Country Changes to My Name then "Osiris"

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Country Changes to My Name then "Osiris"

Post by chrisy »

I had the following dream on 12/1/12. Your thoughts/insight will be greatly appreciated.

I dreamt that my "birth" country changed its name to my first name "Dawn". I was puzzled and quite confused as to why a country would name itself after a person! I was not too happy! My Mom was with me and I asked her what it meant and she said, "Death." I didn't believe her. Soon thereafter I heard a male voice said, "breaking of day". (Perhaps this was said before my Mom spoke - I am not quite sure). I mulled over why the voice said "breaking" instead of "break".

The country then changed its name again but this time to "Osiris". My confusion continued. I was sitting somewhere with many others... My maternal grandmother was mentioned but not by name but by "Ma..." I got up and went to a lighted display board and written on it was "Ma... and the country's new name of "Osiris". I was puzzled. The dream ended.

Any insights, anyone?

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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, not much on an interpretation but just thoughts to assist. “Breaking of day” or “dawn” means the first appearance of light in the morning. Usually in dream symbolism, night is indicative of darkness and evil. So what comes to me is that something that has been in darkness for a while is about to have light shed upon it – the breaking of day. In my dreams a country, either symbolize a country or a church/organization. So perhaps the “country” was experiencing a “breaking of day”; however, it changed its name to Osiris. Osiris is the Egyptian demigod that represents things of the “afterlife”, the underworld and the dead. His father is the “earth god” and his mother is a sky goddess. What comes to me is the “queen of heaven”. I am sure you are aware but will put down my two cents worth anyway. What comes to me is heavy idolizing and disobedience, to the point that it has led to death and decay.
I also noticed that you mentioned confusion twice, so what comes to me is the possibility of you dealing with the spirit of confusion during this time. So perhaps you see something within an organization that looks promising and filled with light; however, it is not what it appears to be. Sorry if I am going in circles here but I hope something comes to you. As usual toss if miss the mark!
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Post by chrisy »


Thank you! Your response is greatly appreciated! I looked up Osiris and the following statement in bold stuck out:
"Through the hope of new life after death, Osiris began to be associated with the cycles observed in nature, in particular vegetation and the annual flooding of the Nile, through his links with Orion and Sirius at the start of the new year. Osiris was widely worshiped as Lord of the Dead until the suppression of the Egyptian religion during the Christian era."
Please note that my confusion was more of being "puzzled"; i.e., trying to understand why the name of the country was changed to a person's name [in fact, my name] and then to "Osiris" and why he said "breaking" and not "break".

You said:
Breaking of day” or “dawn” means the first appearance of light in the morning. Usually in dream symbolism, night is indicative of darkness and evil. So what comes to me is that something that has been in darkness for a while is about to have light shed upon it – the breaking of day.
This is key... *thinking*...
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, reflecting more over this, I believe your birth country may be a metaphor for frame of mind. I viewed the usage of the word breaking over break as this being set in motion (currently transpiring). Perhaps someone that is starting with a renewed mindset (breaking of the day) or an idea/thought that starts off clean and fresh; however, it becomes sullied (Osiris). Kind of like when there is a shifting and He resets.
When I view pagan gods, I view them as something that has replace the truth of God or God Himself. After some more researching I discovered that Osiris symbolizes fertility and rebirth. So what comes to me is renewal once again. Something that began renewed and refreshed by the hands of God is sullied
Hello Chrisy, as I were reflecting more over this I discovered a theme: renewal and refreshing. Please bear with me on this one because it is hard for me to put into words. First off “breaking” over “break” has me thinking that this is something that is currently going on. When a new day breaks, this mean renewal and starting afresh. I viewed your “home country” as a symbol for an idea or thought. So what came to me is that the country being named “breaking of day” means that currently an idea/thought is being renewed/replenished. HOWEVER, somehow, it becomes sullied (changing its name to Osiris). Osiris is a symbol for fertility and rebirth; however, this kind of renewal, revitalizing, and refreshing is from the enemy. It goes without saying, that the devil likes to mimic God and put his twists and turns on the things of God.
What I am gathering is that whatever, this country may symbolize to you, the Lord is forewarning of the enemy is attempting to infiltrate and supplant. What I am gathering from the grandmother reference is that she may represent a gifting/talent of sorts that may get thrown in the mix. When this happens, it will definitely appear to be out of place to you. As usual toss if it does not pings!
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Greetings Chrisy

Wow...... I don't know if you're an answer to my prayer, if I am going to be of help here to your dream or, if this is something that will put your piece of the puzzle together with my piece of the puzzle, thus bringing into view a clearer picture and understanding about Osiris, for all who read.

I too had a dream where the name Osiris is used. It was on the license plate and in all capitol letters.

This was years ago I had this dream, and I was told to hold onto it, that it would someday be a useful dream and that it had meaning regarding the future.

I am in Alaska right now on business and I have that dream in my files at home.

I am hoping I can get it from the archives from here.

Prayerfully beloved, I will be able to help deduce the meaning to this dream.

I believe yours is a very important dream.

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Post by chrisy »

Wow! Thanks to both of you!

Elijahtask said:
I too had a dream where the name Osiris is used. It was on the license plate and in all capitol letters.

