Star of David

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Star of David

Post by Carla54 »

I'm in a large room that's dimly lit. It's very crowded with people, most are sitting. I'm standing towards the center of the room, when a small boy about the age of 10 comes running up to me. I notice that he's dressed in very worn clothes and they are torn. He's crying and in his hand is a small round banner of the star of David...about the size of a tambourine. The star is the Israeli blue color. He's crying and says to me "I don't like being a Jew" I bend down to him and say "Being Jewish is a good thing" Without turning he throws his banner behind him into the crowd of people. My dream ends there. Can you please interpret this...I have a heart for Isreal and this dream has stuck with me all week.
Thank you....Carla
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Carla54, I am not sure but I get a very strong feeling that being Jewish is a reference to a way of thinking. You have Greek thinking, which entails someone using logic and reasoning and being philosophical; whereas, Jewish thinking is about having faith in the things you cannot see, feel, etc… Does this make sense? So I view your dream as someone who may be a baby or immature Christian who is battling with logic (if I can see it and touch it then it’s real and if I can't then it is not real) vs holding on to faith and having belief in things in unseen things (Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see) . For example, I have a SIL who is very pragmatic and she religiously goes to church every Sunday; however, she does not believe in angels/demons, miracles, etc… Do you know someone who is like this? Also his worn clothes may be symbolic of what he/she is actually going through at the moment: worn down and torn up internally. I get a sense that you are coming into a season in which you will me others who may need more oil for their candles (dimly lit room and people simply sitting). I believe this a call to pray and also to prepare you for an upcoming assignment. These are only thoughts for your consideration and toss if it does not ping in the spirit!
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Post by Carla54 »

Hi Newbie~Your interpretation was so on spot. I have a friend that I hadn't seen since I was a child, we just recently found each other...she's the mother of my friend. I've been sharing Jesus with her and that is EXACTLY what she says...if I can't see it or touch it I don't believe. I know God has a plan for her, thats the reason we found each other I believe. The worn and torn I believe refers to her age and health...she's 75 and has heart problems. Which I believe God needs to fill that heart. I'm reading this book by E.W.Kenyon...he refers to 2 types of knowledge...sense knowledge(dealing with the 5 senses) knowledge which is worldly, schooling knowledge, not believing in creation, miracles etc.,he does mention philosophers. The other is revelation knowledge, things of God.So I do believe that she just may be my assignment. I do feel this need to pray for her, but I also want to wait for God's prompting and not jump the gun. So thank you so much for replying so quickly.....Blessings to you.