
Archived Dreams from 2014
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Post by latone1 »

I remember bits and pieces of the dream, but some man was trying to attack me and I fought him off. Then he sent another man to attack me, and I fought him off too. Then, he sent a woman wielding a butcher knife to attack me. She was supposed to be badder than the previous man who tried to attack me. She began swinging the knife at me and I quickly disarmed the knife from her hands and stabbed with her own knife. Then I got away. End of dream. None of the faces were familiar to me.
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Post by Palm »

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.

-Congreve, The Mourning Bride (1697)

Sometimes in dreams, we work out our personal victories in very gruesome ways! But also, God can show you the dynamics of a situation-- even if it's not one close to your heart.

The premise here was your unsuspecting innocence. You responded in self-defense. Look at the emotions in the dream -- if emotional, it might have been a personal issue; if it was a cool and passive, I'd guess a larger situation you're not actually involved in.

"You" could be your nation, your church, your heritage... things that you associate with. This could also be a spiritual battle you are going through. Look at all the possible realms, large and small, to see if anything clicks into place.

The woman might have seemed different because men tend to respect women enough to not attack them -- so this gave you a disadvantage, a handicap, when she came after you. But you broke through that mental block, and protected your rights.