Missing Dreaming

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Missing Dreaming

Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

I recently posted a comment on here about not dreaming and that doesn't mean that GOd has left and what not. Yet I really miss dreaming. It's not that I don't dream at all, but I know the way he speaks to me and the dreams, I do have no meaning to them. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think that he might have said something to me, in my dreams but I don't remember what it is.

Let me just clue you in on what's going on in my personal life so that you guys can have a clearer understanding of how to pray and encouragement.
Without going into to much detail, I struggled in high school, and therefore feel held back to pursue college which would enable me to reach me the goal of becoming a motivational speaker.
In most recent events, I have reached the age of taking care of my self (Im a youngish collage age student) Im to old for my parents to take care of me with their money. I have struggled to find a second job, and have struggled with becoming and adult. Its all a combination of fear and laziness. Because of recent events my relationship with my parents has become strained. I haven't seen them in two months and I haven't spoken with my mom for a month. Last but not least, in the second month of my job I had a mishap at work that ended up being a HIPPA violation (Health Insurance Patient Privacy Act) which is an automatic write up that counts as two right up (It's a big deal) On top of all that I recently got written up for some other thing, that I'd rather not get into.
One more write up and I get fired. As you can see Im in a rock and a hard place. To put things into prospective for you I know I am not abandoned by God, He has proven himself more then worthy of my praise and adoration no matter what the circumstance. I know he's for me and not against for me.

In conclusion I wondering if someone would pray over me that he would speak to me in a clear and concise way, I know with what I've been going through I need him to speak? Also for you who are prophets if you could encourage me.

Be blessed,
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Post by bella »


I'm not sure what you wrote on your previous message about not dreaming, but can I share what came to mind as I read this post ?...

Those times when I either don't remember dreaming or remember dreaming but don't remember the detail are when God's sealing up the dream. It's THOSE dreams that come back later in a big way. And it usually feels like de ja vu. Where I'll be somewhere and realise I've dreamt this and it all comes flooding back. And it's God doing a big work. :)

In terms of your work situation, I can identify. I started working at a really young age, and I was in a really responsible role. I felt mature, but through simple lack of life experience, I still had stuff to learn, and in those cases, it's hard lessons. I think that's a normal process ... not just for you and I????? Anyway, I made the decision that I would always work and walk in integrity. That I would consciously not do anything deceptive or immoral etc. Not religious, because religion kills (ourselves and others) but simply making that internal stand. I think that will deal with things surrounding being written up. Then if another incident happens, you can go in knowing that you've done all you can to not be one lacking integrity or that you've been dishonest. It also makes life generally easier. People who don't know me have also prophesied that I am one in my profession who is known as a go to person because of my integrity.

The other thing is ... school, go for it! Take what steps you need to take to get educated. BUT sometimes formal education isn't what's needed. Sometimes life education is what's needed and if you want to be a motivational speaker that's important. I was listening to a woman at church recently and she was talking about getting a mentor, and how when she was young, mentor's didn't really exist in any formal way. But you can have mentors that don't realise they're your mentor. There's a scripture that goes something like, 'follow those, who by faith and patience have obtained'. So you could choose some 'mentors' in the motivational speaking arena and 'follow' them. Two people come immediately to mind ... Sandi Krakowski (http://www.arealchange.com/blog/) and John Maxwell (http://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/). Study them, get their twitter feeds, read their blogs, their books ... and if you REALLY want them as a personal contact mentor, contact them and see what happens!

But, if you really do want to go to college, pray about what to do and allow God to direct your path. When it's the right place to be, He will undergird and help you every step of the way. My own story is that I started working very young and didn't ever think I would go to university, but through God's working things out, have (so far) ten years of tertiary education. That in itself is a miracle, but so is the fact that I ended up in a profession I had NO plans EVER of entering.

Prophetically, I feel like these events are course altering events ... to get you going in the right direction.