broken hearts leak vision

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broken hearts leak vision

Post by t_vest »

I asked God for something special to write to bless my friend with who even with a broken heart took her time to minister to me when as I was going through an emotional crises.

God spoke and said "Broken hearts leak"
I asked him to show me because I did not understand.
He showed me a person who had been hurt they had their head hung low , arms crossed on their chest, shoulders slumped and they were walking very slow. They were in a dull brown place all that was there was brown dry dirt.

Then all of a sudden I could see exactly where they had walked because everywhere they had walked a very thick and tall dk green grass with tons of beautiful flowers had sprung up in a path behind them.
This person did not have a clue what they were doing. I wanted to scream for them to turn around but couldn't. He spoke again and said "Broken hearts equals leaky hearts"

I suddenly recieved what he was saying, anything that is broken leaks. It leaks what ever you put in it. If you have a broken heart and you go to God he fills you up with his love and where ever you go it leaks.
It leaks at the feet of hurting people, you leave a trail of God's love.
A loving devestion follows you, and you may never even see it.
You are miserable and ask God to feel him to feel his love and you do but then you cant feel it anymore and you wonder why.

You have just been fertilizing the world with the love of God and you think you have lost it. So now does it seem so bad to have a broken heart? And if your heart never gets broken it dosen't leak.

Thank you for leaking in my life. I still feel sad but I am standing in a circle of the prettest flowers I have ever seen in my life.
Peace , love and happiness to you
and don't ever forget to dance in the flowers. :)
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Post by TamaraLynne »

Beautiful...thank you for posting this <3
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Post by VCS »

Thank you for sharing, t_vest.

Broken right now...grateful for God's love...
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Post by piano »

This is so edifying. God is Good, Amen.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.