Archives for 2013
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Post by SEER »

On last night I dreamed about being out fishing. My grandmother(who is deceased) was fishing with me and she had something on the end of her fishing pole and was struggling to reel it in. My grandmother handed me the fishing pole and I reel it in and found that a dove was on the end of the fishing pole. I was puzzled as to why a dove was on the end of the fishing pole. My grandmother began to say "Now I know the dove has that moth ball lounged in his throat" (it was like she was fishing with mothballs) and it will be hard to get out of the birds throat. I looked at the bird and knew what the bird represented and didn't want to have anything to do with killing the bird.
"Prayer Warrior".....On Assignment
"Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
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Post by janmar »


Moth balls are usually used to keep pests out, so this dream could be trying to reveal some form of false judgment or discernment (imposed by fear) that has been passed down generationally (since your grandmother was the one involved with fishing with them). Since you know the dove represents the Holy Spirit than it could mean that this form of false discernment or judgment has caused one to be 'fishing' for information on someone or assume things without true discernment of the Holy Spirit. It sounds like since you were not wanting to kill the bird, it showed that you were beginning to overcome this ongoing false mindset that has been in your lineage & breaking the continuation of it. It would be good to seek the Lord in prayer more to continue to keep you strong in discerning correctly by Him alone in all things & to keep you on guard as to not fall into bad habits from the past that could interfere in your spiritual walk.

1Thess. 5:16-18, 20-21; 1John 4:1; Rom. 8:12-15
