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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi ET,

I know you have had many helpful responses but just wanted to offer one more thing to consider, while considering your dream and my personal experiences with squirrels. :)

My neighbors used to (or may still) feed the squirrels peanuts and they were plentiful and used to dig up my garden and plant their seeds everywhere. I would have peanuts (and other plants) coming up in the midst of my other plants all around the yard.

So, another thing that squirrels represent in addition to storing is planting seeds all around.

Anyway, hope this helps but if not, just toss it out. God bless you and your family and may He give you understanding!
With love in Christ,

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Post by ElijahsTask »

Rd, nick..... BOTH great responses

Though we have many many squirrels here at our home, I admit I overlooked the fact that the dig up and stash their seed, nuts etc and many times there is that "unexpected" garden.

SOWING AND REAPING :mrgreen: excellent sweet and gentle reminder, thank you

nick "stocking" = "prepare"


preparing a way for Jesus is a greater idea. as we speak, the wedding banquet for the Lamb is being prepared above.

love it!

thank you both :D
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Be prepared, the squirrels tails and I know of now are thicker than they ususally are...

They know about supply and demand.

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.
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Post by james garner »

Squirrels usually represent the demonic. However in this dream I believe I will have to put my rodent prejudice aside and say that they also have feet that are designed by God to be able to run up vertical surfaces with great agility. They live in the tops of the trees but they also come down to earth to hide food and therefore could represent angelic activity. The glass table made me think of the glass sea that God sits upon. Square speaks to me of the order of the Kingdom. The four faced creatures, the North, South, East and West. Many times we are told things in dreams that we cannot remember when we wake even though we know it was important and desperately desire to recall it. God seals up instruction in our spirit so at a given time, we will know what to do in a moment and not even know how we knew what to do. This knowledge becomes stashed away so to speak.
Hope this helps
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Post by discerning »

Squirrels usually represent the demonic. However in this dream I believe I will have to put my rodent prejudice aside and say that they also have feet that are designed by God to be able to run up vertical surfaces with great agility.
emphasis mine

Great post, james g, and an excellent to reminder to be led by the Spirit alone and not by 'dream symbols'. Symbols are a wonderful resource but there's no list ever been compiled, nor a book ever written that can hold a candle to Holy Spirit insight.

Also a good reminder that we should not 'put God in a box'. Meaning, HE is only limited by our preconceived ideas/mindsets. When we are led by the Spirit alone, with an open heart, He is free to transform our hearts. That's why we're all here, is it not?

[@ ET, 'scuse my lil interruption to your thread here. Just felt jg's offering needed to be
highlighted here for the benefit of all who are seeking & learning. It's a now Word.]

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

You are welcome! You summed it up excellently "SOWING AND REAPING" as they are sowers and reapers. Naturally as their habitat is in the trees, this too most likely does has meaning in the dream as well.

Praying He gives you clear understanding of what HHS is saying concerning the dream. :)
discerning wrote: Great post, james g, and an excellent to reminder to be led by the Spirit alone and not by 'dream symbols'. Symbols are a wonderful resource but there's no list ever been compiled, nor a book ever written that can hold a candle to Holy Spirit insight.

Also a good reminder that we should not 'put God in a box'. Meaning, HE is only limited by our preconceived ideas/mindsets. When we are led by the Spirit alone, with an open heart, He is free to transform our hearts. That's why we're all here, is it not?
Amen. I also thought like James about squirrels but dismissed my personal prejudice about them and the havoc they can cause concerning your dream because I didn't think it was relevant to you in this dream (even though I love animals, they have been personally trying for me, lol).

In addition to what Discerning offered is that the dreamer discerns what it is the Holy Spirit is saying to them personally because the dream is personal to them.

