Please read and help if you can Strange dream/experience

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Please read and help if you can Strange dream/experience

Post by Hannah »

Last night I was up praying and interceding a good portion of the night. This morning I felt unusually exhausted and went to nap and here's what happened.

In my dream I enter a room - I don't know where and I don't know the people except one friend of mine she is standing at a counter like a business check out counter - I notice she has a blue jacket and I guess it is mine and I notice that there is a snag in the fabric. i begin to ask her about the snag and suddenly I am feeling drunk. I tell her "quick Google feeling drunk when you haven't been drinking" She does not take action and I am feeling more and more drunk and the room is spinning and I don't know why. She thinks I am kidding around and I finally grab onto her and tell her too late call 911 I am going to pass out and boom! I go down.

This is where is becomes strange, because I seem to go from a dream to semi-consciousness and I am now in the dream not viewing it?? I m aware that I have passed out and 2 people in white come to me and I feel them inject something into my foot.

Suddenly everything is white, and I am aware that I am somewhere else. There is no one around, but I sense someone is there and I ask is this heaven? It is so white and bright and now I seem to be above this huge room looking down, the only thing I can make out is a large powerful fan like you would see in an industrial building and it is also white.

My friend's last name is Oppegard - not sure if the name is related to why this friend.

Any thoughts or spirit led comments greatly appreciated.


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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Hannah, Just a question... do you have a blood sugar problem?
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by Hannah »

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Post by wellstravisa »

Have you ever been baptized in the HolySpirit ??
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by bjcollin »

I feel that this dream has to do with Baptism of the Holy Spirit. google=search or research. Acts 2:15 = acting drunk when not drinking. calling 911 needing help from a bigger power or authority (God). injection of power into your walk. white fan the wind or the breath of the Holy Spirit is like a wind. Hope this helps get you started.

in Christ,
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Post by Hannah »

Yes I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Thank you all for your thoughts, I've got some thinking and praying and reflecting to do.

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Post by wellstravisa »

I know that at one time I thought the baptism in the HolySpirit was a one time thing. It is not!
I was praying with some christian in the spirit/tongues and with the understanding/native language and was specifically praying about being filled again. I thought in my mind that the HolySpirit would fill me just like He did before. So I prayed believed and waited, what happened blew me away~ I began to feel joy bubble up inside of me, this threw me for a loop, so I just asked Him for more, and laughter came out. It kept coming wave after wave of laughter. The next thing you knew those around me got a great dose of it as well. Before this all happened I had heard about people experiencing the HolySpirit this way and thought that they were just being real emotional, or putting on a show. Even though I had been filled with the Spirit and received a wonderful prayer language, I still didn't quite accept that God could move this different way. I went home from that prayer meeting full of a joy I had never experienced before. As I drove home I kept saying to myself man I was wrong, dead wrong.
1 Corinthians 2:14
The Message (MSG)
14-16The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can't receive the gifts of God's Spirit. There's no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit—God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ's Spirit.

If I could make such a bold statement, I would say that your dream/experience sounds like you just got what many Christian's refer to as "Slain in the Spirit"
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by imavessel »

Um, well, the first thing that was highlighted was that your friend was "at the check-out counter".


Not trying to instill fear, just know what was highlighted to me.------

You notice she is wearing a blue coat and you notice there is a snag.

In fabric a "snag" is a result of a broken thread . . .

You start to ask her about the snag----- when the dizziness and feeling of being drunk comes over you. You ask her to do something for you, but she fails to act. You ask her to call the authorities (911) - or perhaps God . . . but you go out.

IRL is there anything going on that maybe you have noticed she has been vacant or stand-offish? Could it be that she has, in a sense, "checked out" or on her way to "checking out" of the friendship?
Does your belief/chrisitianity seem to push her off a bit?

OR- and this is completely in another direction . . .

It was right after you noticed the "snag" and were starting to ask her about it when you suddenly "felt" as if you were drunk and eventually collapsing and/or passing out . . .

Could this friend be involved in something that could potentially bring death to her? Again, she was at the "check out" counter.

Could the Lord be showing you what the "snag" is----that SHE was wearing---?

Could there be any chance of maybe spuratic excessive alcohol use or even heroin? I know - or think you are young and have- no idea what this young lady does or does not do-----

But you felt as if you were drunk . . . (could be God showing you the "snag") And you even felt someone shooting sonething into your toe. (heroin is sometimes injected into the foot)


In it, you experienced that you (or her irl-?) were being attended to by two medics or maybe angels-? and then also experienced that you were someplace else . . .

could be hospital . . . could be passed on . . . .

Again. Could be something simple and nothing like this but these thoughts did also pop up.

#1, don't accept anything that the Holy Spirit does not give some unction of creed to. #2, pray still and ask Him for enlightenment. & #3, Could be that He wants to use you to intercede or or dso something for this friend.

I know not the consensus, but seems you are an intercessor. & I feel that though mist seemed to be you experiencing such, I think God was highlighting some issue or something-----but it is your friend's, not yours.

Maybe would appear differently if you had just a normal day and went to sleep, but- You had been praying and interceding. You were in the inner court with Him. When you went to rest, you slept and you saw her------- & Your "coat or jacket" was upon her. It was blue . . .

It now had a snag and you just began to ask her about the snag when then you started experiencing all that followed.

I really think if it is not over you two's friendship . . . it is about an issue or potential issue she may be having or could have.

Pray, and keep interceding, and see what the Lord says.

& Would you please let us know if He enlightens you?

I had a heaviness as I read this and even moreso when I typed this out.
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by Hannah »

Imavessel - thank you I will consider what you have shared.
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Post by Hannah »

Imavessel - thank you I will consider what you have shared. I appreciate your thoughts. Blessings!
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Post by Hannah »

I want you all to know that I believe you were all spot on with what the Holy Spirit was revealing.

Imavessel - for you thank you - I am an intercessor and have been praying without ceasing since this dream - much of the time crying and not knowing why even having thoughts of such despair as to bring about suicide. This morning my friend called an told me her son in the hospital after attempting suicide - the police found him nearly frozen after an overdose of her medication at their family cabin 200+ miles from home.

He is going to be all right, but I believe that my prayers were instrumental in saving his life. You were spot with you heaviness - thank you for your obedience to step out and speak something different than the others.

For the rest - I believe it was a dream also about the Holy Spirit's anointing - my sister n law and I pray together everyday but Friday we were praying for hours and she kept saying can you feel that? Can you feel the force of our prayers? She said, it's as if the Holy Spirit is pushing and propelling the power though our words - and I agree!

Thank you again everyone - this site is such a blessing to reveal and confirm not only things in our dreams but the gifts of the Holy Spirit as well.

Blessings to all!!
