move into the future, etc.

So he allowing me to see through his eyes, to see how he was "caught." Mental health disorders could be confusion, not thinking/seeing properly. Maybe there was a soul tie (band that held them together) that needed to be broken between us or something because he was "viewing" me the wrong way because of a wound (the Lord told me to take all my photos off FB recently for those kinds of reasons). Or else him throwing the phone number in the dust was him not cutting off communication with me or not wanting prayer.

He made a U-turn because of me and the fellowship blocking the street...either he was offended and rebelled and cut me off, or he repented?

So it's like either something bad was ended so it wouldn't interfere with me anymore, or the enemy killed a good thing....I can't figure it out.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."