Tracking Mohamed Atta

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Tracking Mohamed Atta

Post by bjcollin »

I had this dream last night 11/19/12 and this is the second time I have had the dream. I had dismissed the first dream as a pizza dream, but now it has repeated years later, so most likely no pizza dream.

In this dream I am in a foreign country in possibly either Europe or the Middle East and I am trying to help a curly haired woman who is clearly mentally oppressed to the point of being schizophrenic as she is seeing people who are not there and hearing voices when nobody is there or talking. I am visiting this woman's apartment and looking around for a spiritual cause to her torment, when she starts telling me about all of the people that she sees and what they are telling her. One of the people she tells me about interests me as I knew he was a known terrorist Mohamed Atta. I am in the living room of this woman's apartment and my attention is drawn to a photo album sitting on the coffee table. I start thumbing through the album mainly trying to see who is real and who is not in her life. The photos are a mess just thrown in the album, so I then start re-arranging the photos in some order of neatness. After I am done re-arranging the photo album, I put the book down and I follow her toward the back of the apartment through the bedroom and into the bathroom. She is standing at the sink and I am in the doorway of the bedroom/bathroom and we are talking when I then switch perspectives and I get a glimpse through her eyes and I start to see the different people that are coming and going they just pop in and say something to her and then pop out. I also hear the voices of the many other people that she is talking about through her ears.

It is at this point that I leave the dream from her perspective and I am back in my own perspective. I hear a knock at the front door of the apartment so I go out of the bathroom throught bedroom and back into the living room to open the door. At this point I am very surprised as Mohamed Atta comes walking in the front door and he is acting very paranoid. He then goes and talks briefly with the woman, then he comes back to the living room and starts probing me as to where his things are as he wants them and he wants them now. I tell him that I don't know where his things are. He starts searching around the apartment, he finds nothing, then he finally gets to the photo album and then he goes through it and starts to remove all of the photos where he is in the photo. When he is done and he hands me the photo album and I hand him a few more photos out of it as I know that he is trying to erase all evidences that he was really there in that woman's life and cover his tracks. He then takes all the photos that are in his hands and walks toward a nearby paper shredder and he starts to feed the photos one by one into the shredder to destroy them. While this is going on I then hear the radio announcement in the background that the US president Barack Obama would be landing in the country soon for his meetings. I then just know that Mohamed Atta and his terrorist cell is planning an attack on the president. *end of dream*


Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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Post by keilani »

interesting...pondering this one bj but just thought I'd mention that I recall a prophetic voice (kim clement or jpj??) mentioning something along the lines that an attack would be planned on the president's life and it would be portrayed as one thing but actually initiated by another group. Now since I heard this awhile back and can't recall where, I can't tell specifics but I do know Muslims were mentioned in that word and I remember an exhortation being given to pray for the President.
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Post by Charys »

mainly trying to see who is real and who is not
Paranoid schizophrenics are often afraid of the very people who are trying to help them. They also have a difficult time convincing anyone when they are actually in danger. Beyond just confusion and deception in the dream there is evidence of a real threat. The real threat seems to be using false threats as a screen.

In any event a call to prayer for the President and for discernment for authorities -no more than that --a call for you to develop and use your discernment muscles.

Atta is obviously symbolic since he is dead, but he was embedded in America during his training was he not?

Since the woman was European or Middle Eastern perhaps she represents a first line of intelligence defense overseas, but she, or whomever she represents is distracted by being suspicious of too many people. (Reminds me of the ridiculous ineffective hassle of airline security and the incredibly costly surveillance flights we see over the border and up our little valley every time the security code changes colour. You would know better than I how much they cost, but someone said you could build a school for the amount it costs to make the tic-tac-toe jet trails over us in one afternoon. We joke about them checking on our stockpiles of Kinder Surprise candies which are contraband in your country.)

I wonder if you are being given a more precise prayer target. A kind of undercover prayer spy. Wouldn't surprise me if the Lord allows you in on some conversations in the spirit realm. I had a very prophetic friend with a high security clearance. He said he quit before he had to try to explain that the Lord was downloading some highly classified stuff for him to pray about days before intelligence picked up on it.

Paranoia is contagious, have you noticed that? Now I wonder if words I used here will trigger attention. Craziness begets craziness and turns candies into threats.
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Post by discerning »

This not a pizza dream. BJ, do you recall approximately when you first had this dream?

