Being Chased by a Lion

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Being Chased by a Lion

Post by psalms91lady »

Several years ago a friend told me about a dream she'd had the night before. She was a new Christian and wondered what this dream meant.

She was running through the jungle, being chased by a black lion, who was roaring loudly.

She saw a large rock and scrambled up on top of the rock.

The lion came up to the rock, but stop short of climbing on top. He just roared and tried to reach her with swipes of his paws.

She saw a stick and picked it up and held it in front of her like a sword, but was disappointed to see it immediately turn into a long piece of grass and fall over so it was hanging down limply.

However, she still held it out like a sword. She was stunned to see that as soon as she held out that weak piece of grass that the lion backed down.

I know what the Lord revealed to me about the dream, but would like to get your feedback.
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A Warrior's Heart
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Just providing some thoughts for you and your friend's discernment. I'm wondering if the lion is a symbol for a monstrous fear that she may have. I say this because she was running from this lion trying to find safety (the rock).

That stick I believe could be representative of the Word of God. Perhaps in the dream she may have thought that the stick held no power, but the stick appeared first. The fact that the grass withered reminded me of the verse that appears in my signature : "The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8 The grass withered but the stick which she was using as a sword appeared first. This was pretty outstanding to me. Even though the grass withered, the lion backed down, because of that sword/stick. Nothing can stand against the Word of God. Tell her to fight that fear or whatever it is the lion represents with the Word of God. The Word of God is life to our flesh and bones.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8

Post by Elle »

Oh I had different thoughts as I read this, so I'll share them just in case something sits right with you.

The black lion could be the devil - the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeing whom he may devour.

The rock is Jesus. While she is on the rock, the devil will not reach her.

While she's on the rock, the devil is powerless against her - he's even scared of a piece of grass.

He can't devour everyone. He can only take out those who don't know who they are in Christ, the Rock.
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Post by psalms91lady »

When she told me this dream, I got goose bumps. I knew immediately what the Lord was telling her.

Satan goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation

She had just accepted Jesus as her Savior, thus climbing on the Rock. While Satan couldn't touch her on the Rock, he could still threaten and make a lot of noise.

The stick that she picked up and held up as a sword...the Word of God. Even when it turned into a limp piece of grass in her hands, the lion still backed away.

Because she was a new Christian, her knowledge of the Word was as limp as that piece of grass. But that if she would use the Word that she knew, then the Enemy would be defeated. It wasn't her knowledge that was the power, but the Word itself.
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Post by piano »

Hi Psalm91lady,

Welcome btw..

I am hoping that Warriors Heart interp is shared with your friend.

A few thoughts..

Since black lions do not exist, I also believe it stands for an unfounded fear.
(Perhaps something like death or dying, because all grass/flesh and glory of man withers...)

I think there is more to this dream. I could be wrong..
The Important thing is recognized.
She stands on The Rock, and is not moved.

A lot to learn as a New Christian, but He can grow anyone up as quickly as needed for His Work.

Perhaps the chapter of 1 Peter 1 will give her guidance along the way, which also quotes the Isaiah 40 scripture Warriors Heart shared.

Pray and Discern, discarding as needed.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.