Message for ALL -- Please read --

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Message for ALL -- Please read --

Post by theonlywan »

Hi folks...
There have been a few things going on lately with myself & a dear friend that keep pointing us back to this dream below. I believe the Lord is saying that soon - very soon there will be an outbreak of scoffers & mockers who will come against the charismatic church. I don't know if this will be individualized to different times, or if it will be all at once.
As I was pondering the dream again, the Lord gave me this song (He often gives me songs which when interpreted using symbols have a hidden message in them. If you interpret this song using prophetic symbols, you will see that Father is telling us to go deep, stay covered in Him, and pray when this attack comes forth Whatever we do, we must not fight back! Let the Lord fight for us

God bless you & bring you through your time of trial & testing.. I have reposted the dream & interpretation below.. if you find it too long, just read the interpretation half way down. I feel this is very important.

Dream Sunday a.m. June 24, 2012 - Christian Soldiers Divided / Removal of Leadership
I am in a huge office building in the basement which is an open area - the floor is cement & takes up the entire bottom floor of this building. The setting made me think of places guys rent to play ball-hockey. In the basement of this building are 2 rows of soldiers who all appear to be around 40 years of age. There's a row of soldiers on one side & another row of soldiers on the other side - they are all male. Both sides are dressed the exact same in greyish-blue shirts & pants which are not meant for actual battle..Loose fitting clothing, no helmets, no markings, no medals or badges. The soldiers are shooting at one another using rifles with live ammo. I seem to be one of the soldiers too even though I'm female, but I'm in a corner off to the right. I don't recall shooting at anyone although it appears I was certainly ready to. I need to sneeze so I jump behind a pillar to sneeze so I won't be hit by gunfire. I look up and a soldier from the opposing side is standing very close to our line of guys & he is laughing at me sneezing. As he is laughing he is shot twice in his left shoulder = I see this happen in slow motion like in a movie. I then look at my row of soldiers and the entire row of them is laying on the floor with the bottoms of their feet towards me. I see they all have holes in their shoes. I see bits of bare feet thru the holes. The holes are in various places - I see some with bare toes showing, and bits of the soles & heels of their feet peeking through these holes in their shoes. The shoes don't seem worn, they look new, but they have these holes in them.
Then there is a clip of my real life brother sitting in a big overstuffed chair. I am sitting on the floor. He has a page I gave him with a list of names of hockey players (hockey cards) in his hand - He is marking down how much each player is worth for me. He hands me the list & there are portions of names he has scribbled out & wrote over. I say to him, "You know I have to post this for people to see right??" (I'm a bit upset because he marked it all up).
Finally there is a clip of a tall, handsome man wearing all blue. He's the same age as the soldiers. He is coming out of a big building which reminds me of a court of law and has a wide set of stairs to the entrance. The man is standing at the top of the stairs. There's a wheelchair beside him. I watch, as in slow motion, the wheelchair falls down the stairs by itself, bouncing & smashing the entire way down - I see it break apart as it bounces down the long flight of stairs - pieces of it are breaking & flying off as it goes down. EOD