Re keilani's recall of that word, it was released through KC couple yrs ago. I remember it clearly because it confirmed a word I received new years eve 2009 (i think, don't have my journal in front of me) ...a time I spend praying specifically for our nation and the church....the enemy is within. That's what I heard.

If what keilani shared speaks to you, go to KC's site & search for the terms 'assassination' and 'betrayer'. Two separate searches - there was a later word I sensed was relevant (the hands of the betrayer are on the table...something like that). Look first at the posts dated April 2010....I *think* you'll find them both in that general time frame if my 09 date above is accurate.

adding here... KC also shared a later word re Burma which I also sense is related in some way but do not understand. Perhaps you will. One interesting thing I discovered during research pronunciation of Burma is 'Bama'.

All I can say thus far, is that when I asked for confirmation of what I received new year's '09 the phrase *Keep your friends close & your enemies closer* kept popping up at the oddest times. Still not sure what it all means exactly. Still praying...

I just keep praying our current 'Gatekeeper' has ears to hear & eyes to see. The term betrayal implies friendship....a wolf in sheep's clothing as far as I can see.

Praying you receive full revelation.

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Post by Charys »

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Post by jeff »

I was also reminded of Kim's word as I read this.
I think it is very important that we pray protection around our President during this season, there is such a great deal of hatred and turmoil in the Middle East right now towards all things Israel and United States.
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Post by bjcollin »

good word from Kim Clement, thanks for posting it.. I also noticed on facebook Blake, and here on the board others have been having this same type of terrorist plot dream
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Post by Charys »

Just came across a re-post of part of JPJ's perfect storm video on another site saying the same thing.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi BJ,

The dream seems to speak of a real “unseen threat.” One of the things that seem apparent to me about the dream is exposing something, the source, even though it is not seen by the natural eyes… because it is spiritual demonic threats (the dead (spirit) / terrorist). I am also reminded of the scripture where we are instructed to rebuke the devil and he will flee as the terrorist did in the dream. He did not want himself exposed, the source and truth, so that others will continue to see him as an “imaged threat.”

The terrorist (demonic in nature; dead man) is an exposed real threat, as evidenced by the schizophrenic who may be a symbol of a real problem that is dismissed as imagined. Since he was part of the 9/11 event, it may be a clear call for help, spiritual warfare, regarding plans that are in the making (911). Just like people did not listen when they were warns about the ones taking “flight lessons” but were not concerned about learning to land.

Your putting the pictures in order is further evidence of a revelation. Since pictures can be a revelation, you were trying to put into prospective what is the real threat and what is imagined and you organized them.

I feel that many (if not all) mental conditions such as schizophrenia are really people who are for some reason, are susceptible to terrorizing spirits that are behind their ailments and mental torment which is covered up with drugs, rather than dealing with the source, and spiritual foundation. Remember the scripture that when one demon is driven out, if the house (subject) is not filled with HHS, more come in numbers to overpower it. But our strength in Christ is greater than he that is in the world (seen and unseen) and standing together in prayer brings the strength and power of God Almighty to conquer and bring glory and honor to Him and blessings, mercy and strength to all involved.

Anyway, I would take this dream seriously as a call to spiritual warfare and continue in prayer about it, rebuking and standing against it, I will be praying and standing in prayer with you about this too!

1 Corinthians 2
6 However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, 8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

9 But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
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The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

On another side note, reading about Atta on wiki, it reminded me of a very weird dream I had that I also perceived as a possible threat… because Atta came to “Venice, FL” and I dreamed of a Venus Fly Trap which evolved into other things. Your dream has actually given me ideas about the dream that I had not thought before. :)

I hope this helps, toss what does not witness to you. May God continue to bless and strengthen you and your family!

Corrected Venus, FL to Venice, FL... :)[/i]
Last edited by Realisticdreamz on Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

If mohammed atta is dead, it is a channeling spirit. Everything that spirit is connected to needs to be dismantled, shredded, in the name of Jesus.

Obama mentioned channeling in his first debate message, it was at the end. My ears immediately picked up on that. I knew who he was talking about. (Mormons babtize for the dead which is nothing more than channeling). That stuff needs to stop in this nation and against this nation in the mighty name of Jesus!! That stuff is as evil as any terrorist!!!
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Post by justhisvessell »

I also remember hearing John Paul Jackson in "The Coming Storm" speaking that there would be terrorist assasination attempts on him and it would cause racial wars here in the US because they would make it look racial.
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