Resurrected Husband - Please help me with this dream!

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Resurrected Husband - Please help me with this dream!

Post by xqwis8 »

My husband passed away in September of 2013. He was a minister and very active with seeking to help people.
Last night I had a dream that someone walked up to me and said they had been looking for me because Steve (my husband) had been brought back to life. I started running in the direction that I knew he was supposed to be; I ran through this open courtyard to this huge building that looked like a courthouse and there he was. Steve and Jesus walking down the steps toward me. They both had huge smiles on their faces. Jesus was dressed in all white light; I'm not sure if anyone could see him or not. Steve was dressed one of those long white garments (maybe off white, compared to all the light) and a very deep red robe over the white garment. He had a head covering on that was also white with a Red band. He was wearing garments that looked like one of the biblical characters from a Jesus Movie wore. I ran up to him and kissed Steve and then stood there with my hands raised thanking God for giving me my husband back. There were crowds of people standing all around cheering.
Change scenes and we are in a different place that appeared to be my home, but I don't recognize it in real life. There are reporters everywhere asking me questions. Steve is hidden in a private room away from the reporters and talking to different family members. I went into the room and sat down next to him. I asked him about heaven, but he seemed like he didn't remember much. He coughed and I said, Surely God would have healed you when he brought you back. Steve asked me what he was wrong with him. I asked him if he remembered how he died and he said no. So I explained that he had heart surgery, but I told him that if we ever have to go back to the hospital for anything that I was controlling the medications. He got kind of upset and said if my back hurts I have to have something for the pain. So, I told him that I understood that but I was going to verify every medication he was being given and check to see if it had contraindications because that it was I thought killed him. He was surprised that that had happened.
Then I was talking to a reporter who was asking me questions about where we lived and our girls. I opened the back door to check on the kids. Then I saw Steve talking to a friend of his. He was dressed the same way he was when I saw him on the courthouse steps. They were standing in a field of something growing (maybe wheat) The friends back was to me, but I heard Steve telling him that Heaven is not what he thought it would be; he was glad he didn't go to hell, but he thought heaven would be really fun. Steve said, we are all like sisters there and you get put in certain positions, whether you have met with Jesus up there yet or not. Some people get upset because you are in a better position, but you had nothing to do with it. He said, "it's really rather boring."
I got worried because I had promised God if he would bring Steve back to me, that we would spend our lives winning the lost, but it sounded like Steve wouldn't want to do that now.

What does this possibly mean. The beginning of the dream was wonderful and then the end was weird.
Last edited by xqwis8 on Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bjcollin »


Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. God Bless you, sorry for your loss.

Praying for revelation to come forth on your dream.

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Spirit dream vs soul dream

Post by xqwis8 »

Is it possible to have a spirit dream and then transition to a soul dream? I can't figure out why the beginning of this dream was so absolutely wonderful and then end was upsetting. I know the beginning was definitely a spirit dream because of all the vivid and brightness and Jesus was BRIGHT bringing my husband back to me. The end wasn't dark, but it was just like normal colors not dark not bright.
What does it mean that Jesus himself, walked my husband who has been passed away for 3.5 months, back to me and he was alive?
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Post by underhiswing »

I too, am sorry to hear of your painful loss, and thank the Lord that He is showing you these things in your dreams. I pray that He soon reveals these answers to the questions that remain in your subconscious. He will give you wisdom and understanding.

As you know, dear one, the dream (both sections/parts) are symbolic(not literal) and both are spiritual. They point to the important ground level spiritual issues that you are currently still dealing with and trying to reconcile in your mind regarding; his passing, what heaven is like... the big questions that all people have when a loved one passes , like ..."why"... "If I had just done ______ , it never would have happened"...and "why did God allow this, and "why hasn't my powerful loving God brought him back to me"?

The first part of the dream reveals your strong desire for the Lord to bring him back to you, and is perfectly understandable. It takes place on courthouse steps because there is an element of law or legal issues (heavenly, earthly, or both) that you have mixed in and are trying to justify or understand. You believe that Jesus has the authority and power to "legally" reverse death (which He does), and this part of the dream shows your strong desire to have the Lord make this declaration to return him to you. I also there also lawsuit involved due to the way this happened?

You said that next time he was in the hospital that "you" would be in "control" (of his meds). This indicates your subconscious thoughts of the Lord of not being aware of your situation and allowing mistakes to be made for no reason...that his death didn't' take place under the watchful eye of the Lord and could have been prevented if you were in control. That is why the dream reveals that you are having these thoughts of control, and of heaven having no joy or much purpose ...just revealing positions/callings, and having the sin of envy/competitiveness within it and his being in a better position (as a minister) ...they were bored and plutonic (like sisters). This blending of issues require further exploration, discussion, and prayer.The things he said in the dream about heaven are your own concerns and issues.

Some of these things revealed in this dream are issues that many of us have when someone we deeply loved was allowed to go on to heaven before and without us. This is the deep place where our faith and spiritual beliefs meets or hits the road of life, truth, and reality. The Lord will answer each and every question you have about this difficult event. He is showing you what you may not be aware of about your beliefs and doubts, and He understands, is patient, and loving within them.
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Re: Spirit dream vs soul dream

Post by bjcollin »

xqwis8 wrote:Is it possible to have a spirit dream and then transition to a soul dream? I can't figure out why the beginning of this dream was so absolutely wonderful and then end was upsetting. I know the beginning was definitely a spirit dream because of all the vivid and brightness and Jesus was BRIGHT bringing my husband back to me. The end wasn't dark, but it was just like normal colors not dark not bright.
What does it mean that Jesus himself, walked my husband who has been passed away for 3.5 months, back to me and he was alive?
Yes it is possible to transition from one dream type to another dream type, and to go from soulish dream to God given dream or vice versa from God given dream to soulish dream. For myself, I sometimes will have a God dream, then when that ends I sometimes continue on in the dream in my own soul trying out what if type scenarios. Discernment is needed to know when the dream from the Lord ends and our own souls take over the dream. For the other way, I will be having my own fun type dreams, and then God will interject what He wants me to see. Hope this makes some sense. For your other question, most often when Jesus is bringing back a deceased loved one it indicates that they were saved and they are now with the Lord. Hope this helps.

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Post by bjcollin »

For part of your original dream...

When my wife was translated to heaven and given a tour of heaven a few years ago, she told me that heaven is a very busy place... everybody has a job to do and everybody is very busy going about kingdom business there. Heaven is a wonderful place and I suppose it all depends on what your thoughts of what heaven would be like while here on earth that might skew what it really is like to you. Many people try to believe in heaven as a place that simply rewards you with whatever your heart desires like a virtual paradise or endless beach vacation or whatever your fancy is. It really is about worshiping the Lord and serving Him. Yes we get rewarded and there are mansions and other wonderful rooms and wonderful things in heaven. I would not think there to be any sorrow or envy or jealousy in heaven. On the time that I myself was translated into heaven, almost 13 years ago now, all I felt was love and acceptance. Hope this helps you some.

in Christ,