Toilet Dream

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Toilet Dream

Post by latone1 »

I had a dream this morning that I was in a public restroom. My 91 year old grandfather was in one stall using the bathroom and my Uncle was in another. I had to use the bathroom and I hated going behind my uncle to use the one he was in because I didn't want his negative spirit transferred to me. Sure enough when he gets out of the stall, I have to clean up behind him before I could use it myself. I use the toilet paper to wipe the seat to remove the dirt off and flush the toilet. IRL, this Uncle, which is the baby of the family, is at odds with me and my mother, which is his only sister. Because my grandparents are now ailing, they have entrusted my mother and me with their care and this has angered my Uncle. He has caused dissension in our family by creating lies about my mother and I by saying that we are taking advantage my ailing grandparents. I know he has been lying and I have ignored him, knowing that the truth will come out. My grandmother continues to cover up and make excuses for him, which only makes matters worse. It's consumed him so much that his body is breaking down because its tormented with jealousy, anger, and hatred. All I do is pray for him.
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Post by underhiswing »

You and your mother are in difficult circumstances, and I am sorry to hear it.

The bathroom is a place of cleansing and emotional release/relief. You have both male figures involved in this bathroom scene. How is grandpa handling this tension?

I can see in the dream that you have thoughts of not wanting to clean up behind your uncle, but is the Holy Spirit showing you in this dream, some "resentment" that you might possibly be stuffing and thinking that you don't have any of? If so, I am sure that you know to give that up and give it to the Lord. It is the Lord's job to take care of this issue and to vindicate you and your mom and reveal your true concern and honest care of them both. Wait on Him, He will do this. I know how much it hurts to be lied about. The tongue can be a murderous instument.

Will your uncle listen to your mom if she tried to speak to him and council him about his fears and (for the jealousy) maybe invite him to come and share some of the burdens so he feels like he is part of their care?
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Post by discerning »

Hi latone1. Appears to me you don't need any help with this interp. It's a confirmation. Press in. Continue to pray for uncle and the entire assembly. It was not without reason grandparents entrusted mom and you with their care.

Papa sees the end from the beginning. Grandmother covers & makes excuses for her baby boy in a [misguided] effort to protect him from hurt. Uncle's jealousy and anger will result in a root of bitterness which manifests physically in the breakdown of his body. This is what you are witnessing. Cut it off at its root.

You can do this. Papa has entrusted you with this mission. How great is our God?


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Palm »

It is so good of you to sacrifice your own time and energy to care for family members. It is especially hard that you are also under attack when you are the one helping.

This is common when people care for the elderly, and heaven-preserve-us from being the same way when we get old. Some of the symptoms of ailments they endure include crankiness and confusion. Also meds, also brain damage or chemical interactions from years of alcohol (I am not implying this is the case), interactions with meds.

This might be a time to look at your uncle's health and encourage him to see a doctor. If he is in early stages of Alzheimers, then the anger against you might not be as real as it feels.

People get wrapped up in fear, not wanting to be taken advantage of... the child within panics and wants to make sure nobody is setting them up for a fall. You know your intents are good, but he doesn't... so find ways to reassure him and work him into the care of grandparents (ha, hopeful).

On the spiritual side, get your armor on. Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. Rise above what appears to be human -- people who are physically weak can also get spiritually-emotionally vulnerable, and not have the energy to stand against voices of the Accuser.