==> Interpretation as the Lord Revealed ==>
These are Christian soldiers who are 'divided' and 'competing' against one another (explains why it seemed they were playing on a ball-hockey floor as ball-hockey is usually a group of friends who are divided into teams). The soldiers are using live ammunition (powerful & hurtful words). The fact they're all approx 40 yrs old indicates this is a time of testing & trial. They are fighting over basic beliefs (represented by the basement setting). They're all wearing the same greyish outfits with a hint of blue in them. The hint of blue identifies them as belonging to God, but the grey speaks of a lack of clarity. The fact they're all men symbolizes that those who are fighting are in teaching & leadership type roles, but in reality it will be both men & women in these positions. It appears I, am also, in some type of leadership position when this takes place. My sneezing speaks of using the gift of discerning what is really happening (sneezing clears the nose & the nose is symbolic of discernment). I hide behind a pillar so I won't be shot (a pillar speaks of strength & protection=God's pillar of fire/cloud). The soldier from the other side who comes over close to my end of the room & starts laughing, is making fun of me using my gift. This tells me that the opposing side of soldiers represents leaders/teachers in the body who don't believe in the gifts & freedoms of the Spirit (ie: joy, speaking in tongues, gifts of discernment, prophecy, healing, liberal praise & worship etc). His side is making fun of charismatic Christians. As this soldier is making fun, he is shot in the left shoulder. The left shoulder speaks of the ability to carry spiritual authority - The Lord shot him & took his authority away because I notice that my side of soldiers are all laying on the floor now & not fighting. They aren't dead or even shot, but they're laying on the floor in various looks like they're resting or sleeping. This represents a 'laying down of arms' & decision to 'cease fire' & let the Lord fight the battle for them - which He obviously does! I notice that all these soldiers on my end who are laying down, have holes on different parts of the bottoms of their shoes! Their shoes look new but there are these holes - The holes are BULLET holes! This means those who are making fun of the charismatic Christians continue to shoot even after the charismatic Christians stop fighting & are laying down allowing the Lord to fight their battle for them. The bullet holes expose a vulnerability in their walk = I see they don't have socks on because parts of their bare feet are seen through these holes. Socks speak of peace - they are lacking peace as a result of all the fighting.
Next is the clip of my brother = My brother is a Staff Sergeant with the RCMP and he represents authority in this dream. His name is Bill (William). The name William means "Protector". Thus my brother represents the Lord in authority over us as our protector. The Lord is ascertaining the worth of the leaders & teachers from the first part of the dream (the 'players' & soldiers) and He is deciding which ones are going to be removed (kind of like a hockey draft). Some players/leaders are being removed from the list (scribbled out). The fact that I say to the Lord, "You know that everyone is going to see this right?" appears to mean that everyone is going to see these leaders being removed from their positions. The reason these leaders are being removed is for the protection of the church.
The final scene is of a tall handsome man (leader of high & upright stature) who is the same age as the soldiers who had been fighting. He is wearing a blue shirt & pants indicating he is a full servant of God. He is standing at the top of the 'courthouse' stairs & there's wheelchair next to him. The wheelchair goes down the stairs on it's own (pushed by the hand of God). The wheelchair, smashing as it hurls down the stair-way in slow motion symbolizes the fact that God is going to "bring down" those leaders who are not healthy or safe & 'eject' them from the body of Christ; Thus ridding the church of all "handicaps". Once the Lord removes those in leadership who are not safe or healthy, what will be left standing at the top will be one single 'unified' church (as represented by the tall statured man standing at the top of the courthouse steps).
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Post by TexasTransplant »

I believe you are right that this is coming! He's definitely been drawing me (and I've heard the same from others) deeper into Him to a more intimate, more solitary, just 'Him and me' sort of position lately (last month or 2). I've heard it explained that there is a shifting taking place and also maybe an acceleration of things to come. I noticed Him almost putting a spotlight on the 'mocker/scoffer' verse for me last week even though it didn't seem to fit in with anything currently present in my life. You know when you read a scripture and can feel it feeding your spirit even though you can't really explain it's significance at the moment...that's how it was. Yesterday, I just had time to glance at this site and for some reason imagined a man on here pretending to be interested in what we were saying but ultimately only wanted to make fun of us and degrade everyone. I don't know WHY I'd imagine that except that lately I've become aware that when I imagine certain circumstances, it's likely the Holy Spirit preparing me for what's to come. I think I even started a thread about this subject somewhere else on the site before. Anyway, I'm praying already!

