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Post by chenya »

Not sure where I was at. Might have been a hotel or resort of some sort. There were kids playing with a ball inside kicking it. I told them "Hey not indoors". I saw Jean go into that room too. Thought she was also going to tell them. There was a stage in the room. I thought there were drums but then I looked and they were not there. I was afraid they might hit them if there were drums. Then someone said for them to go to sleep.

I am then at a counter. I was looking for meds of some sort. They were on this rotating shelf that went around in circles. I also I a shirt and pants and was in line to check out. I told some lady I'm not fast enough. I was looking at the meds but they kept leaving before I could really look at them. There was then a lady at the check out in front of me. She was going to return a shirt. The guy waiting on her looked at the tags and said this is a old tag. He wouldn't return them then called for help. The ladies that came to help started fighting over the reciept. I thought "wow this is uncalled for." I didn't like their behaviour and I thought the customer was always right. I told them they can keep these (clothes I was going to buy) and I walked out shaking my head. Betty was behind me in line. I just kind of rolled my eyes that this was crazy.

I was out in the parking lot it is pouring down rain. I was lookng for my jeep. I saw other jeeps but none were mine. I saw a policeman. I knew him. His name was Paul. I was going to go talk to him. But he said are you crazy and pointed. There were 2 men with guns. They ended up being lazer guns. I thought but I didn't know. I am then sitting next to the building with a group of people. Brian was next to me. He started to hold my hand then stopped and wiped his hands off. Then I noticed I had gloves on and they were wet. I then took the gloves off and told the lady next to me at least it stopped raining. The sun was coming out.

I am then at a table. (still at this business) I am waiting to talk to the officer there. Someone is in front of me. I am told I am next. Someone comes up and asks this young officer "Did you look in my personal work file" He replied "Yes". The guy then pretended to choke the officer. They were friends from school. Then the other officers that were there helping left. We decided it must be break time. I tried my phone to call home but couldn't get the phone to work. I left the table and continued to try my phone. It still wouldn't work. I went back to the table. I said this is crazy. I'm just going to walk home. I saw Jeff and Linda. I told him I'm just going to walk home. Can't get anyone to help. Was told the policeman would be able to help. I started walking then I saw Paula, Phil and her grandma behind me. I told Paula "I'm pissed. I can't get anyone to help me so I'm walking home." I then see how far it is. I told her I didn't realize it was 3 miles back to town. But I don't have a choice. There were other people walking too. I told her I can't get my phone to work, then I showed her.

I know I was very frustrated. Hopefully someone can see something that I may be overlooking right now.
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Post by imavessel »

The inside the store part made me think of injustices-
and how you saw it taking place (not thinking it was right/fair) and how you chose to leave the store and not take part & were incensed by it.

You were frustrated and trying to get someone to help---even in this case going to the authority . . .

& It at least seemed to no avail . . . Like going to the police officer and he was busy watching/looking onto a different situation---that then you looked on and did not think if was as serious as the officer seemed to think.

You could not find your vehicle, adding to the frustration.

Not sure about the gloves------ But to play with that for a second---gloves are a covering for the hands. i.e. would keep your hands warm and CLEAN--- and they were wet, . . . as if they'd been "washed"?

Your friend pulled his hand away . . .

You're still trying to "get home" but now find yourself walking, and many others are walking beside you.

You are angry.
& Frustrated---------------------- and now the frustration seems to shift to being frustrated that you cannot get a call out (or in)

Do you feel strongly about something, and issue , event or something that it is a forefront issue with you? That you loathe "injustice" and you may even try to get attention by authority figures (in the church, other believers or otherwise) to wither things you are struggling with or issues you feel strongly about?

Could it be that you have reached out or went to an authority type person (maybe church member or other believer) and whatever it was left you feeling like they were either not interested or were too distracted by things going on with someone else? i.e. the policeman, you approaching and him being distracted by the people with guns-?

Do you feel that you have not found "your vehicle" ---your ministry or way to get to where you think you're supposed to go for God? i.e. not being able to find your vehicle.

Have you been very careful to come to this place, . . . been very careful about keeping your hands cleaned, been washed by the Water, . . . but notice that some might have pulled away from you? i.e. the gloves and Brian pulling away . . .

You are still trying to get home . . .
You are still trying to be with God . . .

But you have found yourself and and have been made to know many others all find themselves without a "vehicle" to do whatever it is you/they are supposed to do. But determined and walking it out.

Maybe you have felt very frustrated and even angry. Maybe you see injustices in the world and want no part. But appears you are determined to walk out your part . . . and you are not alone, as you saw the many others walking also.

"Go ye, therefore, into all the world and spread the good news".

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Post by imavessel »

Oh, the call thing! I wonder, do you or have you felt that you are calling out to God of matters, but cannot get a clear answer, or feel that you cannot get a proper call out . . .

Like you're having an issue with true clear communication to/from God?
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Post by chenya »

Wow! I don't even know how to reply to this. You have brought tears to my eyes and saw things from another angle that I wasn't able to see...probably because of my frustration.

The injustice I think could have something to do with friends betraying me. I am now left we no real friends and certainly none that are close. Hense the nobody helping me..I suppose.

I have been shown repeadetly who I am suppose to be with (husband). I believe that is my ministry. This particular family needs my support after everything they have been through...but first I have to wait till final things are in order (coming back to church). Some things have transpired today in fact that really upset me. I won't go into great detail about it but there is a group of people backstabbing him. They are doing it out of being scarred about their own position that they have no control over and are taking it out on him. Of course that really upset me too. Noone deserves that kind of treatment regardless of the situation. Then I got to thinking that maybe all of this has to transpire for God to nudge him back to where he belongs. That is however the one thing I have been praying for.

I'm not sure about the phone thing. I know that is how it was in the past but I thought we had finally worked through that. Guess I have some thinking and praying to do about it.
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Post by servant »

Just want to mention the "clothing". God has been speaking to me off and on about clothing. The clothing could represent things the Lord wants to cloth you in, but that the actions of some has pushed you away and you are giving that up for the moment.

Just a thought, toss if it doesn't fit.

The shepherds have become stupid,
they have not consulted Adonai.
This is why they have not prospered,
and all their flocks are scattered.
Jer. 10.21
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Post by chenya »

The clothing is interesting. Yes, I think I have been shown clothing lately too. Not really sure yet about it though. Both of them seem to be in regard to the same thing. Taking/Giving back. You gave me something to think about.
