names of God during a storm

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names of God during a storm

Post by Joshua »

in my dream i was actually doing something then went downstairs into the kitchen and it turns out the whole time a STRONG WIND was blowing outside but i hadn't even noticed until my parents brought it up

it appeared to be night time
we then heard the wind picking up mega strongly outside and i hit the deck to take cover on the kitchen floor
but then i decided we should sit on the basement stares

on our way to the basement stares...i mentioned to my dad several different names of God like : Adonai, Elohim, Jesus

i even said something that he had control of the wind that was blowing so harslhy
me, my mom, and my dad huddled at the top of the basement stares
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Post by bjcollin »

Howdy Joshua,

Welcome to the board. God Bless you. Take some time to read through our site guidelines and also introduce yourself in the new members area.

I love your dream, seems to have a simple message... when the winds are starting to pick up around you, use the names of God, it will provide you shelter and protection.

Psalm 5:11 (NASB) -
But let all who take refuge in You be glad,
Let them ever sing for joy;
And may You shelter them,
That those who love Your name may exult in You.

Adonai (Hebrew) - Plural form of Adon meaning Lord of Lords. ... donai.html

Elohim (Hebrew) - Plural form of El or Eloah the first name of God. ... lohim.html

PS: you might want to check on a book called 365 names of God by John Paul Jackson ... 1584830557
There are also some other good books on the subject of the names of God by Lester Sumrall, Ann Spangler, and Marilyn Hickey.

in Christ,

Post by Joshua »

my dad had on a MILITARY HELMET in this dream

he tried to go down the basement stairs but i convinced him not to

there seemed to be a ray of SUNLIGHT shining through the OPEN basement doors in our basement

WHY did my dad have on the Military Helmet?

does it have to do with what's going on right now in real life with my dad FORCING me to apply to certain places for a job?

just tell me what to do and i'll do it

do i DO what my dad is forcing me to do?
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Post by bella »

If I saw someone in a dream with a military helmet on, I would say they are in a battle and their mind is protected.

So no, I don't believe it's about him FORCING you to do anything. I would say his mind is protected during this storm.

Notice how you didn't even notice the storm but your parents did? It means they're more aware of what's going on than you are, my friend.
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Post by bella »

I was just sitting in front of the TV relaxing, and what this dream's about just hit me.

Yes, your father is well aware of the storm outside. It's the large economic storm that's been rocking the U.S. for some time. He is trying to deal with that.

It appears, that you are quite unaware of what's going on outside.

And yes it's good that he's got that helmet on, because it tells me his mind IS protected and he's is waging war.
i even said something that he had control of the wind that was blowing so harslhy
If this were an accurate understanding of how God works, then Jesus wouldn't have spoken to the storms, calmed the storms would He? No. These storms are not from God. Jesus spoke to the storm and told it 'PEACE BE STILL'.

The devil is quite able to whip up a storm. I know many have had weird experiences where storms have been like entities that have come to try to destroy them. I've been in several cyclones/storm cells. I didn't just say 'oh well that's God's will'. NO! you stand up and tell the storm where to go.

It's time to start looking at things from your dad's perspective and not just assuming he's clueless because he's not a christian. God can speak to all and give wisdom to all. The same way that a person can be a christian and not hear God at all.

I can't tell you how strongly I feel about this. If you don't start changing your attitudes, you can't expect your life to change for the better. You're the one who determines how your life goes. God is limited to what you allow Him to do and your stewardship. You are responsible whether you like it or not. You have choices to make. The lack of making a choice is a choice in itself. If you don't make good choices how do you expect to have good outcomes?

The Bible says, 'behold, I put before you life and death; CHOOSE life that you might live'.

Jesus has done all He can. It's up to you to take hold of it.

There's a saying that goes around - what's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Time to start doing things differently.

Post by Joshua »

thank you Crackerjack, that was helpful

but then why was i talking about God and the various names of God in this dream?
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Post by bella »

but then why was i talking about God and the various names of God in this dream?
I have an idea why, but I thought it would be better if I asked you that same question.

Why do you think you you were?