I've dealt a little bit before with mocking (my brother is an atheist/agnostic) and I've noticed that the closer I'm walking with the Lord...the deeper my faith and the more aware and secure I am in His presence...the EASIER it is to resist the enemy when this happens. The worst thing (experience tells me) is to let it bother you, shake you, start messing with your love quotient towards these people until you're on a mission to prove yourself right and soon you notice you've left Jesus and all your peace somewhere behind in the dust.
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Post by theonlywan »

That "quickening" of the Holy Spirit is indeed a precious communication. We are so incredibly blessed to have Him speak to us, let alone look at us.. Just amazing.

Yes, it feels like there are many things coming down the pipeline - thank Heavens His great love prepares us for these challenges!
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Getting a similar message repeatedly this past week!
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Post by ditte3 »

Wow! Amazing dream and interpretation!
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Post by piano »

Hi theonlywan,

I was just wondering if you have had conflicts in your own personal life concerning "Charismatic church" believers and "Other church" believers in regard to spiritual gifts?

I wonder why fighting about these particular areas of scripture (from both sides) would take precedence over the sharing of the Gospel (Christ cucified) with the lost? Seems a distraction to me.

It is a curiosity as well.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by theonlywan »

Hi Piano,

Great question.

No I've not had any such conflict. As a matter of fact, I've always been a 'behind the scenes' gal, not wanting to draw attention to myself, & very self-conscious / nervous. Father has been healing me of this only recently.

In my 30's (I'm 41 now by the way) I was not sure what to think about the 'noisy' type of Charismatic Christians. I attended a charismatic church but was very quiet & all the ruckus made me somewhat uncomfortable, but it was at these church's that I felt God's presence in a tangible way. Finally I came to the conclusion that if God chooses to be 'noisy' through people or cause them to fall down, or yell with JOY or dance, then it's none of my business what I 'think'. I concluded that God's power has a different effect on every human's body & emotions and that it is not for me to judge how He manifests His presence on or through that person. All I knew is that I did not want to dance or jump around. I still don't... but I have a sense that God is going to be changing that at some point - I'm a little nervous about this.. lol. But I want to be willing to allow Him to do what He wants to do if that's His plan.

And yes, you are right... this upcoming outbreak of fighting amongst Christians is most certainly a tool of the enemy to attempt to bring division within the body of Christ. But God is going to use it to cleanse the church = the enemy means it for evil, but God will use it for good.

God bless you, hope that helped answer your Q
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Post by piano »

Thanks theonlywan,

Perhaps any conflict that would arise between Christians will bring us into a place of seeing His Glory and sovereignty, rather than our own.
Nothing like a perfect place of humility for sure.


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Post by Charys »

Thanks for this, TOW. I hear you.

The verse that jumped out at me this week was Luke 3:8,9 “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

On Friday we had a sudden windstorm that brought down hundreds, and probably thousands of huge established trees in the valley. I’ve been expecting it for a couple of years frankly, ever since a series of dreams in April of 2010. Back then I posted:
Last week I heard, "I am causing my Holy Spirit to blow on (or through?) [the place where I live]." I realized this city is in a valley between two mountain ranges, like the round field in the valley in the dream.
So as I prayed about this I asked if this was going to be messy. In my spirit I heard a strong, "Ooooooooooooooh yeah!" I just got a case of the holy giggles. The voice was so funny.
I don't have a sense of timing --tomorrow or in fifty years? I don't know. I just know it's coming.
First in the natural, then in the spiritual.

What I didn’t expect is that the wind would take out my own beautiful shade tree.

The trunk buckled and the tree collapsed (thankfully into the yard and not onto our house or the neighbour’s house). When we examined it we saw that there was a division in the trunk from where the main branches grew right down to the bottom. The part where they were divided was black. It was like there were separate trees inside the covering of bark. After the big wind the tree was listing dangerously and had to be taken down. (Like so many others in our town. As I write this I still hear the sound of chain saws. They’ve been going steady since Friday night. The ax is very active here.)

When I got together with a dear intercessor friend I learned she had perceived the same things I had. We noticed which trees went down:

Big healthy-looking trees with hidden disease or structural flaws went down.

