2 New Dreams Related to 1st of Last Pair

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2 New Dreams Related to 1st of Last Pair

Post by Robert2.0 »

Hope is ok to put link here for 1st pair.


I was researching and contemplating the 1st of the previous two dreams in the above link using Susan's book late maybe 12:45 at night. Got tired and went to bed. Before I went to sleep I commented on what I felt the LORD showed me.

Well I had this dream after falling asleep.

Dream 1
I was in a dark room (not sure where) and this beast was trying to murder me. I moved to avoid it and also rebuked it using the LORD's name. I also called on the HOLY SPIRIT for protection. It persued for a while and I hid in this little corridor (I would later find it led to another room). I felt as the LORD had put that there to keep me safe. This Beast could not find me but still moved around looking for me. Then I saw this Lion which I mediately thought was the LORD in my dream (by the way I knew in my dream that the beast was demonic) seemingly pursuing the beast. It would persue this beast in front of the corridor and go out of my site then back into view again.

Finally the beast was gone then the Lion seemed to look for me as I watched in an awe like suspense. Then the Lion spotted the corridor and begin to come thru in an aggressive way. I backed out of the corridor into another room. At this point the Lion became what looked like a monkey. Strangely as the monkey persued me Orangutan as a word was repeated over and over in my mind.

As it pursued me I would grab things and put between me and it. I grabed a few things but I distinctly remember grabing a cage. My dream ended by my wife waking me up.

She goes on to tell me that I made her very nervous because it sounded like I was speaking Hebrew in my sleep. She tried to grab her phone to record what I was saying but the battery was dead. She said she let me go on a few minutes and then woke me because I began to get loud.

It was about 2:20 am at this time. We talked a while about spiritual things, our relationship, my starting seminary, then went back to sleep. These type of dreams always coincide with me digging deeper in growth with the LORD.

2nd Dream
We were living in a childhood friends house (my family, mother n law, and my parents). We heard strange noises outside, it was nighttime. I saw flashes outside similar to a flash of metal striking metal with long periods of time in between. Finally I heard a commotion in the carport near the kitchen door and I saw someone stealing stuff out of the car. I banged on the door and they ran off but before they ran far they pulled out their gun and started shooting. I yelled for everyone to get down and my father and I looked at how we could defend ourselves. My wife started crying cause she figured something bad was about to happen. I yelled to call 911 as I looked out the front window. I ran to the back room and noticed my father sitting on the bed, Im not sure what he was doing. Then I saw the shooter run to a white limo SUV and as it screatched off maybe 5-7 armed men got out headed for the front door. I really felt defenseless because my father's guns were at his place and we where about 1/2 mile from there. I thought to myself they have come to steal, kill, and destroy and I woke up.

It was strange in these 2 episodes (do you call these dreams) because I realized as I was going thru this stuff I had control over waking up although more so in the second dream than the first. These definetly were not dreams in the traditionl sense.

I would really be interested in your comments please. Thanks.
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Re: 2 New Dreams Related to 1st of Last Pair

Post by shine »

Robert2.0 wrote:Hope is ok to put link here for 1st pair.


Orangutan as a word was repeated over and over in my mind.
whenever a phrase or word is repeated over & over to me. . .sort of like an echo - or even I have had it in my waking world like a reverberation. . .it is hugely significant.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Robert, is there anything going on within your church at the moment that have you on the fence? In regards to the 1st dream, what comes to mind with you being in the corridor brings to mind of you finding middle ground or being in the middle. The only thing that I am think of in regards to the lion transforming into the monkey is the temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:1-25). Orangutan literally means "man of the woods " or forest,wild. Perhaps you maybe coming upon a test of sorts and just like Him, you will overcome if you give it over to Him.
The 2nd dream, brings to mind something that may stem from the past (childhood) and it looks like a strife of sorts that the enemy is plotting to cause uproar within your family. These are thoughts, simply toss if miss the mark. God bless!!!
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Post by freedinHim »

