VISION: Heard a knock on a door and words...

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VISION: Heard a knock on a door and words...

Post by eyes.enlightened »

September 2, 2013...I was awakened by a loud knock on a door. It startled me, but then I realized that it was in the Spirit. I knew that I should pray in the Spirit for a while, so I did. Then I looked up scriptures with "knock on the door"; read Song of Solomon 5:2; Revelations 3:2, 20, it ministered to my heart.

The next night, September 3, I was drifting off to sleep and I was awakened when I heard, "God's pouring unity faith". I know that both experiences have to jointly fit, but I am seeking any other thoughts to what God is revealing.

Shalom & Love +
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Post by Charys »

Woot! Woot! We're beginning to see it.

When I am woken by a knock on the door or a doorbell ringing it is usually a call to spend time with the Lord -sometimes to worship and sometimes to listen.

He keeps talking to me about the convergence of the streams and re-joining the three major divisions of the big C Church: The missional church (who understand the mandate to make disciples of all men) the historical/doctrinal church (who have weathered persecution and dry seasons and who emphasize the Bible and sound teaching), and the charismatic church (who have the power tools to get the job done.) Each have their strengths and weaknesses, but a cord of three strands is not easily broken.

The scripture in Rev was also highlighted to me recently. Each of these divisions can be seen in the churches in Rev. -the burnt-out hardworking group that had lost its first love, the church that hasn't noticed it's dying and needs to wake up and the church that is lukewarm and self-satisfied. Interesting.

It takes faith to see what he wants to do. It will take a great deal of love and forgiveness (and a large dose of humility) to pray in line with Holy Spirit to this end.

How exciting! Guess what he is calling you to pray about? You get to be part of this! How great is that?
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Post by eyes.enlightened »

Hi Charys,

I agree "pouring unity faith" concerns the convergence of the big "C" Church. I didn't understand in detail untol you defined the areas of differences among the brethren, that has divided our faith & beliefs in many ways. The Lord knows how we need to have "unity faith" to accomplish the plan of God in these last days. In ourselves, doctrine of man creates division and it delay the full power and manifestation of God. However, with God all things are possible. Thank God for sending the message "He's pouring unity faith". He is the only one that can bring this to pass. All by His Spirit!

I am in awe that He would allow me to participate in this movement through intercessory prayer. I yearn like you do, to see the fullness of the big C - Church operating in this "unity faith".

I'm still musing on the words "unity faith" and after reading your reply, my thoughts are expanding in terms of "pouring unity faith". I am sensing this will be an outpouring; "unity faith". It would even affect the Jews in the last days as well; coming into the unity faith of our Lord Jesus Christ along with the Christians, before His return. Hallelujah!

Charys, I can feel your passion, love and desire to see this come to pass. It has me excited about what God is doing too. As you said, "It will take great love and forgiveness (and a large dose of humility) to pray in line with the Holy Spirit. All praise and honor goes to Him, because He will do it through me with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your encouraging words.

Shalom Rav "Abundance Peace"!
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Post by Charys »

In some circles "doctrine" has become a dirty word. I think I need to clarify that, as you said, it is "the doctrine of man" which divides and places heavy burdens on people. Solid doctrine is speaking the truth about the nature of God and who Jesus Christ is and the nature and role of the Holy Spirit in the Church. It is merely another word for studying the Word through the enlightenment given by the Holy Spirit like Paul admonished Timothy.

None of us have perfect doctrine (and this is where humility comes in) but some, who have rejected parts of the church which admittedly have been lacking in some areas, are missing the stability of the structure knowledge of the Bible gives and are easily whipped around in the wind. It's like a trellis that supports a growing vine. Some people have rejected the trellis because in the past they can see how the vine has been expected to support a huge trellis.

As one of my favourite writer's said, "I don't want balance: I want it all!" I want the Holy Spirit within to empower me to live a holy life and the Holy Spirit upon for power and provision, I want to be firmly grounded in the Word and understand the fellowship of suffering of Christ -and his faithful followers who have endured persecution for centuries, I want to burn with passion for the lost and to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted up throughout the whole world. I want everything The Father has given us access to.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

I know that both experiences have to jointly fit, but I am seeking any other thoughts to what God is revealing.
Hi eyes.enlightened,

My first thought is this... requesting and receiving an answer from God to this scripture.

1 Cor.
10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.....answered. :) When we knock He "answers" the door.
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Post by Charys »

Rev 3 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.

“‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. 3 Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you. 4 Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. 5 The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. 6 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

I sometimes wonder why the Spirit didn't tell the remnant at Sardis to just pick up and move to Philadelphia. But he didn't.

Apostasy? I could tell you stories!! But then we all could. I prefer to look to what the Lord is doing. Agreed that there is a whole lotta shakin' goin' on, and yet to go on, that will reveal corruption in the body and the wolves that have been biding their time under sheeps clothing ready to ravenously devour with harsh criticism.

But there is a remnant. We need to keep praying for the remnant. We don't abandon fellow soldiers behind enemy lines.
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Post by eyes.enlightened »

Thank you, Charys, LadyinChrist and Nick!

You have truly given more information than I could have ever imagined this dream was saying to me and others too.

Well, one thing that I can say, we have been a blessing to one another on this site. We have shown God's "unity faith" by allowing God's word to have the final say so. I like to quote what I heard a minister say, "The bible is right and somebody's wrong."

I am studying the scriptures and meditating on the word each of you have given me. Much learning and allowing the Holy Spirit will help me to pray according to His will concerning this matter. Again, thank you!

You are blessings,

Shalom & Love +