Vision of Birds attacking me

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Four Years
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Vision of Birds attacking me

Post by Four Years »

some people have been praying for me and one person shared this with me a few days ago actually

she said she saw what looked like a swarm of birds...i guess black in color...just crowding all around me and pecking away and she said she saw Satan above them

she said that there are multiple Spirits of different names attacking me and i believe her, honestly

she then said that one them looked at her in a CHALLENGING manner as if she had such areas of weakness in her own life

she said she couldn't pray for me at first...she had to go and repent of certain areas in her own life...then the Lord permitted her to pray

she said that over the next few days i'd start getting the names of them and i'd really have to start repenting

to name a few i believe have bugged me:

1.) Gluttony...i had no idea but i will have to start eating only enough now

2.) Self-Pity...yes i rant and rave alot about little things that go wrong all the time

3.) my mind and with my my mind though, wow, it's like i have Tourettes Syndrome and i can't turn it off

4.) Lust...this was the most apparent

5.) Unbelief...I seriously have been noticing that I have a hard time being convinced that Jesus is Real. It's like I 'know' He's real or WANT to keep believing He is but SOMETHING has clouded my mind.

she said these are spirits whose NAMES are these things OR they are just Tormenting spirits that attach themselves to these activities

in my waking life, i do actually feel tormented by the temptation to DO these i'm constantly getting the idea to engage in one thing or the other

but i also feel tormented OUTSIDE of doing these people doing bad stuff to ME and it really hurting me through THESE Spirits or OTHER spirits called Oppression/Rejection or whatever

i don't know what's going on other than what i've been told and i'm still trying to figure it out
Last edited by Four Years on Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bjcollin »

Four Years,

I am going to be real honest with you here, and I want you to consider something. I think that you could possibly greatly benefit from the services of a trained deliverance ministry. Maybe you can find a good one in your area or travel a bit to find one. This vision of the birds to me was basically showing this lady that the enemy is attacking you greatly and keeping you in bondage. It is the enemy which clouds your mind and puts these doubts about the Lord into your mind. Deliverance ministy is one which deals in authority and freeing you from the bondage of the enemy. There is always free will and people will choose sinful choices, but when the enemy is attacking you it is like in overdrive mode. I hope this makes sense. Praying for you.

in Christ,
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Post by Four Years »

yes i might just have to now

i've been putting it off

i haven't sensed any direct command to do it

not sure if God wants to do it Himself through my obedience overtime or in this other manner
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Post by discerning »

Hello friend, we've missed you. BJ is a wise man.

(and you can count that as a confirmation)

an abundance of blessings in this NEW season,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Four Years »

hello, yes

i felt lost without this kind of fellowship

when the time is right, God will set me up, i pray that's soon
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Post by discerning »

In prayer agreement.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by shine »

I agree with BJ & Discerning here. The time is now with your friend dreaming this!
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Post by Four Years »

this reminds me of my dream where i was in a shower and these Bee like insects were falling dead all around because of the water

is the "Water" deliverence through a deliverance minister OR through just obedience/constant praise/my human attempts at reading the Word or meditating on the Word?
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Post by charlie »

Four Years wrote:

is the "Water" deliverence through a deliverance minister OR through just obedience/constant praise/my human attempts at reading the Word or meditating on the Word?
I'd say "both"...ask yourself: "what will I lose by going for deliverance ministry?"

((Praying freedom))

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Four Years »

I WILL go to a Deliverance Minister

But I just have to make sure it's not in vain

Actually, the person who shared this Vision about the BIRDS or whatever with me did connect it with my residence in my Parents' house

And in my BEES parents were watching me in the shower but I didn't want them to be.

Just like I don't want to live with them anymore in real life.

Oh wow...did I just figure this all out?

If I go to a Deliverance Minister...I'll be delivered and that will somehow cause me to very soon after...get freedom from my Parents' house?
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Post by shine »

oh wow is right!
4 Years. . .I know this is not an easy time for you but I really can't contain my excitement over forward progress for you too!