Hello Robert.
You are right, these are not just dreams, but what I will call Visions of the night. There are common elements in both dreams. It appeared to me that you are in a form of spiritual warfare. I will comment on the elements and see if we can piece them together
Nighttime, darkness, darkroom- Darkness
Beast-clearly the devil
Lion-The Lord sometimes, but in this case, there is a monkey business going on-this is not the Lion of the tribe of Judah, but the roaring lion seeking whom he may devour-the devil
family, parents, in-law-most likely your family
Guns-weapon, defense
My take
I like the way Newbie always puts it "Toss out if miss the mark"!
The Lords wants you to know that the enemy is attempting to do what it does best (the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destro). The Lord is your defender and protector (The Holy Spirit, the provision of the hiding place).
But the Lord is calling your attention to a couple of things here
1. the Lion (not of Judah, but the roaring and devouring one) -my sheep knows my voice-come to know Him as not to mistake His voice for that of the enemy
2. your defense (your father's guns) were in the father's place and far away from where you are.
Think on those two and anything the Holy Spirit will bring to your mind.
More importantly the bible says in Prov. 21:31 that the horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is from the LORD.
Lastly (I apologize this is from me not the Lord) Does the enemy has any legal ground against you? Ask the Lord.
But remember-safety is from the LORD. He has given you (Robert) VICTORY!
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Post by Robert2.0 »

Some of this is starting to make some sense. I had quite an emotionally draining day today and it appears the first of these 2 dreams had me in the same posture as I was today. Very interesting to feel the same emotion as I did in this dream.
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Post by Robert2.0 »

I need to figure out in what ways the LORD was/is speaking to me in these last series of 4 dreams! However I am certain of one thing. He definitley meant for me to pray! I have been attacked by the adversary in a hurtful way! Please pray! I didnt pray enough after these dreams. I also had the mindset when praying to find out what it all meant instead of LORD give break whatever evil is afoot. Let that be a notice to those that may be in the same frame of mind after a dream!
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Post by Robert2.0 »

You know as I meditate on circumstances around these dreams/visions I feel very thankful and even closer to the LORD in that he cared about me enough to try to warn me of what was coming. Do any of you guys ever get that blessing?
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Post by Charys »


But sometimes I also feel frustration with myself that I was more proud that the Lord spoke to l'il old me than I was diligent to take the content of the dream and the assignment more seriously and pray, pray, pray.

Sometimes I wonder why I haven't had a significant revelation for a while, and then the Lord reminds me: What did you do with the last thing I showed you?

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Post by HisBlood »

You know as I meditate on circumstances around these dreams/visions I feel very thankful and even closer to the LORD in that he cared about me enough to try to warn me of what was coming. Do any of you guys ever get that blessing?
Amen brother, he does love us and always seeks the oppurtunity to bless
and prepare/equip us!

What a blessing!!

Spiritual gifts are tools. They have a purpose beyond the joy of unwrapping them. Love this
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Post by piano »

Hi Robert,

For your discernment, discard what does not rest:
On your second dream:

We were living in a childhood friends house (my family, mother n law, and my parents).

Nothing to share here. Wondering what your friend from the past represents...why you are living in their house?

We heard strange noises outside, it was nighttime. I saw flashes outside similar to a flash of metal striking metal with long periods of time in between.

Proverbs 27 may be an important read.
The entire chapter is full of wisdom.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
(Proverbs 27:17 ESV)

Finally I heard a commotion in the carport near the kitchen door and I saw someone stealing stuff out of the car. I banged on the door and they ran off but before they ran far they pulled out their gun and started shooting.

If anyone stirs up strife,
it is not from me;
whoever stirs up strife with you
shall fall because of you.
Behold, I have created the smith
who blows the fire of coals
and produces a weapon for its purpose.
I have also created the ravager to destroy;
no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed,
and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD
and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”
(Isaiah 54:15-17 ESV)

I yelled for everyone to get down and my father and I looked at how we could defend ourselves. My wife started crying cause she figured something bad was about to happen. I yelled to call 911 as I looked out the front window. I ran to the back room and noticed my father sitting on the bed, Im not sure what he was doing. Then I saw the shooter run to a white limo SUV and as it screatched off maybe 5-7 armed men got out headed for the front door. I really felt defenseless because my father's guns were at his place and we where about 1/2 mile from there. I thought to myself they have come to steal, kill, and destroy and I woke up.