The big healthy-looking thick trees with shallow roots were the most vulnerable. Many of them are at least a century old. Pines, firs and spruce all have shallow roots even though they can grow to be very high. A forestry guy said these trees are only weakened when they are over-watered by well-meaning homeowners watering their lawns. We shouldn't make it too easy for them.

Trees that didn't bend. Younger trees bent in the wind, older trees snapped right off.

Isolated trees went down. Trees in clusters or in the forest fared much better. My prayer spot in the woods was completely untouched.

Trees that had grown very big very quickly (like Lombardy poplars) went down unless they were in clusters or a sheltered place.

Ornamental trees that were very thick but hadn’t been pruned in a while went down or lost a lot of branches.

We both felt the same thing; this was a warning. (We got off easy. No one was hurt here and although a few had serious damage to houses, vehicles and trailers, and power was out for quite a while, it is absolutely amazing how many trees feel between houses or were diverted by other objects.) We saw this a symbolic of dangers to the church in this time: shallow roots, internal division and hidden corruption, isolation, rapid growth without support of others, being "over-watered" without having to go deeper in search of nutrients, lack of pruning (discipline), rigidity or the inability to be flexible.

TOW, in your dream both sides were attacking each other. I am becoming increasingly aware of the need for the major branches of the big C church to work together. Let's admit it; sometimes the “charismatic” also has a tendency to attack groups who place all their emphasis on serious Bible study and sound doctrine and groups who concentrate on mission, evangelism, and social responsibility as well. When any one of these parts of the church buckle the others suffer as well - and the whole thing is in danger of becoming a hazard like my shade tree was. When it becomes a hazard the ax (or chain saw) has to take it down.

Are we being watched and will we be attacked? You betcha. It’s part of the package.

1 Peter 4: 2 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”

We just need to make sure to clean up our own act first and make sure that if insults come they are because of the name of Christ and not because of our own divisiveness, isolation, shallowness, hidden corruption, lack of discipline, inflexibility, or just plain lack of love.

The wheelchair is going down.
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Post by piano »

We just need to make sure to clean up our own act first and make sure that if insults come they are because of the name of Christ and not because of our own divisiveness, isolation, shallowness, hidden corruption, lack of discipline, inflexibility, or just plain lack of love.
Good, good.

Interesting how we can grow together in many ways and still yet remain divided.

It is not that I do not know about certain arguements, it is that I do not feel compelled to argue along.
Still, I know inside of me, there are little nuances of certain beliefs that if not properly tended to, could sprout up, and get in the way of His undivided Truth.

I like how He makes it clear to us, that no matter what happens, His plan is in motion, always.
No better One than The One to perfect that which is His.

Peace to you,


P.S. Okay so what is a wheelchair supposed to represent?
A position of being disabled? So He is able?
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Post by theonlywan »

Love what you wrote Charys ... yes... the 'wheelchair is going down'. And yes, so very important we not get sucked into the arguing, for any reason..even when thinking we are standing up for the Lord. This is one fight He wants to fight Himself. God hellp us all.

Piano, a wheelchair can represent a couple things. In this case it represents "handicapped spiritual authority".

The chair symbolizes authority, & wheels represent something spiritual, thus when put together the wheel-chair is 'spiritual authority'. Additionally, in the context it is used here, & in keeping with the theme of the dream, the handicap is applicable hence the interpretation = God is cleansing the church of all spiritual authority which is handicapped.
Hope that makes sense
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Post by Charys »

I wonder if the wheelchair might be about a powerless churchianity? The one that clings to a form of godliness but denies its power? The one that accepts a helpless fatalistic victim of God kind of attitude?

Hebrews 12
11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

12 Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.
Last edited by Charys on Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theonlywan »

lol... I explained the wheel chair in the post above yours Charys :D
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Post by Charys »

Ah! Simulposting.
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Post by piano »

Nice explainations.

I love how it is the hand of God that pushes the chair down.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.