People rushing to take money out of their bank

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People rushing to take money out of their bank

Post by RevK »

Took a quick nap this afternoon, under a lot of stress at work and had this dream: Short and to the point:
I saw a bank jammed with cars in the drive thru, the parking lot, and even on the street the bank was located on... People were crammed bumper to bumper, and all of them in a hurry to take their money out?
I think I know what this means but could use confirmation, Thank you!
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Post by jackiebauerle »

I would be interested in what this means to you?

The bank is like man's store houses verses God's store house the church. So, If people are removing their wealth or imput out of man's store house....speaks of an awakening that breaks man's confidence in man's governing or trust in man's way.

How close is that to you?
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Post by Starfire »

Personally, I think something BIG is about to happen to our currency.
I had a dream a ?Year? ago that I went to the bank & it was closed.
There was a sign on the door saying that there would be no transactions for 3 months.

About a month ago, I went to the bank in real life, it was closed.
They claimed it was due to a power outage, but no one nearby had
a power problem. I asked last week at that same bank about a savings/checking account and asked for a brochure describing what options they had.
They told me they no longer offer brochures.
I asked, "why not?" They said, "because there are so many changes and we wouldn't want to mislead our clients by having out of date information on the brochure." Now that made me feel secure.
I asked how I could compare options.
They said they would sit down and TELL me them, but I could get nothing in writing. (I felt like saying, Fine, but then you will only get me telling you my commitment if we agree, not actually signing anything).

I do NOT have a good feeling about where we are heading.
What I do know however is that this has all been forewarned in scripture and the Lord is true to ALL of His promises, including that
WHEN these things begin to happen, "LOOK UP, for your redemption draws nigh".

I feel America is coming under the judgement of the Lord. Perhaps we
were purposely left out of scripture because we had a choice as to where we would fall in the world of the antichrist. I now believe we will be a central part of that scenario and our hedge of protection is about to come crashing down. We (America) has deliberately scorned the Lord and all associated with Him. We have accepted the unacceptable in accordance with His laws proclaiming that it's a different world and all are now doing it (whatever "it" is at the moment). The thing is, society may change (actually not so much, we are very much like the Romans before their fall, only this one is a deliberately calculated event IMHO) but God and His Laws do NOT change. He is the same, yesterday, today, forever. Thus if it was wrong in the days of Jesus, it is wrong today. We need to repent and turn AWAY from our "wicked ways".

I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant; something HUGE is stirring in my spirit and it has been building to a crescendo for some time now.
Please all who read this, KNOW WHO you belong to & how to spiritually be ready.
Last edited by Starfire on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jackiebauerle »


I too believe there is a coming of currency change that will effect the people globally. Interesting IRL experience. This dream of a run on the bank would be harmful for one bank, if it represents more than one bank..we are talking hard times.

They were in a hurry to take out their money. Fear that they will loose what they got. Something changed for them on how they view the safety of their money in Man's store house. That happened in real life when they thought the banks were going to close down with their money. They would no longer be able to access their provision or wealth.

It could be literally or symbolically. We store up our treasures in Heaven....what are our treasures as born again believers? If this is storing treasures in Man's store houses....what kind of treasure would be represented there? And they are running on the bank to get it all out.

Hmm., many ways to view it.
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Post by Starfire »

Regarding banks, Chase has already said they were limiting withdrawal amounts from their banks in America. Also if there
is a "run" on banks, I'd think the $ you get out will be worthless anyway would it not?

I believe many truly prophetic dreams (like Daniels) are multi-dimentional, meaning this could be physical AND spiritual.
Of course we are to build our storehouses in heaven, but we
do still live on earth, where we deal in $ to attain the physical
necessities to live. There are many times only the dreamer can
know what message God intended for them to take from the dream.
For ex. this could mean that people simply are learning to not trust investing their security and future in this government any longer (since banks are federally owned).

Because of my own dreams however, I feel sure there is about to be some kind of major hit to our economy in a way that will make us realize we do not "own" the money we've deposited.
(This is based upon *my* dreams, the Rev will know the meaning as the Holy Spirit reveals it)
Last edited by Starfire on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onlybygrace »

Starfire, just want to add that your dream and some of the comments confirmed John Paul Jackson's prohetic headlines "The Perfect Storm & Preparing for the perfect storm"
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Post by Starfire »

I think the Lord is speaking to all who will listen these days.
As in your name, it is ONLY by HIS Grace that we exist or survive or thrive.

I know that God has been showing me (through the bank being closed after the dream and recently seeing a black snake in front of a building on a public street where there are no snakes after I had a dream about them) that I need to be AWARE and not dismiss what is stirring in the spirit world. It is manifesting in our physical world.
And to seek protection under the shadow of His Wings, in the crevice of the Rock , in the and know from WHOM all blessings flow. HE is our source. All we have, all we are belong to HIM, and Him only. IF we are connected to HIM (through faith, prayer, obedience, His Word), we are under a different realm of authority than that of the world system.

This does not mean we will not be forced to endure hardships, but we will not, nor have we ever walked alone. He is WITH us.
As someone recently said, He is not on the distant shore cheering us on, He is beside us in the boat on the turbulant seas. We can call out and He will take us by the hand as we go THROUGH the storms.
He can calm the storms, He can calm us, either way, He will us through every step of our journey to the distant shoreline.

Great site to comfort & prepare:
I=WE=The Family of God

I trust in You, Yahweh. My times are in Your Hand.
Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, & from those who persecute me.
Make Your Face to shine on your servant. Save me in Your loving kindness. PS 31:14-16 (WEB)
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Post by Laura3D »

Hi RevK
Watch this... The Lord told JPJ that sun flares will cause a long term power grid outage and people will not be able to get their cash out of the banks. All sorts of stuff is coming.