Psalm 91, full. verse 4 from ESV and NLT
He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

The scripture that I was given regarding this battle is
2 Corinthians 10, full.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
(2 Corinthians 10:3-6 ESV)

Does your Dad represent Father God to you in your dreams?

He may be showing you His rest.

This did bring to mind your armoire dream, btw.
Sorry I dont have a link for that now.
I do see an armoire as an arsenal.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Robert2.0 »

Yes Piano. My father seems to almost always represent the LORD. I really didnt have dreams with my father in them till about a year ago.

Thank you for the scripture. I will be meditating on that.
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Post by HisBlood »

Very good share Piano...

This is relevant for the whole body of Christ
He may be showing you His rest
Robert, I was drawn back to this again......I began
to have a picture, vision or whatever you would like to call it -

I saw a tall strong man (you) in a warrior's garb with a strong mail (like the
one that was given to Frodo LOTR). Impenetrable over the chest and
major organs! I saw you standing with your sword drawn, on the alert watching and breathing heavily....ALERT! I kept getting ALERT! You
have more in you, than you realize! I see you standing on a hilltop as
one who has taken the hill and conquered it! You have overcome something that you have been standing for! I feel as though HE is
going to bring you to mountaintops and you will conquer those high places as well AND lead many others to that place of authority and victory!
Stand firm in what you know and be confident in who you are and
what HE has accomplished! Christ in you the hope of glory!!

Blessings Brother!

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Post by Robert2.0 »

Bless you HisBlood for those uplifting words and praise the LORD for his revealing that to you.

So much of these 4 dreams/visions are in focus now. I wanna share something else that was just revealed to me. My prayer closet was the corridor that I was in during one of the dreams. That is a place of refuge for me and it is a place where the LORD hears my prayers to him giving him praise, making request, and just pouring my soul out to him. It is a confirmation that is so clear that it quickens my pulse!

GOD Bless and thank you all for your helpfull and thought provoking comments. Thank you all for your obedience and diligence with the LORD!

P.S. Sorry just one other thing. There is a major stronghold here that must be defeated please readers if I could have your prayers I very much appreciate it.
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Post by shine »

Robert2.0 wrote:I need to figure out in what ways the LORD was/is speaking to me in these last series of 4 dreams! However I am certain of one thing. He definitley meant for me to pray! I have been attacked by the adversary in a hurtful way! Please pray! I didnt pray enough after these dreams. I also had the mindset when praying to find out what it all meant instead of LORD give break whatever evil is afoot. Let that be a notice to those that may be in the same frame of mind after a dream!
Well you have seen the attack. But you did pray beforehand as led by Holy Spirit thru your dream. I'm sure what needed to be covered was - as we are not perfect. . .even our prayers - but God does amazing things with our prayers.
One of the times I had an echoing of words in a dream, was when I heard "cut off, cut off, cut off". that was in regards to my son (who irl represented my brother in the dream) I know this because a few days after the dream the situation was made obvious.
In the dream my son (brother), had both his legs gone. I Knew it wasn't from surgery or from a car accident or such.
The dream was long with different aspects, but all centered around his legs being gone.
in reality my brother would have cut his own legs off. Questioning him almost a year later when he was mentally in a better place, he said that the 1st few stabs didn't hurt. But that he stopped when it did start hurting.
So, Robert I say to you. . .that yes you have been attacked. . .but how much worse it would have been if you hadn't been given the dream & if you hadn't prayed. You'll never know.
But I know that without prayer covering, my brother would have probably succeded & would most likely have died that night. Perhaps without being covered in prayer - he might not have felt pain & continued?
It is soo hard for me to share a little without sharing everything, I don't know how to sum things up well. Sorry for disturbing aspects if we have young readers here!
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Post by shine »

Robert2.0 wrote: There is a major stronghold here that must be defeated please readers if I could have your prayers I very much appreciate it.
Yes, praying
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