4 Huge Statues, Dragon/Damsel Flies in Iran

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4 Huge Statues, Dragon/Damsel Flies in Iran

Post by Realisticdreamz »

I am driving on a highway, I believe a 4-lane highway, with the realization that I am in Iran. I see no other cars on the road or at least I do not notice any other cars. Straight ahead but at a distance, 4 HUGE metallic looking statues catch my attention as they peaked high into the sky. At least one of the statues had a face, not necessarily a human’s face, but a face – like a totem face that might resemble someone. There was an eerie feeling about them, like they were idols. I said aloud to myself, “no wonder why … [cannot remember this part of what I said]“ Then an object is falling that I presume is one of the statues [toppled?] and it is coming down near me. It has several points on it like wavy ram’s horns. The pointed metal horns resembled jumbo shofar horns but they were either metal or covered with metal. I thought they were hollow metal. I watched out for the metal points to keep from them hitting/stabbing me as it came down. I thought it odd that the icons, idols, statues were there because of the religion. But they were very prominent and I wondered how others could possibly not be aware of their presence.

Next I am standing somewhere that appears to be woods because there are trees all around next to a stream or river but it still feels like I am in Iran. Somehow I knew there were bugs around which would bite and sting and I thought of mosquitoes. Then I noticed with intrigue many bugs in the air which resembled dragon (or damsel) flies all around, but they were white (I did not notice or see wings). I happen to be carrying a sheet which I covered my head, like a scarf, and also placed the sheet around me covering my whole body, like a robe to protect myself from getting bit. I tied the sheet on me to keep it on well.

There was an injured person/man on the ground that required medical care. But I knew medics were coming for him. I guess I was there to help until the medics came... I felt glad the medics were coming.

* * * *

A few nights before, I dreamed that what appeared to be Ahmadinejad, was preparing documents to be produced or provided on behalf of Iran to me? or someone.

I know, it strange. I have been studying about the scattering (and gathering) from the "four winds" and wonder if it is about this otherwise I have no clues of why I would dream such a thing and do not have an understanding about it ... the dream was on August 19th. Any thoughts or inspirations are welcomed and appreciated.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by SpecialK »

Your 4 statues have to do with the 4 parts of the statue in Daniels dream.

Daniel 2:32 (AMP)
32 As for this image, its head was of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze,

The head of this statute is made of Gold (Dan 2: 32, 37-38 ), and it is the Babylonian Empire.

The chest and arms were made of Silver (Dan 2: 39), which was the Medo-Persian Empire.
The belly and thighs were made of bronze (Dan 2: 32,39), which was the Grecian Empire.
The legs were made of Iron (Dan 2: 33, 40-43).

The ten horns are 10 kingdoms which will operate at the time of Christ’s return. Dan 7: 7, 24; Rev 13: 1, 17: 12. Here’s more on the 10 horns and also your dragon in the dream. Because of the length of the scripture, you’ll have to look the rest of it on your own.

Revelation 13:1-8(AMP)
13 [As]I stood on the sandy beach, I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns (diadems) and blasphemous titles (names) on his heads.
2 And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard, but his feet were like those of a bear and his mouth was like that of a lion. And to him the dragon gave his [own] might and power and his [own] throne and great dominion.

I also believe it has to do with what’s going on in the news, with Syria and the warships. Plus, the chemical attack happened right after the red blood moon (watch John Hagee & Mark Blitz on U-Tube). On the red blood moons, they are signs to Israel. Major events happen on or up to a week after that date (the red blood moon was August 19 & chemical event was one day later).
Hope this helps, SpecialK
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Thank you SpecialK for taking the time to respond. I am familiar with the prophesies of Daniel and Revelation but I am not sure there is a connection with Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel 2, but perhaps there is that I just do not see at this time. Yet the metal might be an identifier. After giving it thought and prayer I think the dream is likely a result of the study at the time [scattering and gathering, four winds] and related to prophesy in Jeremiah 49:34-39, the end days. Also, Daniel 11:1-4 references Persia being broken up and divided toward the four winds as well.

Perhaps the Lord was aiding understanding in study and/or things to come. The metal shofar shaped points of the statue that came down can be symbolic for empty threats brought [down] to nothing. Shofars can be symbolic for calls/warnings. Coming towards me or to me can be towards America, and/or Christians (but that is nothing new). I wonder if Iran will be falling and/or scattered like Egypt and Syria.

Dragonflies eat mosquitos (blood suckers) but I wondered about "white" ones. I saw no other bugs but the dragonflies but the instinct was to cover up to keep from getting bit. In reality, I see them as beneficial insects but in a dream I could also see them as evil [dragon] spirits [flies] that appear good [white].

I realize there is a great deal of deceit going on today in the guise of [false] democracy. But I also know that God is in control and the gates of hell will not prevail against Christ and His people. Jesus says, perfect love casts out fear.

We have no idea about suffering for Christ's sake like our brothers and sisters in this part of the world. My heart goes out to them and we should be keeping them, as well, in our prayers. We should also be praying that many will come to know Christ throughout this all. He came not to condemn the world (though He will come to judge at return) but that the "world" through Him might be saved!
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Are we conforming into the image of Christ; or trying to conform His image into ours?