Giving away Ivy plant that is not mine.

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Giving away Ivy plant that is not mine.

Post by steadyone »

Hello dear ones.

I had a dream this morning that my friend who is like a mom to me had this farm and she grew ivy and it spread through her whole entire back yard.For some reason she wanted me to tear it out and roll it up. So I did, then I gave it away. Then I thought to myself, why am I giving away her stuff it is not for me to give to anyone.

I had another similar dream like this a month ago or so.It all has to do with this ivy.

Does anyone know what ivy means in a dream?

I do not ever give anyone's stuff away that I am aware of. lol
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Post by WingsofHealing »

well ONE, she gave you permission.
Two the backyard is usually ones past.
Three Ivy is a ground cover and can cover SOOO MUCH.
I would start praying for her, for GOD is certainly uncovering ever so much in all of us this season and purging it. Maybe God is trusting you to pray, and WHEN HE prompts you let her know, sweetly and sincerely, but yet firmly.
I think it is cool the LORD knows who to trust with an assignment.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.