I had to leave today for awhile. . .& now I'm about to head to work but I keep thinking about these 2 threads of yours! I'm so happy God let me be a part of confirmation for your friends dream. Because that's now what I think my dream was for.

The 4's in my recent dream. . .I saw just enough of them to know they were 4's. So that is how God let me know I was dreaming about your situation (obviously 8) ). I'm having a hard time remembering if anything was written on the papers. . .plus I can't remember what the other objects were - so no help there. (I couldn't even upon awakening). But in light of what your friend dreampt, then the papers could represent legalism - the other things may have been (like your friend said) spirits that attach themselves to "these things" activities.

I am soo happy for you in that God is really drawing you in. I pray you will be able to determine all that he wants you to know. For your minds sake. But in this all ~ obviously you have to know he is for you. His love is great for you & for all you are to be as you grow in his love.
Your feelings may be being blocked. . .I'll pray for that with you.

& saw you mentioned about the flies in a dream where you were in the shower. . .Yes, my take was that The Holy Spirit cleaned something off of you right there while you dreamed.

Anyways, blessings again (I am soo excited for you) & I'll prayer cover you for the deliverance ministry.
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Post by Elle »

Hi Four Years,

There is a certain amount of deliverance you can do yourself, simply by repenting e.g. "Father God I acknowledge that I've been believing XYZ about you and I know that's wrong. Father I choose to give up that way of thinking and I now choose to believe the truth about You which is .....".

When you renew your mind this way, the spiritual forces having nothing to hold on to and leave.

But sometimes, it's good to go to others for prayer, because when they're mature believers, they've often already done a lot of the cleaning up of the mind, they can hear God clearly and gently bring you to a place of freedom.
This person said I'm making a MISTAKE by going to OTHERS for Deliverance...
I wouldn't be going to these people for advice. Ask God to lead to the right people, because if you get the wrong people, they really can do more damage.

I'm sure others on this board will be praying for God to lead you to the right people to pray for you.

I know of some in the U.S.A. Dorothy Wager (Peter Wagner's wife) developed some deliverance ministry many many years ago now. There's also Sozo through Bethel Church in California. They teach this type of ministry to others, so there would be many churches across the States who do Sozo. There are also Healing Rooms, however my experience is that the individuals most are responsible for their own training. Elijah House is another that I know of which has been effective for people. Most of these are more about personal healing than straight out deliverance (which is more what Dorothy Wagner's ministry is about - deliverance).

I'm sure there are many places that do deliverance and have good reputations. Go by referral rather than just picking out some minister. I have many minister friends and can tell you that some have absolutely NO IDEA about how to do personal deliverance.

I had to travel to another city to get the original prayer that I had. You may have to to? I don't know, but just don't rule that out.
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Post by bjcollin »

Four Years mentioned 'Legalism' here and i just wanted to further go into what specifically that means if you know...
Secondly, for all those who have encouraged me to go to a "Deliverance Minister"...i contacted a few ministers in this area but then I contacted a third person who has a large website on this topic.
This person said I'm making a MISTAKE by going to OTHERS for Deliverance...
They said I should be doing it all myself...if I felt I COULD...I would.
while i do believe every believer needs to learn their own authority in Christ and learn how to stay free and learn how to walk in deliverance themselves. . . there are many instances where this is not possible and help is needed. the trained deliverance minister knows how to deal with the enemy when they can manifest while coming out which is impossible to do in self deliverance. i have both experiences of self deliverance and meeting with another minister, both were valuable and of the Lord.. personally i feel you should seek a trained deliverance minister for your first encounter in this area.

Post by Elle »

Thanks Brian, you said in 1 paragraph what I tried to say in several :wink:
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Post by shine »

Legalism. . .in itself is hugely different than what I was thinking when I wrote that.
I was thinking more of legal ground ~ just didn't say it right.

My husband & I went thru a ministry called "Restoring the Foundations". This is where I learned about Satan having legal ground to attack us on. So, 4years. . .I think Satan has legal ground to attack you on. Legal ground is often something someone trained can help you understand & pray in accordance against. And yes, I know/believe the Holy spirit can guide you in to all truth and knowledge and wellness. . .also He can have you go to a ministry.
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