
Archives for 2013
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Post by Timtim »

I dreamed that I was asking someone who cut the eyes out of this doll.what could this mean,I felt like it was some sort of voodoo or witchcraft, please shed some light please.
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Post by fishbreath »

this makes me think of a person's spiritual sight being removed, blinded.
If another person did this, then yes, I would think it is the result of some form of occultic attack. cutting reminds me of 'cutting words' indicating perhaps some form of curse in action.
Many Christians claim that we cannot be affected by evil curses, but that is not right. God does protect us, but since we are not perfect & we do still sin, we have areas which can allow the darts & junk from the enemy. sometimes the Lord even allows a curse to alight on us to teach us something.
In Proverbs 26:2 the writer of Proverbs makes a very important statement. He says: “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.”
Christians can indeed be susceptible to curses, especially if we have any unrepented dabblings in new age or occult in our childhood or lives. The problem is that often times we do not remember such things, but that is something the Lord Himself would need to reveal. My suggestion to you is to pray and ask Abba to reveal the source.
His richest blessings