This was years ago I had this dream, and I was told to hold onto it, that it would someday be a useful dream and that it had meaning regarding the future.
PLEASE post your dream... These two dreams have to be connected! I am eagerly awaiting your post!!!!

Newbie said:
It goes without saying, that the devil likes to mimic God and put his twists and turns on the things of God.
First off “breaking” over “break” has me thinking that this is something that is currently going on.
It's noteworthy that it was the "male voice" - I believe that it was the Lord - that defined the meaning of the name "Dawn". It was He who used "breaking" instead of "break", therefore it is something that He is doing(?)
My Mom told me what it meant - maybe she was referring to "Osiris" (?) Thinking...
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Post by ElijahsTask »

chrisy, I will try to get ahold of an individual to retrieve it for me from my files at home.
If they can't find it, It will have to wait till the 20th or 21st.

I checked the archives here and the dreams only go back for one year.

So........................ it's hurry and wait for me. :?

Silly question chrisy, does Hawaii hold any special meaning for you?

There is no right or wrong answer here, just something that's sitting in the back of my mind :wink:
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Post by chrisy »

No, Hawaii doesn't... why do you ask, pray tell? I am very curious...
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Post by ElijahsTask »

just wondered if there was a significance re Osiris.

I was just trying to put a few things together that I remember from my dream, which isn't a whole bunch at this moment, like I said, that was 2 years ago.

Have yo read up on Osirus under the wikipedia?

There are a few elements that stand out to me. Perhaps it's nothing but.... there are 6 letters in the name Osiris.

I'm thinkin' out loud hear beloved and I don't want to detract from your post.

I'll be quiet :wink:

for now
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Post by chrisy »


Yes, I read the write-up on Wikipedia... very interesting, indeed. I don't believe that the name comprising of six letters is of any significance, e.g., Joshua also comprises of six letters... so do YAHWEH, Christ, Isaiah, etc...

Here are some of my thoughts (patiently awaiting the posting of your dream):


The dream is clearly speaking about a "country"... in fact, the country of my "birth". One of the clues to that country is "Osiris" who was the god of a specific country - Egypt.

I am thinking about the "spiritual" significance of Egypt. Egypt symbolizes our bondage to sin, the kingdom of darkness from which we are saved. Additionally, when we think of a "country", we think about "citizenship" - the place to which we collectively belong - that by which we are identified...
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

(Colossians 1:9-14 ESV)
Connotations of Ma...

This goes back to lineage... from where we came... that of sin... in fact, bondage to sin...

"Breaking" Instead of "Break" of Day

As Newbie said,
Usually in dream symbolism, night is indicative of darkness and evil.
Salvation from the kingdom of darkness is ongoing and will continue to do so until our Lord returns... therefore the applicability of "breaking" instead of "break" of day... *thinking...*
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Post by Newbie »

I am thinking about the "spiritual" significance of Egypt. Egypt symbolizes our bondage to sin, the kingdom of darkness from which we are saved. Additionally, when we think of a "country", we think about "citizenship" - the place to which we collectively belong - that by which we are identified...
An added thought on Egypt that ties in with the rest of your theme, Egypt can symbolize a wh--edom. I had a dream several months back in which I was walking in a neighborhood and as I walking I realized that I was walking out of the neighborhood and towards Egpyt. This was more of a feeling than a statement. Fortunately I turned around when I realized that I was in Egypt.
Well, this dream manifested itself on the day of my birthday, although I did not realize it at the time. Long story short, I had befriended someone that unbeknowst to me was dealing in witchcraft and something was set in motion in the spiritual. Around this time, I noticed myself going back to old struggles, things that I had thought I had overcomed. I did not understand why I was dealing with certain old thought processes and what not. A minister friend of mind had told me that this person I had befriended was dealing in witchcraft and that is where it all clicked together. By the Grace of God, I am turing around and "walking back towards the neighborhood".
Although, it was not implied in the dream, I believe the neighborhood represented Israel (the apple of His Eye) because Isreal and Egpyt are neighbors IRL and the children of Isreal was in 400 years of bondage to Egypt.
Sorry for getting off track but hope something clicks. I came across a link, that may be of help: ... edoms.html
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Post by chrisy »

Sorry for getting off track...
No, you are not getting off track...

*Still thinking and waiting on Elijahstask's dream*
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Post by chrisy »

Bump... Elijahtask - have you posted your "Osiris" dream?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chrisy, not sure if you got clarity over this one or not, but last night while watching a teaching on Sid Roth, your dream came back to memory. The guest speaker was talking about bezzlebub or lord of the flies. I do recall in a post from a while ago, I looked over this information for another member on this board in regards to this subject matter. From my previous research and listening to the speaker, Baal came up each time. The speaker stated that Baal is the “god” with a 1000 faces and on a list one of the names was Osiris. Other names on the list encompassed many Greek and Roman demigods as well, such as Zeus, Aphrodite, etc… Here is the link and it is noted that this episode came out December 17th. I hopes this helps! ... _ctrl=1546
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Post by ElijahsTask »


I have not forgotten about posting my dream :wink:

I went to the archives here and it's been a lot longer than I thought. I do keep records of my dreams so I'll need a little more time.

Give me a few more days and I'll get back to this.

Sorry for such an unacceptable lengthy delay :?

Elijahs Task
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--