Actually what you said originally was this:
i mentioned to my dad several different names of God like : Adonai, Elohim, Jesus
You didn't say you were talking ABOUT God. You said to mentioned various of God's names to your dad. That's actually a different thing.

So why would you, in the middle of a storm, say several of God's names to your dad?

Post by Joshua »

well in real life i've tried to interject God into this conversation and the idea that God WILL take care of me but my dad shrugs it off

it goes over his head

he relied upon HIS human effort to get where he is now and expects me to do the same
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Post by ElijahsTask »

perhaps he knows more than he's letting on and wants to see you walk your talk. To see your faith in action. That includes the fruit of the Spirit

The word sharpening stone comes to mind
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by bella »

well in real life i've tried to interject God into this conversation and the idea that God WILL take care of me but my dad shrugs it off

it goes over his head

he relied upon HIS human effort to get where he is now and expects me to do the same
Elijahs Task said
perhaps he knows more than he's letting on and wants to see you walk your talk
See that was the feeling I had too.

I've been in real life BIG storms. Like you're gunna get sucked out the roof kind of storms. Like whole areas are flattened kind of storms. And I wasn't saying the names of God to the other people there trying to prove anything.

I was doing what Jesus said to do. Rebuke the storm. Not try to convert the people standing near you to prove how much you know about God and how much they don't.

Every time there is a person in serious trouble, I get people come to me and tell me SO I'll pray because they've seen what happens when I pray. I don't have to convince them of how spiritual they aren't and how spiritual I am. This person has seen people come back from the edge of death after I've prayed for them. SEVERAL members of my family are alive today when family were told by doctors that the person wasn't going to live through the night.

I recall you said a while back that you had told your dad that you were going to be a changed person within a certain time frame. I'm sure he's just waiting to see the change.

Telling him the names of God isn't going to change a thing. You can't just talk the talk. You gotta walk the walk.

You can't talk AT people, you've gotta talk WITH people. You do this by actually listening to them. Finding out what's on their hearts, finding out what's important to them. And if you've got a lot of nouse, you'll know that stuff just by listening to them and what THEY bring up - and you won't have to ask any questions.

Life is not always easy, and your dad is doing the best he can right now, with what he knows. I doubt whether he's looking at you right now thinking 'he's got the answer. I want it.'

Your only job on this earth, at this time, is to love people. Not try to convert them, not try to prove how spiritual you are. Just love them. Don't judge them. Just love them.

If they do something you don't like. Well tough. Love them anyway.
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Post by ElijahsTask »

I believe the dream was of the Lord, and because it was of Him, the military helmet is most definitely a protective covering..... your dad is wearing it, and you get to see his covering.

My husband said he wore a helmet to protect his head from flying flack.

when I think of the helmet, I think of hell-met salvation
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by LadyinChrist »

I get the discernment Joshua wants someone to speak against his dad. And this will not happen. I can find nothing better to do in a storm than to call on the name of Jesus, name above all names.

I get the discernment Joshua has been labeled pretty much a nuisance all his life, never living up to the worlds standards, and I pray God will remove that link and label from him forever and never to come back in Jesus name, amen. Thank God for the blood of Jesus.
Break the chains Lord.

East to west ~ Casting Crowns

Washed by the Water ~ Needtobreathe

Adonai ~ Paul Wilbur
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11

Post by Joshua »

I get the discernment Joshua wants someone to speak against his dad. And this will not happen.

I'm not asking people on an internet forum to "speak against my dad"...even I know that won't do anything.

What I HAVE been wanting is for him to STOP doing things the WAY he's been doing them...that's it.
I get the discernment Joshua has been labeled pretty much a nuisance all his life, never living up to the worlds standards.

Nobody has ever called me a nuisance to my face so I can't confirm or deny that.
Last edited by Joshua on Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

Every knee will bow to Jesus.
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11
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Post by fishbreath »

hi Joshua,
I see a lot of wisdom in what CrackerJack wrote and pray Abba will bring you and your family through the trials and storms of life.

As for the other things written, remember that not everyone who claims to hear from God is actually hearing from Him.
Take what you need and leave the rest. I certainly understand it can be discouraging when that happens.
God bless you brother