Buffet table with various foods

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Buffet table with various foods

Post by khiradyoung »

I dreamt that I was at a service at my church. I was at the altar but my position was as if I were there to observe and not receive. My First Lady was going forth, ministering to server so people through prayer, prophecy etc with boldness and authority. I looked at the pulpit and saw my pastor watching with joy. All of a sudden an older, very white and white haired man came down an indirectly told me, "Repeat after me. The boiling process was absolutely necessary!" I repeated. He then hands me two thin spaghetti-like sticks. The scene switches where my pastor has prepared an enormous buffet style table of various foods for us to eat from. His said, "Normally I would allow something like this to occur in the sanctuary. But eat and enjoy!" End of dream. I have a few ideas but still very prayerfully. Any insight is welcome.
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I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by khiradyoung »

Thank you very much!
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Post by underhiswing »

If you are a woman, this lady could be the part of you that is seeking the Lord (depicted by the going to the alter) The pastor is pleased.

Water represents the Holy Spirit. Boiling water sterilizes/cleanses it. Boiling water "softens" spaghetti. Softening it makes it edible/digestible, and therefore useful.

This spoken word by a wise man (older people with white hair is symbolic of wisdom) and he is directing your attention to this symbolic "softening and preparing". He asks you to repeat this phrase, and this is symbolic of when someone wants to make sure we understand something.... they ask us to repeat it.

Maybe what hard things you have gone through the Lord wants you to know they were necessary to soften your spirit. I wonder why spaghetti was used in the dream? Does it have any "personal" meaning/connection for you?
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Post by khiradyoung »

Yes I am a woman and your insight is very accurate. Last year, my husband and I had just come out of a trial that was very, very hard. Seriously. It resulted in several losses: my uncle and died four days apart from each other, two months later, my mom.in.law, aunt, church family member, job, and older brother was involved in a serious scandal. I literally thought I had reached my boiling/breaking point and was nearly at a nervous breakdown bc of the stress. The Lord, through my pastors, had been helping me to understand the purpose of it all while carrying me through. The only thing I get from the spaghetti noodles is that there were two. I know that two speaks of confirmation, since I repeated what the wise man spoke (Holy Spirit), the word was established. My pastor had recently did a teaching that brought this dream full circle. Thank you for your help.
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Post by khiradyoung »

Correction, my mother died four days after my uncle.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hello khiradyoung,

The spaghetti-like sticks reminded me of "bruised reed" like in the scripture:

Matthew 12:
18 “Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen,
My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased!
I will put My Spirit upon Him,
And He will declare justice to the Gentiles.
19 He will not quarrel nor cry out,
Nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.
20 A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench,
Till He sends forth justice to victory;
21 And in His name Gentiles will trust.”

We know this was prophesy from Isaiah about Christ but as we too are weak in the flesh, we are also victorious and strengthened in Christ with Him.

An example is like when Paul prayed for the thorn in his side to be removed and Jesus told Paul "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

It looks like a message in the dream is one that He will be with you and you will not break and in Christ, you are made perfect.

I am not sure about this part but perhaps the buffet is the Word of God you are given to strengthen and encourage you but maybe the part he would not normally allow is, wondering why the trials or questioning of the Word. Which in the end, resulted in your proving faithful (and fed) through it all.

Let me add, I am sorry for your grief and suffering and can relate. I too lost a great deal and went through a fiery trials and all within 5 years lost all of my immediate family, except my children. Though through it all I have found peace in Christ, you will (if not already) also!

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

My God bless, comfort, and strengthen you and your family mightily!
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by underhiswing »

khiradyoung wrote:Yes I am a woman and your insight is very accurate. Last year, my husband and I had just come out of a trial that was very, very hard. Seriously. It resulted in several losses: my uncle and died four days apart from each other, two months later, my mom.in.law, aunt, church family member, job, and older brother was involved in a serious scandal. I literally thought I had reached my boiling/breaking point and was nearly at a nervous breakdown bc of the stress. The Lord, through my pastors, had been helping me to understand the purpose of it all while carrying me through. The only thing I get from the spaghetti noodles is that there were two. I know that two speaks of confirmation, since I repeated what the wise man spoke (Holy Spirit), the word was established. My pastor had recently did a teaching that brought this dream full circle. Thank you for your help.
I am sorry to hear about your multiple losses and stresses. It seems that many of us have those kinds of long runs of difficulty, and seemingly never ending trouble. It really pushes the envelope, and stretches us and our faith....but it sounds as though this time has ended, and I am glad for you.

FYI for the future;the number two has more than one meaning. It means companionship/partnership/marriage (the Lord sent the disciples out two by two, and Noah's animal rescue 2 by 2), and can also mean division/separation/divorce (the result of one having been divided=two. In marriage you have become literally "one", in divorce that one becomes two again)

I rejoice with you, that your pastor was instrumental in helping you, and I pray that this coming year is full of restoration and peace.

Blessings to all here,
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Post by khiradyoung »

Thank you two sooo much. Last year was definitely one of the hardest years of my life. Yet through it all, I never questioned why but rather what it was for. The past year proved to be a time of perfecting. So, this insight truly bears witness to what I've come out of. The fellowship btw The Lord and I has been sweet. I have more clarity and hear his voice more clear than I've ever had since following him. And as you have said realistic, his word has been feeding me on a different level. He speaks to me in private and my pastor preaches the same word at bible study and mining worship. It's almost scary and truly encouraging.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

khiradyoung wrote: The past year proved to be a time of perfecting.
The fellowship btw The Lord and I has been sweet.
I have more clarity and hear his voice more clear than I've ever had since following him.
his word has been feeding me on a different level.
He speaks to me in private and my pastor preaches the same word at bible study and mining worship.
It's almost scary and truly encouraging.
Awesome! And, through it you continue to build your testimony in Christ! We serve a wonderful and powerful God! The Lord is good to us, His mercy and grace never ending, and His love enduring. :D
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by underhiswing »

khiradyoung wrote:Thank you two sooo much. Last year was definitely one of the hardest years of my life. Yet through it all, I never questioned why but rather what it was for. The past year proved to be a time of perfecting. So, this insight truly bears witness to what I've come out of. The fellowship btw The Lord and I has been sweet. I have more clarity and hear his voice more clear than I've ever had since following him. And as you have said realistic, his word has been feeding me on a different level. He speaks to me in private and my pastor preaches the same word at bible study and mining worship. It's almost scary and truly encouraging.
A beautiful testimony as to why these "Job experiences" happen.
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Post by khiradyoung »

It truly is. I'm glad I made it through the proving process. I hope to be an encouragement to everyone.
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