It is true that HE is not limited to our perceived mindsets and ideas, they shouldn't be dismissed either because the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and speaks to our minds, and our thoughts and ideas are also lead by His Holy Spirit. Our minds are transformed and renewed daily by HHS. :) He speaks to us knowing our own personal perceptions and gives us heavenly and earthy wisdom and knowledge.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

How wonderfully graceful is the Lord with His very personal leading and guidance to us! And, isn't it awesome when He uses different parts of the Body of Christ working together to help in bringing a whole message together -- each offering a piece of the puzzle?!
With love in Christ,

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Post by ElijahsTask »

also have feet that are designed by God to be able to run up vertical surfaces with great agility.

AND from tree to tree effortlessly. Trees go in all directions ( 4 corners)
The glass table made me think of the glass sea that God sits upon. Square speaks to me of the order of the Kingdom.

Order is something the Lord has been impressing on me for many months now. This was great insight JG!!

The four faced creatures, the North, South, East and West. Many times we are told things in dreams that we cannot remember when we wake even though we know it was important and desperately desire to recall it. God seals up instruction in our spirit so at a given time,

The Holy Spirit gave me a verse the other day regarding this very thing. AND, because the table is glass it is covered with a thick clear plastic with a couple placemats under it to keep the glass protected.

I am very impressed w/what the Holy Spirit revealed to you here. For myself, there is so much more to consider and chew on.

I PRAISE the Lord for His love toward us in that He does not want us to miss a thing. He has told me there is even more.

JamesGarner, thank you so very much for your insight, your ear to hear and your willingness to serve.

God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!

Elijah Task
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Great post, james g, and an excellent to reminder to be led by the Spirit alone and not by 'dream symbols'. Symbols are a wonderful resource but there's no list ever been compiled, nor a book ever written that can hold a candle to Holy Spirit insight.

I agree, thank you for the reminder discerning.

(this is not me, nor my child)
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Post by ElijahsTask »


you ALWAYS have such wonderful "nuggets" to bless me with, for this I am greatful.
preparing a way for Jesus
This was brought home again yesterday, thank you.
the guidance of Holy Spirit is absolutely flawless[/u], and Wisdom is being perfected in each believer every day, but our understanding of His infinite wisdom is severely limited and flawed by default—preconceived notions abound. so we all need to gather the Bread of Life and feed on it every single day—

including Wisdom gleaned from dreams.


As I re-read this:

Naturally as their habitat is in the trees, this too most likely does has meaning in the dream as well.

I thought about the word "LOFTY" and perhaps this is why I was unable to "hear" the words at this time.

And, isn't it awesome when He uses different parts of the Body of Christ working together to help in bringing a whole message together -- each offering a piece of the puzzle?!
With love in Christ,

This is SO very comforting to me....... so very. Wonderful add on Annette, thank you!!!


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Post by ElijahsTask »

I don't remember what the conversation was, but both of us were serious.

hmmmm I read something this morning that made me go back and re-read what I had written in my dream.

I was watching the conversation I was having w/ the squirrel. I could see our faces but I couldn't hear the words.

It's best described as looking through a clear glass window, watching a conversation take place but not hearing the words.

:shock: WOW

Words that are standing out to me, really standing out are "stash" "stashed" "sealed up"

:shock: wow
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Post by ElijahsTask »

:D gosh, thank you nick!!!
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Post by discerning »

for your prayerful consideration...

Seems to me you've received Holy Spirit wisdom sealed for a future time. You were allowed to witness this yourself, as if through a window/prophetic vision. Although you couldn't hear what was being said at the time, it was nevertheless deposited into your spirit until such time as it is needed....stored up for the future. You will be able to withdraw from this account when the time comes.

Watched the global news lately? Kingdom order, the four corners of the earth, it's all here. The puzzle pieces you've been offered fit together intricately to present the big picture. All of them taken together bring to mind this scripture...

Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
Psalm 2:8

ya think?

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
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Post by ElijahsTask »

I am humbled. Yes, I think.

I LOVE the way we help each other!



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Post by ElijahsTask »


SpecialK, danalynn, PracticalOne, bella, Newbie, Pearls, Realisticdreamz, jamesgarner, nick, and discerning.........

Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--