Presented with a check for $6000

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Presented with a check for $6000

Post by Laura3D »

a man who is not very happy and his wife are about to divorce. The man looks like the actor fr Fargo: William H Macy with short red hair. They have a son who is not well mentally. They decide that each day she & her son will meet the man at a picnic table outside near a building where he will pick him up. They do this regularly & things seem to improve. One day the man shows up and the woman isn’t there.. another lady is at the picnic table and seems to goad him that the woman isn’t coming. As he walks around the picnic table a big expensive RV shows up and two men get out. They take the man for a walk down the street and one of the men begins to present a check to the man as some sort of reward for something. As he is making his presentation as to why the man is receiving the check he starts crying with great emotion and pulls a check out of an envelope and says it’s for “$6000”. Directly after this I hear the number 1000. eod