Pregnant eating Bacon with EXTRA SALT

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Pregnant eating Bacon with EXTRA SALT

Post by Laura3D »

Me and a girl at work are walking to a cafeteria and I’m hugely pregnant. She says to me that she hasn’t told anyone b/c she’s not that mean. I wonder what she’s talking about since it’s very obvious that I’m enormously pregnant and anyone can see that. In the cafeteria we go down a line of food and at the end on a stainless steel serving table are strips of cooked bacon. We take some then we go to the café window and she orders “bacon with extra salt”. I go back to the serving table and take some more crispy bacon. We then go find a long table to sit at where there is a man & his wife sitting way down at the other end. I pull out the bench and discover it is all one long bench and the man at the other end is sitting on the end part. On the bench is a cloth bag with clothes & children’s stuff. I ask the man & woman if it’s theirs and it is.
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Post by SpecialK »

You're ready to give birth in the spirit any time.
Bacon is meat & meat is the meat of God's Word. As far as the salt, you are to be the salt of the Earth. This is probably what you're going to be giving birth to. My guess is the Word of God.Blessings, SpecialK
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Post by Laura3D »

Thanks SpecialK.
I'm not so sure about the bacon though. He could've used steak if it was about the word, right? I'm trying to figure out if this is somehow negative because the girl said she's not that "mean" to tell people about the pregnancy and perhaps the salt is in regards to purifying something which is not fully meat but instead is meat and fat.

Just wondering but I appreciate your input very much thank you :)
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Post by SpecialK »

I think the bacon is the Meat. And Meat is the Meat of God's Word.